$ npm install memoize-path --save
var memo = require('memoize-path'); /** * When a string is passed, a function is returned */ var cwd = memo(process.cwd()); // use `cwd` var foo = cwd('foo'); var bar = cwd('bar'); var baz = cwd('baz'); // use `foo` var qux = foo('a/b/c'); // use `qux` var fez = qux('x/y/z'); /** * Returns the memoized path when no value is passed */ console.log(cwd()); //=> /User/dev/memo-path console.log(foo()); //=> /User/dev/memo-path/foo console.log(bar()); //=> /User/dev/memo-path/bar console.log(baz()); //=> /User/dev/memo-path/baz console.log(qux()); //=> /User/dev/memo-path/foo/a/b/c console.log(fez()); //=> /User/dev/memo-path/foo/a/b/c/x/y/z /** * The memoized path is also exposed on the function's `.path` property */ console.log(cwd.path); //=> /User/dev/memo-path console.log(foo.path); //=> /User/dev/memo-path/foo console.log(bar.path); //=> /User/dev/memo-path/bar console.log(baz.path); //=> /User/dev/memo-path/baz console.log(qux.path); //=> /User/dev/memo-path/foo/a/b/c console.log(fez.path); //=> /User/dev/memo-path/foo/a/b/c/x/y/z
This problem was asked by Google. In a directed graph, each node is assigned an uppercase letter. We define a path's value as the number of most frequently-occurring letter along that path. For exampl
Given an integer matrix, find the length of the longest increasing path. From each cell, you can either move to four directions: left, right, up or down. You may NOT move diagonally or move outside of
Given a binary tree, find the length of the longest path where each node in the path has the same value. This path may or may not pass through the root. Note: The length of path between two nodes is r
稳定性: 2 - 稳定的 path 模块提供了一些工具函数,用于处理文件与目录的路径。可以通过以下方式使用: const path = require('path'); Windows 与 POSIX path 模块的默认操作会根据 Node.js 应用程序运行的操作系统的不同而变化。 比如,当运行在 Windows 操作系统上时,path 模块会认为使用的是 Windows 风格的路径。 例如
该类定义了二维路径,提供了一些类似2D Canvas API的方法来创建或者构造二维路径。 代码示例 const path = new THREE.Path(); path.lineTo( 0, 0.8 ); path.quadraticCurveTo( 0, 1, 0.2, 1 ); path.lineTo( 1, 1 ); const points = path.getPoints(); co
Provides an indexed, memoized view into the sequence. This will cache the result whenever the sequence is first iterated, so that subsequent iterations will access the same element objects. Signature
Java的path接口是作为Java NIO 2的一部分是Java6,7中NIO的升级增加部分。Path在Java 7新增的。相关接口位于java.nio.file包下,所以Javaz内Path接口的完整名称是java.nio.file.Path. 一个Path实例代表一个文件系统内的路径。path可以指向文件也可以指向目录。可以使相对路径也可以是绝对路径。绝对路径包含了从根目录到该文件(目录)的
SVG中的路径概念可以是一个形状的外框,也可以是用来裁剪的线条,这个线条可以被描边,封闭时还可以被填充。 路径和折线或多边形不同之处在于,路径可以是直线也可以曲线,因此使用路径可以构造更为复杂的几何图形。 我们可以把路径看成是手工绘图的笔迹,可以用点的集合和绘制方式(如线段或圆弧)来描述。 path 标签 path 标签用来创建一条路径,路径元素的基本属性是路径数据,用 d='path data'
例子1 (Example 1) 以下是演示JavaFX中的路径转换的程序。 将此代码保存在名为PathTransitionExample.java的文件中。 import javafx.animation.PathTransition; import javafx.application.Application; import static javafx.application.Applica