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开发语言 Python
所属分类 神经网络/人工智能
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 扈高逸
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Awesome Jupyter

A curated list of awesome Jupyter projects, libraries and resources. Jupyter is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text.



  • Beaker - Development environment with seamless data transmission from one language to another.
  • docker-stacks - Hierarchical stacks of ready-to-run Jupyter applications in Docker.
  • Guild AI - Execute notebooks as experiments to capture and compare results over time.
  • Hydrogen - Run code inline in Atom using Jupyter kernels.
  • Jupyter Notebook - Main Jupyter notebook runtime.
  • JupyterHub - Multi-user server for Jupyter.
  • JupyterLab - JupyterLab is the next generation user interface for Jupyter.
  • JupyterWith - Nix-based framework for the definition of declarative and reproducible Jupyter environments.
  • kaggle/docker-python - Kaggle Python docker image that includes datasets and packages.
  • ML Workspace - Docker image that includes Jupyter(Lab) and various packages for data science/machine learning.
  • nteract - Native desktop notebook frontend.
  • Stencila - Native desktop notebook frontend.
  • voila - Notebooks as interactive standalone web applications.
  • Visual Studio Code - Native desktop notebook frontend.



  • Altair - Declarative visualization library for Python, based on Vega and Vega-Lite.
  • Bokeh - Interactive visualization library that targets modern web browsers for presentation.
  • bqplot - Grammar of Graphics-based interactive plotting framework for Jupyter.
  • Evidently - Interactive reports to analyze machine learning models during validation or production monitoring.
  • IPySigma - Prototype network visualization frontend for Jupyter notebooks.
  • ipychart - Interactive Chart.js plots in Jupyter.
  • ipyleaflet - Interactive visualization library for Leaflet.js maps in Jupyter notebooks.
  • ipysheet - Interactive spreadsheets in Jupyter.
  • ipytree - Tree UI element for Jupyter.
  • ipywebrtc - Video/Audio streaming in Jupyter.
  • ipywidgets - UI widgets for Jupyter.
  • ipyvolume - 3D plotting for Python in Jupyter based on widgets and WebGL.
  • itk-jupyter-widgets - Interactive widgets to visualize images in 2D and 3D.
  • jp_doodle - Infrastructure for building special purpose interactive diagrams in 2D and 3D.
  • jupyter-manim - Display manim (Mathematical Animation Engine) videos or GIFs in Jupyter notebooks.
  • jupyter-gmaps - Interactive visualization library for Google Maps in Jupyter notebooks.
  • lux - Recommends a set of visualizations whenever a dataframe is printed in a notebook.
  • mpld3 - Combining Matplotlib and D3js for interactive data visualizations.
  • pd-replicator - Copy a pandas DataFrame to the clipboard with one click.
  • pyecharts - Python interface for the ECharts visualization library.
  • pythreejs - Python / ThreeJS bridge utilizing the Jupyter widget infrastructure.
  • Qgrid - Interactive grid for sorting, filtering, and editing DataFrames in Jupyter notebooks.
  • tributary - Python data streams with Jupyter support.
  • tqdm - Fast, extensible progress bar for loops and iterables.
  • xleaflet - C++ Backend for ipyleaflet.
  • xwebrtc - C++ Backend for ipywebrtc.
  • xwidgets - C++ Backend for ipywidgets.


  • Binder - Turn a GitHub repo into a collection of interactive notebooks.
  • Bookbook - Bookbook converts a set of notebooks in a directory to HTML or PDF, preserving cross references within and between notebooks.
  • ContainDS Dashboards - JupyterHub extension to host authenticated scripts or notebooks in any framework (Voilà, Streamlit, Plotly Dash etc).
  • Ganimede - Store, version, edit and execute notebooks in sandboxes and integrate them directly via REST interfaces.
  • Jupyter Book - Build publication-quality books and documents from computational material.
  • Jupytext - Convert and synchronize notebooks with text formats (e.g. Python or Markdown files) that work well under version control.
  • jut - CLI to nicely display notebooks in the terminal.
  • Kapitsa - CLI to search local Jupyter notebooks.
  • nbconvert - Convert Notebooks to other formats.
  • nbdev - Develop, package and distribute Python packages to PyPI using Jupyter as a Literate Programing environment.
  • nbflow - One-button reproducible workflows with Jupyter and Scons.
  • nbinteract - Create interactive webpages from Jupyter notebooks.
  • nbscan - Search for and print cells contents of Jupyter notebooks.
  • Nikola - Static Site Generator that converts notebooks into websites.
  • notedown - Convert Jupyter notebooks to markdown (and back).
  • Papermill - Tool for parameterizing, executing, and analyzing Jupyter notebooks.
  • Ploomber - Run a collection of notebooks and scripts in a reproducible manner using a pipeline.yaml file.
  • pynb - Jupyter Notebooks as plain Python code with embedded Markdown text.
  • RISE - Reveal.js Jupyter/IPython Slideshow.
  • rst2ipynb - Convert standalone reStructuredText files to Jupyter notebook file.
  • Voila - Rendering of live Jupyter Notebooks with interactive widgets, allowing dashboarding based on Jupyter Notebooks.

