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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 Web3、 开源货币/比特币
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 濮阳宜
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

CryptoSignal - #1 Quant Trading & Technical Analysis Bot - 2,100 + stars, 580 + forks https://github.com/CryptoSignal/Crypto-Signal

Development state: Beta (Code is stable, documentation is often lagging)

Join our community Discord channel! (2,100+ members)

Crypto Signals is a command line tool that automates your crypto currency Technical Analysis (TA). It is maintained by a community of traders, engineers, data scientists, PMs, & countless generous individuals who wish to democratize the equal & open access to the greatest wealth re-distribution experiment in human and monetary policy history - Bitcoin

Track over 500 coins across Bittrex, Binance, Bittrex, Bitfinex, Coinbase, Gemini and more!

(Subject to local financial regulations under the jurisdiction you and your financial activities are under. Marketing or enabling does not imply nor justify the facilitation or condoning of any activity - financial or otherwise. You assume and bare all risk. Be careful & act wisely.)

Technical Analysis Automated:

  • Momentum
  • Relative Strength Index (RSI)
  • Ichimoku Cloud (Leading Span A, Leading Span B, Conversion Line, Base Line)
  • Simple Moving Average
  • Exponential Moving Average
  • MACD
  • MFI
  • OBV
  • VWAP


  • SMS via Twilio
  • Email
  • Slack
  • Telegram
  • Discord


  • Modular code for easy trading strategy implementation
  • Easy install with Docker

You can build on top of this tool and implement algorithm trading and some machine learning models to experiment with predictive analysis.

Founded by Abenezer Mamo @ www.Mamo.io & www.linkedin.com/in/AbenezerMamo

Installing And Running

The commands listed below are intended to be run in a terminal.

  1. Install docker CE

  2. Create a config.yml file in your current directory. See the Configuring config.yml section below for customizing settings.

  3. In a terminal run the application. docker run --rm -v $PWD/config.yml:/app/config.yml shadowreaver/crypto-signal:master.

  4. When you want to update the application run docker pull shadowreaver/crypto-signal:master

Configuring config.yml

For a list of all possible options for config.yml and some example configurations look here


Common Questions

Why does Tradingview show me different information than crypto-signal?

There are a number of reasons why the information crypto-signal provides could be different from tradingview and the truth is we have no way to be 100% certain of why the differences exist. Below are some things that affect the indicators that may differ between crypto-signal and tradingview.

  • tradingview will have more historical data and for some indicators this can make a big difference.

  • tradingview uses a rolling 15 minute timeframe which means that the data they are analyzing can be more recent than ours by a factor of minutes or hours depending on what candlestick timeframe you are using.

  • tradingview may collect data in a way that means the timeperiods we have may not line up with theirs, which can have an effect on the analysis. This seems unlikely to us, but stranger things have happened.

So if it doesn't match Tradingview how do you know your information is accurate?

Underpinning crypto-signal for most of our technical analysis is TA-Lib which is an open source technical analysis project started in 1999. This project has been used in a rather large number of technical analysis projects over the last two decades and is one of the most trusted open source libraries for analyzing candlestick data.


I am not your financial adviser, nor is this tool. Use this program as an educational tool, and nothing more. None of the contributors to this project are liable for any losses you may incur. Be wise and always do your own research.

We recommend you begin by learning the core principles used in traditional asset classes since they are less volatile & apply your knowledge in simulated trading before liquidating your dreams.

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  • import socket, select, signal, string import sys, os, time, random import threading HOST = '' PORT = 1337 USERNAME = "Houdini" s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.con

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  • SignalR SignalR 支持的平台   ASP.NET Core SignalR 支持的平台   SignalR 目录   教程:ASP.NET Core SignalR 入门【添加 SignalR 客户端库】 ASP.NET Core SignalR 简介  (GitHub上的SignalR)    在 SignalR 中使用中心 ASP.NET Core(上下文对象、Clients 对

  • #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include<signal.h> #include<sys/types.h> void func() { puts("hello"); } int main(void) { signal(SIGALRM,func);//当接受到ALARM信号时就做func函数里面做的事情父 alarm(4);//设置4秒的脑中

  • Service details: Cell signal transduction refers to the process that extracellular factors combine with receptors (membrane receptors or nuclear receptors) to trigger a series of biochemical reactions

  • /* Signal number definitions. Linux version. Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU C Library. The GNU C Library is free software; you can redis

  •   Image feature extraction algorithm based on CUDA architecture: case study GFD and GCFD Abstract:     Optimising computing times of applications is an increasingly important task in many different ar

  • 不同进程间传递整型参数 信号接收程序 #include <signal.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> void new_op(int,siginfo_t*,void*); void user_handle() { printf("siguser /n"); } int main(int argc,char**argv) { struct

  • /**   * Copyright (c) 2018-2022 ThunderSoft   * All Rights Reserved by Thunder Software Technology Co., Ltd and its affiliates.   * You may not use, copy, distribute, modify, transmit in any form this

  • 1.信号的产生   Linux下的信号可以类比于DOS下的INT或者是Windows下的事件。   信号事件的发生有两个来源:一个是硬件的原因(比如按下了键盘),一个是软件的原因(比如使用系统函数或者是命令发出信号)。   List all signal:   #> man 7 signal 2. 三种异常中断信号    2.1 SIGSEGV (Segment fault)           

  • 1. code example #include <signal.h> static void my_signal_handler(int sig) {     printf("receive signal %d", sig); } int main(/*int argc, char **argv*/) {     struct sigaction sa;    /* Set up the sig

  • Linux Signal (1): 基本概念 1. 信号是软件中断: 信号提供了一种处理异步事件的方法. 每个信号都有一个名字, 他们以SIG开头, 如SIGALRM是闹钟信号, 当由alarm函数设置的计时器超时后产生此信号, 然后由SIGALRM的信号处理函数接管处理, 处理之后返回调用alarm函数的应用程序中. 2. 信号编号: 在头文件中, 信号都用宏定义为正整数的信号编号, 不存在编号

  • Overview 因为Java的Crypto API始终有点难用,SpringSide在core module中的org.springside.modules.security.utils中提供了封装。 API的出入参数都是byte[]数组,需要配合Encodes来转换成Hex或Base64存储。 Digests消息摘要 去年一轮的密码被盗风波后,使用salt并迭代N次的sha-1式密码存储已经是

  • The crypto component hosts all the implementations of cryptographic primitives we use in Libra: hashing, signing, and key derivation/generation. The NextGen directory contains implementations of crypt

  • crypto 跟加密相关的一些功能,包括安全验证等。

  • crypto 包括 attr、ecdsa、utils 子包。 attr:chaincode 属性检查校验; ecdsa:ecdsa 加密算法接口,一些 hash 和签名校验方法。 utils:提供 aes、ecdsa、x509 等方法。

  • crypto模块的目的是为了提供通用的加密和哈希算法。用纯JavaScript代码实现这些功能不是不可能,但速度会非常慢。Nodejs用C/C++实现这些算法后,通过cypto这个模块暴露为JavaScript接口,这样用起来方便,运行速度也快。 MD5和SHA1 MD5是一种常用的哈希算法,用于给任意数据一个“签名”。这个签名通常用一个十六进制的字符串表示: const crypto = req

  • import "crypto" crypto包搜集了常用的密码(算法)常量。 type PublicKey type PublicKey interface{} 代表一个使用未指定算法的公钥。 type PrivateKey type PrivateKey interface{} 代表一个使用未指定算法的私钥。 type Hash type Hash uint Hash用来识别/标识另一个包里实现