在Google Cloud Platform上持续部署Node.js


by Gautam Arora

由Gautam Arora

在Google Cloud Platform上持续部署Node.js (Continuous Deployment for Node.js on the Google Cloud Platform)

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides a host of options for Node developers to easily deploy our apps. Want a managed hosting solution like Heroku? App Engine, check! Want to host a containerized app? Kubernetes Engine, check! Want to deploy serverless app? Cloud Functions, check!

Google Cloud Platform(GCP)Node开发人员提供了许多选项,可轻松部署我们的应用程序。 需要像Heroku这样的托管托管解决方案吗? App Engine ,请检查! 要托管一个容器化的应用程序吗? Kubernetes引擎 ,检查! 是否要部署无服务器应用程序? 云功能 ,请检查!

Recently at work, I’ve been enjoying using our in-house continuous deployment service that quickly builds, tests, and deploys new commits pushed to GitHub. So when I read about Google’s new Cloud Build service, I wanted to take it for a spin and see if I could recreate a similar seamless deployment experience for myself. Further, in a conversation with Fransizka from the Google Cloud team, she identified this as an area where a tutorial would be helpful. So here we go…

最近在工作中,我一直在使用我们的内部连续部署服务 ,该服务可以快速构建,测试和部署推送到GitHub的新提交。 因此,当我了解Google的新Cloud Build服务时,我想尝试一下它,看看是否可以为自己重新创建类似的无缝部署体验。 此外,在与Google Cloud团队的Fransizka进行的对话中,她指出这是教程会有所帮助的领域。 所以我们开始...

但是,等等,什么是Cloud Build? (But wait, what is Cloud Build?)

Cloud Build is a managed build service in GCP that can pull code from a variety of sources, run a series of build steps to create a build image for the application, and then deploy this image to a fleet of servers.

Cloud Build是GCP中的托管构建服务,可以从各种来源提取代码,运行一系列构建步骤来为应用程序创建构建映像,然后将该映像部署到服务器群中。

Cloud Build works well with Google’s own source code repository, Bit Bucket or GitHub. It can create a build image using a Docker configuration file (Dockerfile) or Cloud Build’s own configuration file (cloudconfig.yaml). It can deploy applications (and APIs) to App Engine, Kubernetes Engine, and Cloud Functions. A really cool feature is Build Triggers. These can be setup to watch for a new commit in the code repository and trigger a new build and deploy.

Cloud Build可与Google自己的源代码存储库,Bit Bucket或GitHub很好地配合使用。 它可以使用Docker配置文件( Dockerfile )或Cloud Build自己的配置文件( cloudconfig.yaml )创建构建映像。 它可以将应用程序(和API)部署到App Engine,Kubernetes Engine和Cloud Functions。 一个非常酷的功能是构建触发器。 可以设置它们以监视代码存储库中的新提交并触发新的构建和部署。

在我们深入探讨之前…… (Before we jump into the deep end…)

This post shares the detailed steps and code to setup the continuous deployment for Node apps on GCP. It assumes that you’re familiar with developing simple Node applications, working with the command line, and have some high level understanding of deploying apps to cloud services like Heroku, AWS, Azure or GCP.

这篇文章分享了详细的步骤和代码,以设置GCP上Node应用程序的连续部署。 假定您熟悉开发简单的Node应用程序,使用命令行并具有将应用程序部署到诸如Heroku,AWS,Azure或GCP之类的云服务的高级知识。

For each of the sections, a companion GitHub code repository is provided for you to follow along. Don’t sweat it though — feel free to skim over the article to learn about the high level ideas, and you can bookmark it and come to it later if you plan to set this up. The real fun of having a setup like this is that you get to deploy applications quickly.

对于每个部分,都提供了一个随附的GitHub代码存储库供您遵循。 不过,不要汗流—背-随意浏览本文以了解高级思想,如果打算进行设置,可以将其添加书签并在以后使用。 进行这样的设置的真正乐趣在于,您可以快速部署应用程序。

持续部署App Engine标准 (Continuous Deployment for App Engine Standard)

Deploying a Node app to App Engine is quite simple. Create a new project in Google Cloud Console, add an app.yaml configuration file in our code directory (which describes the node runtime we want to use — I’ve used Node 8), and run gcloud app deploy on our terminal — and done!

