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开发语言 Python
所属分类 神经网络/人工智能
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 公孙涵育
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Hops Examples

This repository provides users with examples on how to program Big Data and Deep Learning applications that run on Hopsworks, using Apache Spark, Apache Flink, Apache Kafka, Apache Hive and TensorFlow. Users can then upload and run their programs and notebooks from within their Hopsworks projects.

Online Documentation

You can find the latest Hopsworks documentation on the project's webpage,including Hopsworks user and developer guides as well as a list of versions for all supported services. This README file is meant to provide basic instructions and codebase on how to build and run the examples.

Website Generation (Hugo)

Install dependencies first:

pip3 install jupyter
pip3 install nbconvert

Generate the webpages and run the webserver:

export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
python3 make.py
ln -s notebooks content
./binaries/hugo server

When you add a new notebook, add it under the "notebooks" directory.If you want to add a new category for notebooks, put your notebook in a new directory, then edit this file to add your category:


Building the examples

mvn package

Generates a jar for each module which can then either be used to create Hopsworks jobs (Spark/Flink) or execute Hive queries remotely.

Helper Libraries

Hops Examples makes use of Hops, a set of Java and Python libraries which provide developers with tools that make programming on Hops easy. Hops is automatically made available to all Jobs and Notebooks, without the user having to explicitely import it. Detailed documentation on Hops is available here.


Structured Streaming with Kafka and HopsFS

To help you get started, StructuredStreamingKafka show how to build a Spark application that produces and consumes messages from Kafka and also persists itboth in Parquet format and in plain text to HopsFS. The example makes use of the latest Spark-Kafka API. To run the example, you need to provide the following parameters when creating a Spark job in Hopsworks:

Usage: <type>(producer|consumer)
  • type: Defines if the the job is producing/consuming to/from Kafka.
  • sink: Used only by a Consumer job, it defines the path to the Dataset or folder to which the Spark job appends its streaming output. The latter contain the consumed Avro records from Kafka. The name of the folder is suffixed with the YARN applicationId to deferantiate between multiple jobs writing to the same Dataset. In this example, the sink file contains data from the latest microbatch. The default microbatch period is set to two(2) seconds.

MainClass is io.hops.examples.spark.kafka.StructuredStreamingKafka

Topics are provided via the Hopsworks Job UI. User checks the Kafka box and selects the topics from the drop-down menu. When consuming from multiple topics using a single Spark directStream, all topics must use the same Avro schema. Create a new directStream for topic(s) that use different Avro schemas.

Data consumed is be default persisted to the Resources dataset of the Project where the job is running.

Avro Records

StructuredStreamingKafka.java generates String <key,value> pairs which are converted by Hops into Avro records and serialized into bytes. Similarly, during consuming from a Kafka source, messages are deserialized into Avro records. The default Avro schema used is the following:

	"fields": [
			"name": "timestamp",
			"type": "string"
			"name": "priority",
			"type": "string"
			"name": "logger",
			"type": "string"
			"name": "message",
			"type": "string"
	"name": "myrecord",
	"type": "record"


Hops Example provides Jupyter notebooks for running TensorFlow applications on Hops. All notebooks are automaticallymade available to Hopsworks projects upon project creation. Detailed documentation on how tp program TensorFlow onHopsworks, is available here.

Feature Store

A sample feature engineering job that takes in raw data, transforms it into features suitable for machine learningand saves the features into the featurestore is available in featurestore/. This job will automatically beavailable in your project if you take the featurestore tour on Hopsworks. Example notebooks for interacting withthe featurestore are available in notebooks/featurestore/. More documentation about the featurestore is availablehere: Featurestore Documentation.

TensorFlow Extended (TFX)

This repo comes with notebooks demonstrating how to implement horizontally scalable TFX pipelines. Thechicago_taxi_tfx_hopsworks notebook contains all the steps of the pipeline along with visualizations. It is basedon the TFX Chicago taxi rides example but uses a smaller slice of the original dataset. The notebook downloads thedataset into Hopsworks and then calls the TFX components to go all the way from data preparation to model analysis.

That notebook then is split into smaller ones that correspond to the different steps in the pipeline. These notebookscan be found under the notebookstfx/chicago_taxi/pipeline directory in this repo. To execute these, you need tocreate one Hopsworks Spark job per notebook and then use the Apache Airflow dag chicago_tfx_airflow_pipeline.pyprovided in this repo to orchestrate them. Please refer to the Apache Airflow section of the user guide on how toupload manage your dags. There is also a Visualizations notebook that runs the visualizations steps of thepipeline and can be executed at any time, as the output of the pipeline (statistics, schema, etc.) is persisted tothe Resources dataset in your project. You can catch a demo of the pipeline here.


Under notebooks/beam you can find the portability_wordcount_python notebook, which guides you through runninga WordCount program in a Python Portable Beam Pipeline. You can download the notebook from this repo, upload it inyour Hopsworks project and just run it! Hopsworks transparently manages the entire lifecycle of the notebook and theBeam related services and components.


HiveJDBCClient.java available in hops-examples-hive }, shows how users can remotely execute Hive queries against their Hopsworks projects' Hive databases. Firstly, itinstantiates a Java JDBC client and then connects to the example database described inHopsworks documentation. Users need to have created the database in their project as described in the documentation. This example uses log4j2 with logs being written to a ./hive/logs directory. For changes made to ./hive/src/main/resources/log4j2.properties to take effect, users must first do

mvn clean package

For HiveJDBCClient.java to be able to connect to the Hopsworks Hive server, users need to create a hive_credentials.properties file based on hive_credentials.properties.example and set proper values for the parameters:

hive_url=jdbc:hive2://[domain]:[port] #default port:9085
dbname=[database_name] #the name of the Dataset in Hopsworks, omitting the ".db" suffix.

Users can export their project's certificates by navigating to the Settings page in Hopsworks. An email is then sentwith the password for the truststore and keystore.

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