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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 Web3、 开源货币/比特币
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 夏季萌
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Welcome to python-kucoin v2.1.1

This is an unofficial Python wrapper for the Kucoin exchanges REST and Websocket API v2.I am in no way affiliated with Kucoin, use at your own risk.

Source code
Blog with examples


  • Implementation of REST endpoints
  • Simple handling of authentication
  • Response exception handling
  • Implement websockets (note only python3.5+)


  • L2 and L3 Local Order Books

Quick Start

Register an account with Kucoin.

To test on the Sandbox register with Kucoin Sandbox.

Generate an API Keyor Generate an API Key in Sandbox and enable it.

pip install python-kucoin
from kucoin.client import Client

api_key = '<api_key>'
api_secret = '<api_secret>'
api_passphrase = '<api_passphrase>'

client = Client(api_key, api_secret, api_passphrase)

# or connect to Sandbox
# client = Client(api_key, api_secret, api_passphrase, sandbox=True)

# get currencies
currencies = client.get_currencies()

# get market depth
depth = client.get_order_book('KCS-BTC')

# get symbol klines
klines = client.get_kline_data('KCS-BTC')

# get list of markets
markets = client.get_markets()

# place a market buy order
order = client.create_market_order('NEO', Client.SIDE_BUY, size=20)

# get list of active orders
orders = client.get_active_orders('KCS-BTC')


Note only for python3.5+

import asyncio

from kucoin.client import Client
from kucoin.asyncio import KucoinSocketManager

api_key = '<api_key>'
api_secret = '<api_secret>'
api_passphrase = '<api_passphrase>'

async def main():
    global loop

    # callback function that receives messages from the socket
    async def handle_evt(msg):
        if msg['topic'] == '/market/ticker:ETH-USDT':
            print(f'got ETH-USDT tick:{msg["data"]}')

        elif msg['topic'] == '/market/snapshot:BTC':
            print(f'got BTC market snapshot:{msg["data"]}')

        elif msg['topic'] == '/market/snapshot:KCS-BTC':
            print(f'got KCS-BTC symbol snapshot:{msg["data"]}')

        elif msg['topic'] == '/market/ticker:all':
            print(f'got all market snapshot:{msg["data"]}')

        elif msg['topic'] == '/account/balance':
            print(f'got account balance:{msg["data"]}')

        elif msg['topic'] == '/market/level2:KCS-BTC':
            print(f'got L2 msg:{msg["data"]}')

        elif msg['topic'] == '/market/match:BTC-USDT':
            print(f'got market match msg:{msg["data"]}')

        elif msg['topic'] == '/market/level3:BTC-USDT':
            if msg['subject'] == 'trade.l3received':
                if msg['data']['type'] == 'activated':
                    # must be logged into see these messages
                    print(f"L3 your order activated: {msg['data']}")
                    print(f"L3 order received:{msg['data']}")
            elif msg['subject'] == 'trade.l3open':
                print(f"L3 order open: {msg['data']}")
            elif msg['subject'] == 'trade.l3done':
                print(f"L3 order done: {msg['data']}")
            elif msg['subject'] == 'trade.l3match':
                print(f"L3 order matched: {msg['data']}")
            elif msg['subject'] == 'trade.l3change':
                print(f"L3 order changed: {msg['data']}")

    client = Client(api_key, api_secret, api_passphrase)

    ksm = await KucoinSocketManager.create(loop, client, handle_evt)

    # Note: try these one at a time, if all are on you will see a lot of output

    # ETH-USDT Market Ticker
    await ksm.subscribe('/market/ticker:ETH-USDT')
    # BTC Symbol Snapshots
    await ksm.subscribe('/market/snapshot:BTC')
    # KCS-BTC Market Snapshots
    await ksm.subscribe('/market/snapshot:KCS-BTC')
    # All tickers
    await ksm.subscribe('/market/ticker:all')
    # Level 2 Market Data
    await ksm.subscribe('/market/level2:KCS-BTC')
    # Market Execution Data
    await ksm.subscribe('/market/match:BTC-USDT')
    # Level 3 market data
    await ksm.subscribe('/market/level3:BTC-USDT')
    # Account balance - must be authenticated
    await ksm.subscribe('/account/balance')

    while True:
        print("sleeping to keep loop open")
        await asyncio.sleep(20, loop=loop)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

For more check out the documentation.


If this library helped you out feel free to donate.

  • ETH: 0xD7a7fDdCfA687073d7cC93E9E51829a727f9fE70
  • NEO: AVJB4ZgN7VgSUtArCt94y7ZYT6d5NDfpBo
  • LTC: LPC5vw9ajR1YndE1hYVeo3kJ9LdHjcRCUZ
  • BTC: 1Dknp6L6oRZrHDECRedihPzx2sSfmvEBys

Other Exchanges

If you use Binance check out my python-binance library.

If you use Binance Chain check out my python-binance-chain library.

If you use Allcoin check out my python-allcoin library.

If you use IDEX check out my python-idex library.

If you use BigONE check out my python-bigone library.

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