授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 神经网络/人工智能、 机器学习/深度学习
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 郎子平
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

MATLAB / Octave

These repository is a collection of useful algorithms and data structures built in MATLAB/Octave. In addition you will find solutions from project euler problem sets. The code in this repository is cross-portabel for MATLAB and for Octave.

What is Octave?

Octave is a free high-level interpreter language that is equivalent to the textuelle programming language MATLAB.

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You can run and edit the algorithms or contribute to them using, a free online development environment, with a single click.

Overview about this repository


You can like contribute to this repository. You simply orient on the directory structure.
Please read for information on how to contribute.


Licensed under the MIT License

  • MATLAB是矩阵实验室(Matrix Laboratory)的简称,是美国MathWorks公司出品的商业数学软件,用于算法开发、数据可视化、数据 分析以及数值计算的高级技术计算语言和交互式环境,主要包括MATLAB和Simulink两大部分。 MATLAB和Mathematica、Maple并 称为三大数学软件。它在数学类科技应用软件中在数值计算方面首屈一指。MATLAB可以进行矩阵运算、绘

  • 主要内容:MATLAB vs Octave,以下是纠正/补充内容:GNU Octave是像MATLAB这样的高级编程语言,它能与MATLAB兼容。它也是用于数值计算。 Octave具有以下MATLAB的常见功能 - 矩阵是基本数据类型 它内置了对复杂数字的支持 它具有内置的数学函数和库 它支持用户定义的函数 GNU Octave也是免费的可再分发软件。可以根据自由软件基金会发布的GNU通用公共许可证(GPL)的条款重新分发和/或修改它。 MATLAB vs Oc

  • MATLAB code for reading and writing CIFTI files, v2 This library is compatible with the CIFTI-2 format, withoutexternally installed dependencies (except that CIFTI-1 files requirewb_command for conver

  • Zaf-Matlab Zafar's Audio Functions in Matlab for audio signal analysis. Files: zaf.m: Matlab class with the audio functions. examples.ipynb: Jupyter notebook with some examples. audio_file.wav: audio

  • BIDS for MATLAB / Octave This repository aims at centralising MATLAB/Octave tools to interact with datasets conforming to the BIDS (Brain Imaging Data Structure) format. For more information about BID

  • REPET-Matlab REPeating Pattern Extraction Technique (REPET) in Matlab for audio source separation. Repetition is a fundamental element in generating and perceiving structure. In audio, mixtures are of