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授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 JavaScript TypeScript
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 太叔俊侠
操作系统 iOS
适用人群 未知

NativeScript Angular Shadow Directive Plugin apple android

This repo is a fork of @Especializa's NativeScript Shadow Directive.https://github.com/Especializa/nativescript-ng-shadow


From the command prompt go to your app's root folder and execute:

tns plugin add nativescript-ngx-shadow


How to use it

This is an Angular directive to make your life easier when it comes to native shadows.

Shadows are a very important part of Material design specification.It brings up the concept of elevation, which implies in the natural human way of perceiving objects raising up from the surface.

With this directive, you won't have to worry about all the aspects regarding shadowing on Android and on iOS.On the other hand, if you care about any details, just provide extra attributes and they will superseed the default ones.

However, running this on Android you will require the SDK to be greater or equal than 21 (Android 5.0 Lollipop or later), otherwise shadows will simply not be shown. There should be no problem running this on any version of iOS.

Import the NgShadowModule

// ...
import { NgShadowModule } from "nativescript-ngx-shadow";

  imports: [
    // ...
  // ...
export class MyModule {}

Just use in your templates

Simple attribute shadow:

<Label shadow="2"></Label>

Of course you can property bind it:

<Label [shadow]="myCustomShadow"></Label>

To provide other details, combine the shadow directive with other attributes:

<Label shadow [elevation]="myElevation" cornerRadius="5"></Label>

There are a couple of platform specific attributes you might want to use to customize your view. Bear in mind some of them clash with CSS styles applied to the same views. When it happens, the default behaviour on Android is the original HTML/CSS styles are lost in favor of the ones provided by this directive. On iOS, on the other hand, HTML/CSS pre-existent styles are regarded, consequently the shadow might not be applied.

The tip is avoid applying things like background color and border radius to the same view you intend to apply this directive (Note: this is now supported). You are always able to nest views and get what you want. If not, please leave a message so we can try to help.

List of attributes

The table below list and describes all possible attributes as well as show which platform supports each one of them:

Attribute Type Platform Description
shadow string | number | AndroidData | IOSData both Directive attribute. Providing null or empty string with no elevation attribute, will switch off the shadow
elevation number | string both Determines the elevation of the view from the surface. It does all shadow related calculations. You might want to have a look at this enum of standard material design elevations.
PS: Since version 2.0, it's calculated in DIPs (or DPs, density independent pixels) on Android, or PTs (points) on iOS.
pressedElevation number | string Android Determines the view's elevation when on pressed state.
shape string => 'RECTANGLE' | 'OVAL' | 'RING' | 'LINE'
default: 'RECTANGLE'
Android Determines the shape of the view and overrides its format styles.
bgcolor string => color #RGB Android Determines view's background color and overrides its previous background. If not set, the previous background is used. NOTE: setting the background to transparent is known to cause issues on Android (the shadow may overlap the background)
cornerRadius number Android Determines view's corner radius (CSS border-radius) and overrides its previous style. If this is not set, the view's CSS border-radius are used.
PS: Since version 2.0, it's calculated in DIPs (or DPs, density independent pixels).
translationZ number Android Determines an extra distance (in DIP) to the surface.
pressedTranslationZ number Android Determines an extra distance (in DIP) to the surface when the view is in the pressed state.
forcePressAnimation boolean => default: false Android By default, if a view has a StateAnimator, it is overwritten by an animator that raises the View on press. Setting this to true will always define this new animator, essentially making any clickable View work as a button.
maskToBounds boolean => default: false iOS Determines whether the shadow will be limited to the view margins.
shadowColor string => color #RGB iOS Determines shadow color. Shadow won't be applied if the view already has background.
shadowOffset number iOS Determines the distance in points (only on Y axis) of the shadow. Negative value shows the shadow above the view.
shadowOpacity number iOS From 0 to 1. Determines the opacity level of the shadow.
shadowRadius number iOS Determines the blurring effect in points of the shadow. The higher the more blurred.
useShadowPath boolean => default: true iOS Determines whether to use shadowPath to render the shadow. Setting this to false negatively impacts performance.
rasterize boolean => default: false iOS Determines whether the view should be rasterized. Activating this will increase memory usage, as rasterized views are stored in memory, but will massively improve performance.