将Node应用程序部署到App Engine非常简单。 在Google Cloud Console中创建一个新项目,在我们的代码目录中添加一个app.yaml配置文件(该文件描述了我们要使用的节点运行时-我已经使用了Node 8),并在终端上运行gcloud app deploy完成了!

If you want to try this out for yourself, here are a couple of resources:


So, what we’ve done so far by following the quickstart guide above:


  1. Created a new project in Google Cloud Console

    在Google Cloud Console中创建了一个新项目
  2. Deployed our Node app to App Engine using gcloud app deploy

    使用gcloud app deploy将 Node应用程序部署到App Engine

….now how can we automate setup such that code changes get deployed automatically on push to GitHub?


Here is what we need to do:


  1. Put our code on GitHub

  • Head over to GitHub to create a new repository

  • Then follow the instructions to push code from your machine to GitHub


2. Enable Cloud Build


  • Enable the Cloud Build API for our project

    为我们的项目启用Cloud Build API

  • Enable the App Engine API for for our project.

    为我们的项目启用App Engine API

  • Grant App Engine IAM to Cloud Build Service account by going to the IAM page, find this service account <project-id>@cloudbuild.gserviceaccount.com, edit it and give it the App Engine Admin role.

    转到IAM页面 ,将App Engine IAM授予Cloud Build Service帐户,找到该服务帐户<project-id>@cloudbuild.gserviceaccou nt.com,对其进行编辑并赋予其App Engine管理员角色。

3. Create a Cloud Build configuration file

3.创建一个Cloud Build配置文件

  • Create a new file cloudbuild.yaml that looks like this:

    创建一个新文件cloudbuild.yaml ,如下所示:

steps:- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/npm'  args: ['install']- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/npm'  args: ['test']- name: "gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud"  args: ["app", "deploy"]timeout: "1600s"

This configuration has three build steps (each line starting with a hyphen is a build step) that will run npm install, then npm test and if all looks good then deploy our code to App Engine.

此配置包含三个构建步骤(每个以连字符开头的行是一个构建步骤),它们将运行npm install ,然后npm test ,如果一切正常,则将我们的代码部署到App Engine。

Each build step is just like a command we run on our machine. But in this case, since this file is in yaml and each step is split over 2 lines of name and args, it can look like a bit of a mind-bender.

每个构建步骤就像我们在计算机上运行的命令一样。 但是在这种情况下,由于此文件位于yaml中,并且每个步骤都分为两行name和args,因此看起来有点麻烦。

Let’s try this: for the line starting with “name”, read its last word and then read the values in the “args” line. I hope this file makes more sense now!

让我们尝试一下:对于以“ name”开头的行,请读取其最后一个单词,然后读取“ args”行中的值。 我希望这个文件现在更有意义!

4. Run a Build manually (optional, just for verification)


  • We can now deploy our application from our machine using Cloud Build

    现在,我们可以使用Cloud Build从我们的计算机上部署应用程序
  • Run the cloud build command on your terminal: gcloud builds submit — config cloudbuild.yaml .This command starts a build on Cloud Build using the configuration file we created above.

    在终端上运行cloud build命令: gcloud builds submit — config cloudbuild.yaml . 此命令使用上面创建的配置文件在Cloud Build上启动构建。

  • Head over to the Cloud Builds page to see the build being kicked off.

    转到Cloud Builds页面 ,查看开始的构建。

  • Wait for the build to end, and then test out your Node application using the App Engine URL for this app.

    等待构建结束,然后使用此应用程序的App Engine URL测试您的Node应用程序。
  • You can make changes to your Node app and call this command again and to start more builds if you would like.


5. Create a Build Trigger


  • Head over to the Cloud Build Triggers page and select Create Trigger

    转到“ 云构建触发器”页面,然后选择“创建触发器”

  • On the Build Trigger setup page, choose GitHub as the Source Code Repository. This will require you to authorize GCP to access your GitHub repositories, which you will need to approve. Once done, select the GitHub repository for your Node app that you had pushed to GitHub earlier.

    在“构建触发器设置”页面上,选择GitHub作为源代码存储库。 这将需要您授权GCP访问您需要批准的GitHub存储库。 完成后,为您之前推送到GitHub的Node应用选择GitHub存储库。
  • Create a trigger named continuous deployment, and for the trigger type choose Branch with regex for branch name as master. This will ensure that the builds, test, and deploy will only run for push to the master branch and not any branch.

