Hop on over to Pushy.me to get started!
tns plugin add nativescript-pushy
For {N} 5 and below please use
tns plugin add nativescript-pushy@1.x
Check the source in the demo folder, or run it on your own device:
git clone https://github.com/EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-pushy
cd nativescript-pushy/src
npm i
npm run demo.ios # or demo.android
Create a file called either app.entitlements
or <YourAppName>.entitlements
(where YourAppName
is identical to the folder name of platforms/ios/YourAppName
). Here's an example.
Now reference that file from build.xcconfig
as shown here.
import { getDevicePushToken } from "nativescript-pushy";
.then(token => console.log(`getDevicePushToken success, token: ${token}`))
.catch(err => console.log(`getDevicePushToken error: ${err}`));
Since plugin version 1.1.0 the entire payload of the notification is copied to the object this handler receives,but note that it all gets copied into a data
object. So if you send for instance {"foo": "bar"}
,you can find the value "bar"
at notification.data.foo
import { setNotificationHandler } from "nativescript-pushy";
setNotificationHandler(notification => {
console.log(`Notification received: ${JSON.stringify(notification)}`);
One of the properties of the returned notification
object is foreground
, which indicates whether or notthe notification was received while the app was in either the foreground or background.
Another useful property may be appLaunchedByNotification
, which indicates whether or not the app was launchedby tapping the notification (as opposed to the app's icon). When this property is true
you may want to fi.navigate to a different route in your app.
⚠️ Do not test on a the iOS simulator as it can't receive push notifications.
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