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授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 端木野
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

About the Book

The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development is a book covering Android application development, from basicsthrough advanced capabilities. It is updated several times a year and is available throughthe Warescription program. Subscribers also have access to officehours chats and other benefits.

This repository contains the source code for the hundreds of sample apps profiled in the book. Thesesamples are updated as the book is, with git tags applied to tie sample code versions to bookversions.

The book, and the samples, were written by Mark Murphy. You may also have run into him throughStack Overflow:

profile for CommonsWare at Stack Overflow, Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers

About the Code

All of the source code in this archive is licensed under theApache 2.0 license except as noted.

The names of the top-level directories roughly correspond to ashortened form of the chapter titles. Since chapter numberschange with every release, and since some samples are used bymultiple chapters, I am loathe to put chapter numbers in theactual directory names.

Using in Android Studio

All of the projects should have a build.gradle file suitable forimporting the project into Android Studio. Note, though, that youmay need to adjust the compileSdkVersion in build.gradle if itrequests an SDK that you have not downloaded and do not wish todownload. Similarly, you may need to adjust the buildToolsVersionvalue to refer to a version of the build tools that you have downloadedfrom the SDK Manager.

The samples also have stub Gradle wrapper files, enough to allow foreasy import into Android Studio. However,always check the gradle-wrapper.properties file before importing anything into Android Studio,as there is always the chance that somebody has published material linking you to a hacked Gradle installation.

Using with Command-Line Gradle

Right now, you will need your own local installation of Gradle 3.3in order to build the projects from the command line, as the repositorydoes not contain gradlew or its corresponding JAR for security reasons.

List of Samples

  • cw

    cw The best way to tail AWS CloudWatch Logs from your terminal. Author - Luca Grulla - https://www.lucagrulla.com Features Installation Commands and options Examples AWS credentials and configuration

  • Most morse code (CW) training requires you to learn everything at once without a training process. This application changes that and separates training into phases.

  • CW-Zabbix是一个Zabbix的二次开发项目,它目前基于Zabbix 5.0.4版本,使得Zabbix支持向Clickhouse写入指标数据。Zabbix在运行中产生的主要数据基本上可以分为history数据和trend数据。其中,trend数据是根据history计算出的各种中间值,如平均值,最高值等。而history就是zabbix搜集到的各种指标的实时历史数据,我们的目标就是把这些时序

  • 问题内容: 我已经在一个docker容器中运行了一个gitlab服务器,并在另一个docker容器中运行了一个外部nginx服务器,因此gitlab nginx服务器被停用了。现在我想使用gitlab服务器中包含的docker注册表。 我尝试从管理手册中获取信息:https : //docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/container_registry.html