    创建一个名为continuous deployment的触发器,并为该触发器类型选择“ Branch with regex”作为分支名称为master 。 这将确保生成,测试和部署仅在推送到master分支而不是任何分支时运行。

  • For the build configuration file, select cloudbuild.yaml


  • Now click the Build Trigger button


6. Run a Build automatically by pushing a commit to GitHub


  • With our build trigger created, make a simple commit to your node application, like change “Hello, World!” to “Hello, GCP!” and commit and push this code to GitHub

    创建我们的构建触发器后,只需对您的节点应用程序进行简单提交,例如更改“ Hello,World!”。 向“你好,GCP!” 提交并将此代码推送到GitHub
  • Head back the the Cloud Builds page and you will notice that a build was automatically triggered (if it isn’t, give it a few more seconds or click the refresh button on the page)

    返回“ Cloud Builds”页面 ,您会注意到一个构建是自动触发的(如果不是,请再等待几秒钟或单击页面上的刷新按钮)

  • Once the build is complete and you see a green check, you can visit your application using its App Engine URL and see that your changes are now live!

    构建完成后,您会看到绿色的对勾,您可以使用其App Engine URL访问您的应用程序,并看到您的更改现已生效!

Here is a screenshot for builds being triggered through a GitHub push for our app:


Too good to be true?? Run this last step a few times times to test it out a few more times. Our first application now gets deployed to App Engine on every commit to master ?

难以置信?? 多次运行此最后一步,再进行几次测试。 现在,每一次提交到master上,我们的第一个应用程序都将部署到App Engine?

Kubernetes引擎的持续部署 (Continuous Deployment for Kubernetes Engine)

Great, so we’ve setup our application to deploy to App Engine on GitHub push, but what if we wanted the same setup for our containerized applications? Let’s give it a spin!

太好了,因此我们已经将应用程序设置为在GitHub push上部署到App Engine,但是如果我们希望对容器化应用程序进行相同的设置怎么办? 让我们旋转一下!

At a high level, deploying a Node app to Kubernetes engine has two main tasks. First, get our app ready: Containerize the application with Docker, build it, and push the Docker image to Google Container Registry. Then, setup things on the GCP end: create a Kubernetes Cluster, create a Deployment with your application image, and then create a Service to allow access to your running application.

在较高级别上,将Node应用程序部署到Kubernetes引擎有两个主要任务。 首先,准备好我们的应用程序:使用Docker对该应用程序进行容器化,进行构建,然后将Docker映像推送到Google Container Registry。 然后,在GCP端进行设置:创建一个Kubernetes集群,使用您的应用程序映像创建一个Deployment,然后创建一个服务以允许访问您正在运行的应用程序。

If you want to try this out for yourself, here are a few resources:


So, what we’ve done so far by using the guides above:


  1. Created another new project in Google Cloud Console

    在Google Cloud Console中创建了另一个新项目
  2. Created a Kubernetes Cluster, Deployment, and Service

  3. Deployed our Containerized Node app to Kubernetes Engine using kubectl

    使用kubectl将我们的容器化节点应用程序部署到Kubernetes Engine

…but what we want is an continuous deployment setup such that a new commit kicks off a build and deployment.


Here is what we need to do:


  1. Put our code on GitHub

  • We will follow the same steps as we did in the section earlier on App Engine. Create a new repository and push code from our machine to GitHub.

    我们将按照与前面有关App Engine的部分相同的步骤进行操作。 创建一个新的存储库,并将代码从我们的机器推送到GitHub。

2. Enable Cloud Build


3. Create a Cloud Build Configuration file


  • Create a new file cloudbuild.yaml that looks like this:

    创建一个新文件cloudbuild.yaml ,如下所示:

steps:- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/npm'  args: ['install']- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/npm'  args: ['test']- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker'  args: ["build", "-t", "gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/my-image:$REVISION_ID", "."]- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker'  args: ["push", "gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/image:$REVISION_ID"]- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/kubectl' args: - 'set' - 'image' - 'deployment/my-deployment' - 'my-container=gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/image:$REVISION_ID' env: - 'CLOUDSDK_COMPUTE_ZONE=us-east1-b' - 'CLOUDSDK_CONTAINER_CLUSTER=my-cluster'

This configuration has five build steps that will run npm install and then npm test to make sure our application works, then it will create a Docker image and push to GCR and then deploy our application to our Kubernetes cluster. The values my-cluster, my-deployment and my-container in this file refer to resources in the Kubernetes cluster we have created (as per the guide we followed above). $REVISION_ID is a variable value that Cloud Build injects into the configuration based on GitHub commit that triggers this build.

