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授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 宰父熙云
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

LitePal for Android



LitePal is an open source Android library that allows developers to use SQLite database extremely easy. You can finish most of the database operations without writing even a SQL statement, including create or upgrade tables, crud operations, aggregate functions, etc. The setup of LitePal is quite simple as well, you can integrate it into your project in less than 5 minutes.

Experience the magic right now and have fun!


  • Using object-relational mapping (ORM) pattern.
  • Almost zero-configuration(only one configuration file with few properties).
  • Maintains all tables automatically(e.g. create, alter or drop tables).
  • Multi databases supported.
  • Encapsulated APIs for avoiding writing SQL statements.
  • Awesome fluent query API.
  • Alternative choice to use SQL still, but easier and better APIs than the originals.
  • More for you to explore.

Quick Setup

1. Include library

Edit your build.gradle file and add below dependency.

dependencies {
    implementation 'org.litepal.guolindev:core:3.2.3'

2. Configure litepal.xml

Create a file in the assets folder of your project and name it as litepal.xml. Then copy the following codes into it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    	Define the database name of your application. 
    	By default each database name should be end with .db. 
    	If you didn't name your database end with .db, 
    	LitePal would plus the suffix automatically for you.
    	For example:    
    	<dbname value="demo" />
    <dbname value="demo" />

    	Define the version of your database. Each time you want 
    	to upgrade your database, the version tag would helps.
    	Modify the models you defined in the mapping tag, and just 
    	make the version value plus one, the upgrade of database
    	will be processed automatically without concern.
			For example:    
    	<version value="1" />
    <version value="1" />

    	Define your models in the list with mapping tag, LitePal will
    	create tables for each mapping class. The supported fields
    	defined in models will be mapped into columns.
    	For example:    
    		<mapping class="com.test.model.Reader" />
    		<mapping class="com.test.model.Magazine" />
        Define where the .db file should be. "internal" means the .db file
        will be stored in the database folder of internal storage which no
        one can access. "external" means the .db file will be stored in the
        path to the directory on the primary external storage device where
        the application can place persistent files it owns which everyone
        can access. "internal" will act as default.
        For example:
        <storage value="external" />

This is the only configuration file, and the properties are simple.

  • dbname configure the database name of project.
  • version configure the version of database. Each time you want to upgrade database, plus the value here.
  • list configure the mapping classes.
  • storage configure where the database file should be stored. internal and external are the only valid options.

3. Configure LitePalApplication

You don't want to pass the Context param all the time. To makes the APIs simple, just configure the LitePalApplication in AndroidManifest.xml as below:


Of course you may have your own Application and has already configured here, like:


That's OK. LitePal can still live with that. Just call LitePal.initialize(context) in your own Application:

public class MyOwnApplication extends Application {

    public void onCreate() {

Make sure to call this method as early as you can. In the onCreate() method of Application will be fine. And always remember to use the application context as parameter. Do not use any instance of activity or service as parameter, or memory leaks might happen.

Get Started

After setup, you can experience the powerful functions now.

1. Create tables

Define the models first. For example you have two models, Album and Song. The models can be defined as below:

public class Album extends LitePalSupport {
    @Column(unique = true, defaultValue = "unknown")
    private String name;
    @Column(index = true)
    private float price;
    private List<Song> songs = new ArrayList<>();

    // generated getters and setters.
public class Song extends LitePalSupport {
    @Column(nullable = false)
    private String name;
    private int duration;
    @Column(ignore = true)
    private String uselessField;
    private Album album;

    // generated getters and setters.

Then add these models into the mapping list in litepal.xml:

    <mapping class="org.litepal.litepalsample.model.Album" />
    <mapping class="org.litepal.litepalsample.model.Song" />

OK! The tables will be generated next time you operate database. For example, gets the SQLiteDatabase with following codes:

SQLiteDatabase db = LitePal.getDatabase();

Now the tables will be generated automatically with SQLs like this:

	id integer primary key autoincrement,
	name text unique default 'unknown',
	price real

	id integer primary key autoincrement,
	name text not null,
	duration integer,
	album_id integer

2. Upgrade tables

Upgrade tables in LitePal is extremely easy. Just modify your models anyway you want:

public class Album extends LitePalSupport {
    @Column(unique = true, defaultValue = "unknown")
    private String name;
    @Column(ignore = true)
    private float price;
    private Date releaseDate;
    private List<Song> songs = new ArrayList<>();

    // generated getters and setters.