AndroidData and IOSData

As you might have noticed the main shadow attribute accepts object as argument. You'll be able to assign it in a property bind and it will override any possible separate attribute you might have defined:


import { AndroidData, ShapeEnum } from "nativescript-ngx-shadow";
// ...
export class MyComponent {
  fabShadow: AndroidData = {
    elevation: 6,
    bgcolor: "#ff1744",
    shape: ShapeEnum.OVAL
  // ...

In the template you can do:

<Label [shadow]="fabShadow" width="56" height="56"></Label>

Pre-defined elevations

If you want to be consistent with the Material Design specification but you're sick trying to memorize which elevation your view should have. We put together a list of pre-defined elevations:

  • SWITCH: 1
  • APPBAR: 4
  • MENU: 8
  • NAV_DRAWER: 16
  • DIALOG: 24
  • PICKER: 24

If you don't even want to check it out every time you have to shadow a view, just import the Elevation enum and enjoy :)


import { Elevation } from "nativescript-ngx-shadow";
class MyComponent {
  // ...
  ngOnInit(): init {
    this.mySnackBar.elevation = Elevation.SNACKBAR;
  // ...

Notes about version 2+

Here are the list of improvements on version 2.0:

  1. BugFix: Integer directive not rendering on iOS.
  2. Density independent pixels: Now you no longer have to worry about providingthe correct values for pixel related attributes based on the device'sscreen density.Since iPhone 6S, each point correspond to 9 device pixels(3 horizontally x 3 vertically - that's the reason behind the @3x images -view more here).The same happens to Android where the benchmark (mdpi) is considered ~160 pixels(or dots) per inch (dpi) and the majority of the modern devices having waydenser screens, reaching ~640dpi or more.Find out more here.
  3. New Android specific attribute called translationZ. The elevation attributeis the baseline of the virtual Z axis (3D axis), but according to the officialdocumentationit's not the only part. Then, translationZ will add extra distance to the surfaceand it's mainly used for animations.
  4. 2.1.X Override Android default StateListAnimator as explained below:

Override Android default StateListAnimator

Android buttons are split into three categories:floating, raised and flat. Different from labels and other ui elements,each button category has its own state animator.So, when buttons are tapped, Android does affect their elevation(and z translation) in a way that Angular is not notified. At the end of tap animation, buttons get back toresting defaults (i.e. raised button's elevation at 2dp and translationZ at 0) overridingthe shadow stablished by this plugin.

Since version 2.1.0, this plugin replaces the default StateListAnimator with onethat gets back to the values you provide for elevation and translationZ.

Feel free to fill an issue if you want the flexibility of defining your ownStateListAnimator. The motivation so far was simply put this plugin to work withbuttons without changing the original state once they are clicked.

It's also possible to set this StateListAnimator to any View, making it behave like a button.

Plugin Development Work Flow:

  • Clone repository to your machine.
  • Run npm install to prepare the project
  • Run and deploy to your device or emulator with npm run android or npm run ios
  • Build a ngPackagr version with npm run build


  • 6.0.0 Fork: Now packaged with ngPackagr for Angular 6 compatabilty
  • 2.1.0 Decouple shadow logic / Override default StateListAnimator
  • 2.0.1 Fix error on old Android devices (< Lollipop)
  • 2.0.0 Density Independent Pixels / TranslationZ
  • 1.1.3 Minor issues
  • 1.1.2 Fix CI build
  • 1.1.0 Support for iOS custom attributes
  • 1.0.0 Initial implementation


Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004

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