该配置有五个构建步骤,将运行npm install然后进行npm test以确保我们的应用程序正常运行,然后将创建一个Docker映像并推送到GCR,然后将我们的应用程序部署到我们的Kubernetes集群。 该文件中的值my-cluster, my-deployment and my-container指的是我们创建的Kubernetes集群中的资源(按照上面遵循的指南)。 $REVISION_ID是一个变量值,Cloud Build根据触发该构建的GitHub提交将其注入配置。

4. Run a Build manually (optional, for verification)


  • We can now deploy our application from our machine using Cloud Build

    现在,我们可以使用Cloud Build从我们的计算机上部署应用程序
  • Run the cloud build command on your terminal: gcloud builds submit — config cloudbuild.yaml --substitutions=REVISION_ID=1 .

    在您的终端上运行cloud build命令: gcloud builds submit — config cloudbuild.yaml --substitutions=REVISION_ID=1 .

We’re also passing the revision id in this command, since we are manually running this build vs it being triggered by GitHub.


  • Head over to the Cloud Builds page to see the build in action.

    转至“ Cloud Builds”页面,以查看实际的构建。

  • At the end of the build, you can test out your Node application using the Kubernetes Service URL

  • You can make changes to your Node app and call this command again to kickoff more builds if you would like


5. Create a Build Trigger


  • The steps for setting this up are the same as that from the section above for App Engine. Go to Cloud Build Triggers page for this project, select the right GitHub repository, create a trigger called continuous deployment just for the master branch and you’re done.

    设置步骤与上面针对App Engine的部分相同。 转到该项目的“ Cloud Build Triggers”页面 ,选择正确的GitHub存储库,为master分支创建一个名为“ continuous deployment的触发器,然后完成。

  • Run a Build automatically by pushing to GitHub

  • This is also the same as the section above for App Engine — make a change, add, commit and push to GitHub which will kickoff a build that you can see on your Cloud Builds page. Once the builds completes, you will be able to see the updated app using the Kubernetes Service URL.

    这与上面有关App Engine的部分相同-进行更改,添加,提交和推送到GitHub,这将启动您可以在“ 云构建”页面上看到的构建 。 构建完成后,您将可以使用Kubernetes服务URL查看更新的应用程序。

Here is a screenshot for a build being triggered through a GitHub push for our app:


The steps in this section were pretty much the same as the App Engine section. The main differences were that we had to containerize our application with Docker, spin up our Kubernetes cluster, and then have a Cloud Build configuration with just a few more steps.

本部分中的步骤与App Engine部分几乎相同。 主要区别在于,我们必须使用Docker将应用程序容器化,旋转我们的Kubernetes集群,然后仅需几个步骤即可完成Cloud Build配置。

But at its core, Cloud Build and its Build Triggers work pretty much the same and give us a seamless deployment experience. Our second application now gets deployed to Kubernetes Engine on every commit to master ??

但从本质上讲,Cloud Build及其构建触发器的工作原理几乎相同,并为我们提供了无缝的部署体验。 我们的第二个应用程序在每次提交给master时都已部署到Kubernetes Engine上。

持续部署云功能 (Continuous Deployment for Cloud Functions)

Sure, App Engine and Kubernetes Engine are great, but how about automated deployments for our Serverless app? I mean, having no servers to manage at all is really the best, right? Let’s do this!

当然,App Engine和Kubernetes Engine很棒,但是无服务器应用程序的自动化部署又如何呢? 我的意思是,根本没有要管理的服务器确实是最好的,对吗? 我们开工吧!

Deploying a Node app to Cloud functions will require us to create a new project. No configuration files are needed, and once GCloud functions deploy on our terminal, our functions are deployed!

将Node应用程序部署到Cloud功能将需要我们创建一个新项目。 不需要任何配置文件,并且一旦在我们的终端上部署了GCloud功能,就可以部署我们的功能!