A releaseDate field was added and price field was annotated to ignore.Then increase the version number in litepal.xml:

    Define the version of your database. Each time you want 
    to upgrade your database, the version tag would helps.
    Modify the models you defined in the mapping tag, and just 
    make the version value plus one, the upgrade of database
    will be processed automatically without concern.
    For example:    
    <version value="1" />
<version value="2" />

The tables will be upgraded next time you operate database. A releasedate column will be added into album table and the original price column will be removed. All the data in album table except those removed columns will be retained.

But there are some upgrading conditions that LitePal can't handle and all data in the upgrading table will be cleaned:

  • Add a field which annotated as unique = true.
  • Change a field's annotation into unique = true.
  • Change a field's annotation into nullable = false.

Be careful of the above conditions which will cause losing data.

3. Save data

The saving API is quite object oriented. Each model which inherits from LitePalSupport would have the save() method for free.


Album album = new Album();
Song song1 = new Song();
Song song2 = new Song();


val album = Album()
album.name = "album"
album.price = 10.99f
album.cover = getCoverImageBytes()
val song1 = Song()
song1.name = "song1"
song1.duration = 320
song1.album = album
val song2 = Song()
song2.name = "song2"
song2.duration = 356
song2.album = album

This will insert album, song1 and song2 into database with associations.

4. Update data

The simplest way, use save() method to update a record found by find().


Album albumToUpdate = LitePal.find(Album.class, 1);
albumToUpdate.setPrice(20.99f); // raise the price


val albumToUpdate = LitePal.find<Album>(1)
albumToUpdate.price = 20.99f // raise the price

Each model which inherits from LitePalSupport would also have update() and updateAll() method. You can update a single record with a specified id.


Album albumToUpdate = new Album();
albumToUpdate.setPrice(20.99f); // raise the price


val albumToUpdate = Album()
albumToUpdate.price = 20.99f // raise the price

Or you can update multiple records with a where condition.


Album albumToUpdate = new Album();
albumToUpdate.setPrice(20.99f); // raise the price
albumToUpdate.updateAll("name = ?", "album");


val albumToUpdate = Album()
albumToUpdate.price = 20.99f // raise the price
albumToUpdate.updateAll("name = ?", "album")

5. Delete data

You can delete a single record using the static delete() method in LitePal.


LitePal.delete(Song.class, id);



Or delete multiple records using the static deleteAll() method in LitePal.


LitePal.deleteAll(Song.class, "duration > ?" , "350");


LitePal.deleteAll<Song>("duration > ?" , "350")

6. Query data

Find a single record from song table with specified id.


Song song = LitePal.find(Song.class, id);


val song = LitePal.find<Song>(id)

Find all records from song table.


List<Song> allSongs = LitePal.findAll(Song.class);


val allSongs = LitePal.findAll<Song>()

Constructing complex query with fluent query.


List<Song> songs = LitePal.where("name like ? and duration < ?", "song%", "200").order("duration").find(Song.class);


val songs = LitePal.where("name like ? and duration < ?", "song%", "200").order("duration").find<Song>()

7. Multiple databases

If your app needs multiple databases, LitePal support it completely. You can create as many databases as you want at runtime. For example:

LitePalDB litePalDB = new LitePalDB("demo2", 1);

This will create a demo2 database with singer, album and song tables.

If you just want to create a new database but with same configuration as litepal.xml, you can do it with:

LitePalDB litePalDB = LitePalDB.fromDefault("newdb");

You can always switch back to default database with:


And you can delete any database by specified database name:


8. Transaction

LitePal support transaction for atomic db operations. All operations in the transaction will be committed or rolled back together.

Java usage:

boolean result1 = // db operation1
boolean result2 = // db operation2
boolean result3 = // db operation3
if (result1 && result2 && result3) {

Kotlin usage:

LitePal.runInTransaction {
    val result1 = // db operation1
    val result2 = // db operation2
    val result3 = // db operation3
    result1 && result2 && result3


If you are using ProGuard you might need to add the following option:

-keep class org.litepal.** {*;}
-keep class * extends org.litepal.crud.LitePalSupport {*;}

Bugs Report

If you find any bug when using LitePal, please report here. Thanks for helping us making better.

