Mainstream adoption of blockchains has been limited because of scalability, privacy, and interoperability challenges. Aion is a multi-tier blockchain network designed to address these challenges.
Core to our hypothesis is the idea that many blockchains will be created to solve unique business challenges within unique industries. As such, the Aion network is designed to support custom blockchain architectures while providing a trustless mechanism for cross-chain interoperability.
The Aion White Papers provides more details regarding our design and project roadmap.
This repository contains the main (Java) kernel implementation and releases for the Aion Network.
If you're interested in building Open Applications, powered by Aion:
If you're interested in making improvements to the Java Implementation of Aion:
Please refer to the wiki pages for further documentation on mining/validating, using the Web3 API, command line options, etc.
If you're interested in being a validator on the Aion networks, refer to our Validator Docs
If you're interested in interacting with dApps and using Aion, refer to our Aion Desktop Wallet Docs
To keep up to date and stay connected with current progress and development, reach out to us on the following channels:
Aion Telegram
Dispatch Alerts
Aion on Twitter
Aion Blog
Aion is released under the MIT license
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aion 变量 Java开发人员与区块链是否匹配? 对开发智能合约感兴趣的Java程序员已经有了新工具。 BloxBean项目启动了Aion4j, 这是用于在Aion虚拟机上构建智能合约的一组开发工具和框架。 目前处于概念阶段,它在其路线图中提出了几个目标。 让我们看一下它的建议目标,它包括什么以及它解决了哪些潜在问题。 拟议目标 根据GitHub存储库,以下列出了Aion4j使用寿命的建议目标:
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