If you want to try this out for yourself, here are the resources you will need:


If you’ve been following along, you can probably already picture what steps we need to do:


  1. Put our code on GitHub

  • We already know how to do this


2. Enable Cloud Build


3. Create a Cloud Build Configuration file


  • Create a new file cloudbuild.yaml that looks like this:

    创建一个新文件cloudbuild.yaml ,如下所示:

steps:- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/npm'  args: ['install']- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/npm'  args: ['test']- name: 'gcr.io/cloud-builders/gcloud' args: - beta - functions - deploy - helloWorld - -- source=. - -- runtime=nodejs8 - -- trigger-http

Similar to the App Engine configuration, this configuration has 3 steps to install. Then test the build, and if all is good, then deploy it to Cloud Functions.

与App Engine配置类似,此配置有3个安装步骤。 然后测试构建,如果一切正常,则将其部署到Cloud Functions。

4. Run the Build manually (optional, for verification)


  • We can now deploy our function from our machine using Cloud Build

    现在,我们可以使用Cloud Build从我们的机器上部署功能
  • Run this in your terminal: gcloud builds submit — config cloudbuild.yaml .

    在您的终端中运行此命令: gcloud builds submit — config cloudbuild.yaml .

  • Head over to the Cloud Builds page to see the build in action.

    转至“ Cloud Builds”页面,以查看实际的构建。

  • At the end of the build, you can test out your serverless app using the Cloud Function URL

    在构建结束时,您可以使用Cloud Function URL来测试无服务器应用程序

5. Create a Build Trigger


  • The steps for setting this up are the same as that from the section above for App Engine and Kubernetes Engine. Go to Cloud Build Triggers page for this project, select the right GitHub repository, create a trigger called continuous deployment just for the master branch, and you’re done.

    设置步骤与上面针对App Engine和Kubernetes Engine的部分中的步骤相同。 转到该项目的“ Cloud Build Triggers”页面 ,选择正确的GitHub存储库,为master分支创建一个名为“ continuous deployment的触发器,就完成了。

6. Run a Build automatically by pushing to GitHub


  • This is also the same as the section above for App Engine & Kubernetes Engine: make a change, add, commit and push to GitHub, which will kickoff a build that you can see on your Cloud Builds page. Once the build completes, you will be able to see the updated app using the Cloud Functions URL

    这与上面有关App Engine和Kubernetes Engine的部分相同:进行更改,添加,提交和推送到GitHub,这将启动您可以在Cloud Builds页面上看到的构建 。 构建完成后,您将可以使用Cloud Functions URL查看更新的应用程序

Here is a screenshot for build being triggered through a GitHub push for our sample app:


Cloud Functions were super easy to setup with automated builds and makes the “code → build → test → push → deploy” workflow really really fast! Our third application now gets deployed to Cloud functions on every commit to master ???

云功能非常易于通过自动构建进行设置,从而使“代码→构建→测试→推送→部署”工作流变得非常快! 现在,在每次提交给主服务器后,我们的第三个应用程序都将部署到云功能中?

结语 (Wrapping Up)

Phew! We covered a lot of ground in this post. If this was your first time trying out GCP for Node, hopefully you got to see how easy and straightforward it is to try out the various options. If you were most eager to understand how to setup continuous deployment for apps on GCP, I hope you weren’t disappointed either!

! 我们在这篇文章中介绍了很多内容。 如果这是您首次尝试使用GCP for Node,那么希望您能看到尝试各种选项的过程是多么容易和直接。 如果您最想了解如何为GCP上的应用设置持续部署,那么我希望您也不要失望!

Before you go, I just wanted to make sure that you didn’t miss the fact that all the sections had a sample app: Hello World for App Engine, Hello World for Kubernetes Engine and Hello World for Cloud Functions.

在开始之前,我只想确保您不会错过所有部分都包含示例应用程序的事实: App Engine的 Hello World,Kubernetes Engine的 Hello World和Cloud Functions的Hello World

That’s it for now! Let’s go ship some code! ?

现在就这样! 让我们一起发布一些代码! ?

Thanks for following along. If you have any questions or want to report any mistakes in this post, do leave a comment.

感谢您的关注。 如果您对此有任何疑问或想要报告任何错误,请发表评论。

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And you can follow me on Twitter here.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/continuous-deployment-for-node-js-on-google-cloud-platform-751a035a28d5/
