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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 手机/移动开发
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 司空浩邈
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

For a rust version of this library check out rs-gpapi.


Call Google Play APIs from Node. You might want to check out the CLI package as well.

By default behaves like a Nexus device with SDK 23 for app downloads.


var api = require('gpapi').GooglePlayAPI({
  username: user,
  password: pass,
  androidId: android_id
  // apiUserAgent: optional API agent override (see below)
  // downloadUserAgent: optional download agent override (see below)

// usage via Promise

// usage via node callback convention
api.details("com.viber.voip", function (err, res) {
  console.log(err ? err : res);


The options accepted:

  username: username,
  password: password,
  androidId: androidId,
  countryCode: 'us',
  language: 'en_US',
  requestsDefaultParams: requestsDefaultParams,
  apiUserAgent: USER_AGENT,
  debug: false


The default apiUserAgent and downloadUserAgent is from Nexus 5X device, w/Play Store version 6.8.44:


const USER_AGENT = (
    'Android-Finsky/6.8.44.F-all%20%5B0%5D%203087104 ' +

  'AndroidDownloadManager/6.0.1 (Linux; U; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MHC19Q)'

Therefore you will have best luck getting an ANDROID_ID from a Nexus 5X oroverride the value via the options object for your particular device.

ID and User-Agent

Note that you'll need to grab the device-id (ANDROID_ID) and associateduser-agents for best performance of the library.

  • ANDROID_ID - the ID for the device for Google. This is the GSF ID not theid from dialing *#*#8255#*#*. You can get the gsf id e.g., using this following app:device idappWARNING: This is not the androidId but the GSF Id that is needed by the library

  • Another way is to setup an HTTP proxy and install a CA to the device to seethe network traffic. Here is an example from amitmproxy session:

These values can then be passed to the API so that apps can be downloaded withthe restrictions of the particular device.

requests defaults

Note that this library uses the requests module, therefore you can control proxy behavior or override defaults via the requestDefaultsParams option.


Use env variable DEBUG i.e., DEBUG=gp:api to enable debug output. This is done via request-debug.

You can provide the debug option too.

  username: username,
  password: password,
  androidId: androidId,
  debug: false


Assumes you have set the following environment variables: GOOGLE_LOGIN, GOOGLE_PASSWORD, ANDROID_ID

App details

± % node examples/details.js | jq '.'
  "docid": "com.viber.voip",
  "backendDocid": "com.viber.voip",
  "docType": 1,
  "backendId": 3,
  "title": "Viber",
  "creator": "Viber Media S.à r.l.",
  "descriptionHtml": "With Viber, everyone in the world can connect. Freely. More than 400 million Viber users text, call, and send photo and video messages worldwide over Wifi or 3G - for free. Viber Out can be used to make calls to non-Viber mobile and landline numbers at low rates. Viber is available for many smartphones and platforms.   <p>Viber is compatible with and optimized for Android tablets! Use Viber on your tablet and phone simultaneously.<br>On Viber, your phone number is your ID. The app syncs with your mobile contact list, automatically detecting which of your contacts have Viber. <p>•\tText with your friends<br>•\tMake free calls with HD sound quality<br>•\tPhoto sharing, video messages, voice messages, locations, stickers and emoticons<br>•\tGroups with up to 100 participants<br>•\tDownload stickers from the Sticker Market, making messaging fun! <br>•\tAbility to sort and reorder stickers<br>•\tPush notifications guarantee that you never miss a message or call, even when Viber is off<br>•\tIntegration with native contact list for calls and messages<br>•\tSupport for the Viber Desktop application on Windows and Mac <br>Localized to: Arabic, Catalan, Chinese (SP), Chinese (TR), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (BR), Portuguese (PT), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese<br>Viber is completely free with no advertising. <br>We value your privacy. <p>Follow us for updates and news:<br>Facebook - <a href=\"https://www.google.com/url?q=http://facebook.com/viber&amp;sa=D&amp;usg=AFQjCNGlVhJn65339uldBAp6MeFXZIV3mA\" target=\"_blank\">http://facebook.com/viber</a><br>Twitter - <a href=\"https://www.google.com/url?q=http://twitter.com/viber&amp;sa=D&amp;usg=AFQjCNG60qtBs85Z7vg5eeagjANxTrdSjQ\" target=\"_blank\">http://twitter.com/viber</a><p>(*) Network data charges may apply",
  "offer": [
      "micros": "0",
      "currencyCode": "USD",
      "formattedAmount": "Free",
      "checkoutFlowRequired": false,
      "offerType": 1

Related apps

± % node examples/related.js | jq '.'
    "backendId": 3,
    "title": "Similar apps",
    "child": [
        "docid": "com.skype.raider",
        "backendDocid": "com.skype.raider",
        "docType": 1,
        "backendId": 3,
        "title": "Skype - free IM & video calls",
        "creator": "Skype",
        "offer": [
            "micros": 0,
            "currencyCode": "USD",
            "formattedAmount": "Free",
            "checkoutFlowRequired": false,
            "offerType": 1
        "availability": {
          "restriction": 1,
          "perdeviceavailabilityrestriction": [
              "androidId": xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx9983,
              "deviceRestriction": 1,
              "channelId": 83938807
          "availableIfOwned": true

Download info

± % node examples/downloadInfo.js | jq '.'
  "url": "https://android.clients.google.com/market/download/Download?packageName=air.WatchESPN&versionCode=2100039&token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxw&downloadId=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy",
  "cookies": [
      "name": "MarketDA",
      "value": "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"

Complete Download info - complete object to be passed seamlessly to request.js

± % node examples/completeDownloadInfo.js | jq '.'
{ url: 'https://android.clients.google.com/market/download/Download?packageName=com.viber.voip&versionCode=37&ssl=1&token=xxxxxxxxx&downloadId=-xxxxxxxxxxx',
   RequestJar {
      CookieJar {
        enableLooseMode: true,
        store: { idx: { 'android.clients.google.com': { '/market/download': { MarketDA: Cookie="MarketDA=xxxxxxxx; Path=/market/download; hostOnly=true; aAge=29ms; cAge=29ms" } } } } } },
   { 'User-Agent': 'AndroidDownloadManager/4.2.2 (Linux; U; Android 4.2.2; Galaxy Nexus Build/JDQ39)',
     'Accept-Encoding': '' } }


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