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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 JavaScript TypeScript
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 严瑞
操作系统 iOS
适用人群 未知

NativeScript 7

If using 6 and below, see the following:


This is a plugin for NativeScript that implements internationalization (i18n) using the native capabilitiesof each platform. It is inspired from nativescript-i18n


A lot of thanks goes out to Ludovic Fabrèges (@lfabreges) for developing and maintaining this plugin in the past. When he had to abandon it due to shifted priorities, he was kind enough to move the repo to me.

Table of contents


tns plugin add nativescript-localize


Create a folder i18n in the app folder with the following structure:

  | i18n
      | en.json           <-- english language
      | fr.default.json   <-- french language (default)
      | es.js

You need to set the default langage and make sure it containsthe application name to avoid any error.



import { NgModule, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA } from "@angular/core";
import { NativeScriptLocalizeModule } from "nativescript-localize/angular";
import { NativeScriptModule } from "nativescript-angular/nativescript.module";

import { AppComponent } from "./app.component";

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent],
  imports: [
  schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA]
export class AppModule { }


<Label text="{{ 'Hello world !' | L }}"/>
<Label text="{{ 'I am %s' | L:'user name' }}"/>


import { localize } from "nativescript-localize";

console.log(localize("Hello world !"));

Javascript / XML


const application = require("application");
const localize = require("nativescript-localize");
application.setResources({ L: localize });


<Label text="{{ L('Hello world !') }}"/>
<Label text="{{ L('I am %s', 'user name') }}"/>


const localize = require("nativescript-localize");

console.log(localize("Hello world !"));


⚠️ If you notice translations work on your main XML page, but don't work on a page younavigate to, then add this little hack to the 'page loaded' function of that new page:

const page = args.object;
  page.bindingContext = new Observable();



import { localize } from "nativescript-localize";

Vue.filter("L", localize);


<Label :text="'Hello world !'|L"></Label>
<Label :text="'I am %s'|L('user name')"></Label>

File format

Each file is imported using require, use the file format of your choice:


  "app.name": "My app",
  "ios.info.plist": {
    "NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription": "This will be added to InfoPlist.strings"
  "user": {
    "name": "user.name",
    "email": "user.email"
  "array": [
    "split the translation into ",
    "multiples lines"
  "sprintf": "format me %s",
  "sprintf with numbered placeholders": "format me %2$s one more time %1$s"


const i18n = {
  "app.name": "My app"

module.exports = i18n;

Frequently asked questions

How to set the default language?

Add the .default extension to the default language file to set it as the fallback language:


How to localize the application name?

The app.name key is used to localize the application name:

  "app.name": "My app"

How to localize iOS properties?

Keys starting with ios.info.plist. are used to localize iOS properties:

  "ios.info.plist.NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription": "This will be added to InfoPlist.strings"

How to change the language dynamically at runtime?

This plugin uses the native capabilities of each platform, language selection is therefore made by the OS.

On iOS you can programmatically override this language since plugin version 4.2.0 by doing this:

import { overrideLocale } from "nativescript-localize/localize";
const localeOverriddenSuccessfully = overrideLocale("en-GB"); // or "nl-NL", etc (or even just the part before the hyphen)

On Android you can programatically override this language since plugin version 4.2.1 by doing this:

In your app.ts / main.ts / app.js

import { on, launchEvent } from '@nativescript/core/application';
import { androidLaunchEventLocalizationHandler } from 'nativescript-localize/localize';

on(launchEvent, (args) => {
  if (args.android) {

And in your settings page where user chooses the language:

import { overrideLocale } from "nativescript-localize/localize";
const localeOverriddenSuccessfully = overrideLocale("en-GB"); // or "nl-NL", etc (or even just the part before the hyphen)

Important: In both cases, after calling override Locale, you must ask the user to restart the app

For Example:

import { android as _android } from '@nativescript/core/application';
import { overrideLocale } from 'nativescript-localize/localize';

  title: 'Switch Language',
  message: 'The application needs to be restarted to change language',
  okButtonText: 'Quit!'
}).then(() => {
  if (isAndroid) {
  } else {

Important: In case you are using Android app bundle to release your android app, add this toApp_Resources/Android/app.gradle to make sure all lanugages are bundled in the split apks

android {

  // there maybe other code here //

  bundle {
    language {
      enableSplit = false

Tip: you can get the default language on user's phone by using this

import { device } from '@nativescript/core/platform';

console.log("user's language is", device.language.split('-')[0]);

Tip: overrideLocale method stores the language in a special key in app-settings,you can access it like this,

import { getString } from '@nativescript/core/application-settings'; 

console.log(getString('__app__language__')); // only available after the first time you use overrideLocale(langName);


The angular localization pipe does not work when in a modal context

As a workaround, you can trigger a change detection from within your component constructor:

  private readonly params: ModalDialogParams,
  private readonly changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef,
) {
  setTimeout(() => this.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges(), 0);

Starting from Android N, there is a weird side effect while using a WebView.

For unknown reasons, the very first creation of it resets the application locale to the device default. Therefore, you have to set the desired locale back.This is native bug and the workaround is

<WebView url="https://someurl.com" @loaded="webViewLoaded"/>
import {overrideLocale, androidLaunchEventLocalizationHandler} from "nativescript-localize/localize";
import {getString} from '@nativescript/core/application-settings';
const locale = getString('__app__language__')

function webViewLoaded(){
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