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授权协议 GPL-3.0 License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 张通
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Slide Crowdin

Slide is an open source, ad free Reddit browser for Android. It is based aroundthe Java Reddit API Wrapper.

Slide is available on the Google Play Store and F-Droid.
Get it on Google PlayGet it on F-Droid
There is an active community for Slide on the/r/slideforreddit subreddit,which anybody is welcome to join.


Thank you to our awesome Github Sponsors, who help keep the Slide project going

GitHub profile
KevinNThomas https://github.com/KevinNThomas
andrewkdinh https://github.com/andrewkdinh

If you're interested in sponsoring our work, check out the sponsor slots for Slide contributors on the right-hand Sponsorship menu



In any project it's likely that a few bugs will slip through the cracks, so ithelps greatly if people document any bugs they find to ensure that they getfixed promptly.

You can view a list of known issues and feature requests using the issue tracker. If you don't see your issue (or youaren't sure) feel free to submit it!

Where appropriate, a screenshot works wonders to help us see exactly what theissue is. You can upload screenshots directly using the GitHub issue tracker orby attaching a link (to Imgur, for example), whichever is easier for you.


If you are able to contribute a translation into a language missing from Slide,or spot any room for improvement in an existing translation, we greatlyappreciate anything you can assist with!

The project uses Crowdin,a platform that allows anybody to contribute to translating the app, with asmany words at a time as they want. Crowdin provides a nice interface fortranslating, and no knowledge of the code is needed.


If you are a developer and wish to contribute to the app please fork the projectand submit a pull request.

If you have any questions, feel free toask in the #android-dev Discord channel ordrop me a message on Reddit.

If this is you first time contributing to the project and want to tackle aneasy issue take a look at the issues labelled Good First Issue. These issueshave been marked as such because we believe they are easier to fix than other issues.


The file CHANGELOG.md provides an overview of the changes for arelease; for a more detailed look at changes to the app, view individualcommits.


Slide is licensed under the GNU v3 Public License.

  • 原文链接:http://huzhyi21.blog.163.com/blog/static/1007396201011188719543/ 前几天出去开会,看见别人用LaTeX制作的各式各样的幻灯片,还是蛮有特色的,于是这两天回来偶也摸索摸索。 现归纳于此,以便后查! beamer是LaTeX的一个文档类,和article、book一样。可以直接用latex命令来组织幻灯片,之后用frame命令生

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