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nativescript, mobile, schematics, angular
授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 JavaScript TypeScript
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 岑熙云
操作系统 iOS
适用人群 未知

NativeScript Schematics

This repository contains schematics for generating components in NativeScript Angular apps using the Angular CLI.


Install Angular CLI

You should be using @angular/cli@9.1.0 or newer.

npm i -g @angular/cli

Install NativeScript Schematics

npm i -g @nativescript/schematics


Creating a new project

To generate new NativeScript Angular project, you can use ng new with @nativescript/schematics specified as the schematics collection.

NativeScript Only

ng new --collection=@nativescript/schematics my-mobile-app

You can specify the following options when generating new applications:

Option Description Default
prefix The prefix to apply to generated selectors. app
theme Specifies whether the {N} css theme should be included. true
style Specifies whether the app should use 'css' or 'scss' files for styling. css
webpack Specifies whether the app will be ready for building with webpack. true

Web + Mobile Code Sharing project

ng new --collection=@nativescript/schematics my-shared-app --shared

You can specify the following options when generating new applications:

Option Description Default
sourceDir The name of the source directory. src
prefix The prefix to apply to generated selectors. app
theme Specifies whether the {N} css theme should be included. true
style Specifies whether the app should use 'css' or 'scss' files for styling. css
sample Generates an eagerly loaded module and master-detail navigation. false

Prerequisites for using @nativescript/schematics in an existing project

You need to add an angular.json configuration file to your NativeScript project root directory. That will allow you to use Angular CLI for generating components.

  "$schema": "./node_modules/@angular/cli/lib/config/schema.json",
  "version": 1,
  "newProjectRoot": "projects",
  "cli": {
    "defaultCollection": "@nativescript/schematics"
  "projects": {
    "project-name": {
      "root": "",
      "sourceRoot": ".",
      "projectType": "application",
      "prefix": "app",
      "schematics": {
        "@schematics/angular:component": {
          "style": "scss"
  "defaultProject": "project-name"

Note: If you created your project with ng new, your project already has angular.json.

Generate angular.json

You can generate it the configuration using Schematics. Install Schematics globally

npm install -g @angular-devkit/schematics-cli

From inside your project call:

schematics @nativescript/schematics:angular-json --name=project-name

Generating Components, Modules, Directives, etc.

You can use the ng generate (or just ng g) command to generate pretty much any Angular building unit - components, modules, directives, classes and so on. For the full list, check out the Angular CLI repo.Some of these generators are overwritten in NativeScript Schematics to suite the needs of a NativeScript Angular application.

To generate a component, call:

ng g c component-name

To generate a module, call:

ng g m module-name

To generate a component in an existing module folder, call:

ng g c module-name/component-name

Migrating ng Project to a shared project

Migrating Web Components to a Shared Components

You can use ng generate migrate-component to convert a web Component to a shared component.This includes the following steps:

  • add component-name.component.tns.html
  • add the component to its .tns parent module - note that the module-name.module.tns.ts need to exist before you execute the command, or just use the --skipModule flag


  • name - required - name of the component to be migrated - do not include the word Component
  • componentPath - optional - the location of the component file, do not include src/app, i.e. home/home.component.ts - use if the componentPath cannot be derived from the parent module
  • module - optional - the name of the parent module - do not include the word Module, leave empty if using the default EntryModule (AppModule)
  • modulePath - optional - the location of the parent module file, do not include src/app, i.e. home/home.module.ts - use if the module is not located at the root/app (by default: src/app)
  • skipModule - optional - use if you don't want the module to be used for finding the component, and if you don't want to add the Component to Modules providers

Migrating Web Modules to Shared Modules

You can use ng generate migrate-module to convert a Web Module to a Shared Module and also convert all of its Components.This includes the following steps:

  • add module-name.component.tns.ts
  • convert all of modules' components, by using migrate-component schematic
  • copy over all providers from the web module

Code sharing: Build

In a code sharing project to build:

  • a web app call: ng serve,
  • an iOS app call: tns run ios,
  • an Android app call: tns run android


Master Detail template

To generate a Master Detail module, you can use the following commandng g master-detail --master=dogs --detail=dog

The above command will generate the following file structure

  • dogs
  • dog-detail
    • dog-detail component files
  • dogs
    • dogs component files
  • data.service.ts
  • dogs.module.ts


Option Description
master The name of the master component and the name of the module.
detail The name of the detail component
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