Version Control

  • git - Extension for git integration.
  • jupyter-nbrequirements - Dependency management and optimization in Jupyter Notebooks.
  • nbdime - Tools for diffing and merging of Jupyter notebooks.
  • nbQA - Run any standard Python code quality tool on a Jupyter Notebook, from the command-line or via pre-commit.
  • Neptune - Version, manage and share notebook checkpoints in your projects.
  • ReviewNB - Code reviews for Jupyter Notebooks.

JupyterLab Extensions

  • celltags - Extension to organise and execute notebooks using cell tags.
  • code_formatter - A universal code formatter.
  • debugger - A visual debugger for Jupyter notebooks, consoles, and source files.
  • drawio - Extension that displays drawio/mxgraph diagrams.
  • elyra - A visual editor for creating and running notebook (or Python script) pipelines locally or remotely.
  • go-to-definition - Extension for navigating to the definition of a variable or function in JupyterLab.
  • google-drive - Extension for Google Drive integration.
  • jupyterlab_email - Email notebooks and their content from within JupyterLab.
  • jupyterlab-executor - Extension to execute scripts from the Jupyterlab file browser.
  • jupyterlab-kyso - Extension to publish notebooks to the Kyso platform from Jupyterlab.
  • jupyterlab-notifications - Customizable notebook cell completion browser notifications for JupyterLab.
  • jupyterlab_templates - Notebook templates in JupyterLab.
  • jupyter-notify - Cell magic for browser notification of cell completion.
  • latex - Extension for live editing of LaTeX documents.
  • lsp - IDE-like features (code navigation, hover suggestions, linters, diagnostics, kernel-less autocompletion etc.)
  • nb_black - Extension to keep Python code automatically formatted using black.
  • python-bytecode - Explore CPython Bytecode in JupyterLab.
  • quickopen - Quickly open a file in JupyterLab by typing part of its name.
  • shortcutui - An extension for managing keyboard shortcuts.
  • sidecar - A sidecar output widget for JupyterLab.
  • sql - SQL GUI for JupyterLab.
  • system-monitor - Extension to display system metrics.
  • tabnine - Tabnine AI auto completer extension.
  • templates - Support for Jupyter Notebook templates.
  • theme-darcula - A handsome Darcula theme for Jupyterlab.
  • toc - Extension that provides a table of contents for notebooks.
  • topbar - Top Bar extension for JupyterLab.
  • variableinspector - Variable inspector extension that shows variables and their values.
  • vim - Vim notebook cell bindings.
  • voyager - Extension to view CSV and JSON data in Voyager.


  • ipytest - Test runner for running unit tests from within a notebook.
  • nbval - Py.test plugin for validating Jupyter notebooks.
  • sphinxcontrib-jupyter - Sphinx Extension for Generating Jupyter Notebooks.
  • nosebook - Nose plugin for finding and running IPython notebooks as nose tests.
  • treebeard - GitHub Action for testing/scheduling Jupyter notebooks.
  • treon - Easy-to-use test framework for Jupyter Notebooks.

Domain-Specific Projects

  • ArcGIS - Library for working with maps and geospatial data, powered by web GIS.
  • GenePattern Notebook - Integrating Genomic Analysis with Interactive Notebooks.
  • GeoNotebook - Extension for exploratory geospatial analysis.
  • Jupylet - Create 2D and 3D games, graphics, live music and sound interactively in a Jupyter notebook.
  • keplergl - Jupyter extension for visual exploration of large-scale geolocation data sets.
  • lolviz - Data-structure visualization tool for lists of lists, lists, dictionaries.
  • Quantopian Notebooks - Jupyter-based platform for financial research.
  • vpython-jupyter - VPython 3D engine running in a Jupyter notebook.

Hosted Notebook Solutions

  • Anaconda Enterprise - Multi-user collaboration and one-click deployment of models, notebooks, and dashboards.
  • Azure Notebooks - Jupyter notebooks running in the cloud on Microsoft Azure.
  • CoCalc - Notebooks with 17 supported kernel types, course management, LaTeX document authoring, simultaneous document editing and integration with the SageMath computer algebra system.
  • DataScience.com - Platform for enterprise data science.
  • Deepnote - Jupyter-compatible data science notebook with real-time collaboration, versioning and easy deployment.
  • Domino Data Lab - Data science platform with integrated collaboration tools, environment management and compute grid.
  • Google Cloud AI Platform Notebooks - Managed JupyterLab notebook instances configured with GPU-enabled machine learning frameworks on Google Cloud Platform.
  • Google Cloud Dataproc Jupyter component - Jupyter and JupyterLab for Apache Spark using Google Cloud Dataproc.
  • Google Colaboratory - Cloud-based Jupyter environment aimed at machine learning education and research.
  • Gryd - Simple, managed, ready-to-use, cloud based Jupyter notebooks supporting multiple languages.
  • Kyso - Data science platform to publish and share Jupyter notebooks as data blogs and web applications.
  • Naas - JupyterLab environment with magic scheduling/notification functionaltiy and assets/dependency/secrets management.
  • PAWS - Jupyter notebook deployment customized for interacting with Wikimedia wikis.
  • RMOTR Notebooks - JupyterLab-based data science environment in the cloud.
  • Spell.run - End-to-end platform for machine learning and deep learning.

Official Resources and Documentation

Community Resources



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