
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发、 Android UI 组件
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 姚淳
操作系统 Android
适用人群 未知


Be cool and use Polymer and Ember together! This addon integrates Polymer with Ember, so you can use the power of custom web components in your ember apps today.

Polymer 2.0

This addon has been updated to for Polymer 2.0! Still want 1.0? Check out the 1.x branch.


Why use Polymer? You might ask. By using Polymer you actually choose to embrace the native Web Components specification, not necessarily Polymer itself. Polymer is only just a thin layer over the Custom Elements v1 specification, providing some syntactic sugar as well as compatibility. Every framework will eventually end up implementing this specification somehow, simply because using native is faster.

Polymer enables you to use any element on webcomponents.org, opening up the world to lots of other good quality components besides the ones on emberaddons.com.


ember install ember-polymer


To use a custom element, just install it through bower.

bower install PolymerElements/paper-button --save

Done! ember-polymer identifies this package as a custom element and imports it automatically! You can now use the element:

<paper-button raised>Raised button</paper-button>



Data binding

Polymer's elements should just work with one-way bindings:

<paper-button raised={{raised}}>Raised button</paper-button>

However, for two-way bindings we will need to encapsulate the elements in an Ember Component. Exactly this is what the ember-polymer-paper addon is for!


This addon forces Polymer to use Shadow DOM. Browsers that do not natively support Shadow DOM will be supplied with the polyfill. Note that this polyfill might result in slightly slower rendering.


Manual imports

If an element is not automatically imported, it probably does not follow the polymer naming conventions. To import it, create elements.html in /app and import the element:

<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/some-element/some-element.html">

Config variables

The addon can be configured in config/environment.js as such:

ENV['ember-polymer'] = {
  option: 'value'

Or in ember-cli-build.js:

let app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
  'ember-polymer': {
    option: 'value'


Indicates whether elements should be imported automatically. ember-polymer automatically imports elements from bower and npm packages which have the web-components keyword and a valid html import entry point. All elements at customelements.io should be compatible.

Disable if you want full control over imports yourself. Defaults to true.

autoElementImport: true


A list with names of bower- or npm packages to exclude during auto element import. Comes in handy when you only want to manually import one specific file from a package, but not the entire element.

Defaults to [].

excludeElements: ['paper-styles']


File to put html imports in. If you do not have manual imports and are using autoElementImport, the file is not necessary.

Defaults to app/elements.html.

htmlImportsFile: 'app/elements.html'


Allows you to set options used in polymer-bundler.

Defaults to:

bundlerOptions: {
    inlineCss: true,
    inlineScripts: true


The output file produced by polymer-bundler for all bundled html code and styling.

Defaults to assets/bundled.html.

bundlerOutput: 'assets/bundled.html'


The polyfill bundle to use. Can be one of hi, hi-ce, hi-sd-ce, sd-ce, lite, loader or none for no polyfills. See the webcomponentsjs how-to-use page.

Defaults to lite.

polyfillBundle: 'lite'


Allows you to set global Polymer Settings as described in the Global Polymer settings article.

Defaults to ``.

globalPolymerSettings: {
    rootPath: '/your/application/root'


This addon was sponsored by Fabriquartz, a startup based in The Netherlands.

  • 原文地址:http://vuejs.org.cn/guide/comparison.html 对比其它框架 Angular 选择 Vue 而不选择 Angular,有下面几个原因,当然不是对每个人都适合: 在 API 与设计两方面上 Vue.js 都比 Angular 简单得多,因此你可以快速地掌握它的全部特性并投入开发。 Vue.js 是一个更加灵活开放的解决方案。它允许你以希望的方式组织应用程

  • Angular 选择 Vue 而不选择 Angular,有下面几个原因,当然不是对每个人都适合: 在 API 与设计两方面上 Vue.js 都比 Angular 简单得多,因此你可以快速地掌握它的全部特性并投入开发。 Vue.js 是一个更加灵活开放的解决方案。它允许你以希望的方式组织应用程序,而不是任何时候都必须遵循 Angular 制定的规则。它仅仅是一个视图层,所以你可以将它嵌入一个现有页面

  • 本系列文章全部从(http://ibeginner.sinaapp.com/)迁移过来,欢迎访问原网站。  Ember.js 是什么?我想对于想学习它的人应该知道它是个什么东西,如果你想了解那就赶紧去 Google 或者百度,本系列教程是通过学习官网教程然后摘抄个人觉得比较重要的部分,加上学习实例整合而成,如有疏漏欢迎提出修改意见,一起成长!     Ember官网:http://emberjs.

  • 原文地址: http://www.csdn.net/article/2013-05-27/2815450-google-polymer 虽然今年的Google I/O也已技术,但会上揭晓的新技术、新工具仍然让开发者兴奋不已。其中Web开发方面尤以Ploymer和Web Components为重。 Polymer由加盟Google的原Palm webOS开发团队打造,是一套以“一切皆组件、最少化代码

  • 本系列文章全部从(http://ibeginner.sinaapp.com/)迁移过来,欢迎访问原网站。  Ember.js 是什么?我想对于想学习它的人应该知道它是个什么东西,如果你想了解那就赶紧去 Google 或者百度,本系列教程是通过学习官网教程然后摘抄个人觉得比较重要的部分,加上学习实例整合而成,如有疏漏欢迎提出修改意见,一起成长!     Ember官网:http://emberjs.

  • 摘要:开发者Axel Rauschmayer在自己的博客上详解了Google Polymer的设计理念与组成架构,深得Polymer开发者的认同。他认为Polymer这样高互操作性的设计才应该是Web开发的未来。 虽然今年的Google I/O也已结束,但会上揭晓的新技术、新工具仍然让开发者兴奋不已。其中Web开发方面尤以Ploymer和Web Components为重。 Polymer由加盟Go

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