Change logs


  • Support database index by adding @Column(index = true) on field.
  • Adding return value for runInTransaction() function for Kotlin.
  • Fix known bugs.


  • Support transaction.
  • Add return value for LitePal.saveAll() method.
  • No longer support byte array field as column in table.
  • Deprecate all async methods. You should handle async operations by yourself.
  • Fix known bugs.


  • Optimize generic usage for async operation APIs.
  • Add LitePal.registerDatabaseListener() method for listening create or upgrade database events.
  • Provider better CRUD API usage for using generic declaration instead of Class parameter for kotlin.
  • Fix known bugs.


  • Offer new APIs for CRUD operations. Deprecate DataSupport, use LitePal and LitePalSupport instead.
  • Fully support kotlin programming.
  • Fix known bugs.


  • Support AES and MD5 encryption with @Encrypt annotation on fields.
  • Support to store database file on any directory of external storage.
  • Fix known bugs.


  • Support async operations for all crud methods.
  • Add saveOrUpdate() method in DataSupport.
  • Fix known bugs.


  • Support multiple databases.
  • Support crud operations for generic collection data in models.
  • Add SQLite keywords convert function to avoid keywords conflict.
  • Fix bug of DateSupport.count error.
  • Fix bug of losing blob data when upgrading database.
  • Fix other known bugs.


  • Improve an outstanding speed up of querying and saving.
  • Support to store database file in external storage.
  • Support to mapping fields which inherit from superclass.
  • Add findFirst() and findLast() in fluent query.
  • Add isExist() and saveIfNotExist() method in DataSupport.


  • Support storing binary data. Byte array field will be mapped into database as blob type.
  • Add saveFast() method in DataSupport. If your model has no associations to handle, use saveFast() method will be much more efficient.
  • Improve query speed with optimized algorithm.


  • Add annotation functions to declare unique, not null and default constraints.
  • Remove the trick of ignore mapping fields with non-private modifier.
  • Support to use annotation to ignore mapping fields with ignore = true
  • Add some magical methods in DataSupport for those who understand LitePal deeper.
  • Fix known bugs.


Copyright (C) Lin Guo, LitePal Framework Open Source Project

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • Android数据库框架 - LitePal学习笔记 简述 LitePal是郭神(郭霖)在2014年的杰作,三年后在github上有了一个更新,故来学习一番,没想到还挺好用,这里做下笔记。LitePal是一款开源的Android数据库框架,它采用了对象关系映射(ORM)的模式,并将我们平时开发时最常用到的一些数据库功能进行了封装,使得不用编写一行SQL语句就可以完成各种建表、増删改查的操作。并且L

  • Android LitePal第三方库使用详解 LitePal的Github项目地址 引入LitePal库依赖 implementation 'org.litepal.android:java:3.0.0' 配置litepal.xml文件 在项目的assets文件夹中创建一个文件,并将其命名为litepal.xml。然后将以下代码复制到其中。 dbname 数据库名称 定义应用程序的数据库名称。

  • 前言 前一篇文章介绍了LitePal的引入和基础配置,这一篇我们来介绍一下增删改查等操作,源码。 一、新增操作方法 1.普通新增方法。 代码如下(示例): UserEntity userEntity = new UserEntity(); userEntity.setAccount(account); userEntity.setPassword(password); userEntit

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  • 6.5 使用LitePal操作数据库         上一节我们学习了使用SQLiteDatabase来操作SQLite数据库的方法。 6.5.1 LitePal简介         LitePal是一款开源的Android数据库框架,它采用了对象关系映射(ORM)的模式,并将我们平时开发最常用到的一些数据库功能进行了封装,使得不用编写一行SQL语句就可以完成数据库的各种操作。 6.5.2 配置L

  • 新手日记,希望和我一样的小白看了之后有一些收获,也希望有人可以帮我发现问题!可以帮我更深入原理,本人纯小白! 目录 一、LitePal简介 1.1 什么是LitePal? 1.2 LitePal有什么用? 二、配置LitePal到当前项目当中 2.1 为什么要配置? 2.2 如何配置配置,步骤? 三、创建数据库 三、升级数据库 四、添加数据 五、更新数据 六、删除数据 七、查询数据 总结 一、Li

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  • LitePal for Android 中文文档 LitePal is an open source Android library that allows developers to use SQLite database extremely easy. You can finish most of the database operations without writing even a S



