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Poloniex API wrapper for Python 2.7 & 3
授权协议 GPL-2.0 License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 Web3、 开源货币/比特币
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 高海阳
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Inspired by this wrapper written by 'oipminer'

I (s4w3d0ff) am not affiliated with, nor paid by Poloniex. If you wish to contribute to the repository please read CONTRIBUTING.md. All and any help is appreciated.


  • Python 2.7 and 3+
  • Pypi
  • Travis
  • Websocket api support
  • Minimal amount of dependencies
  • Internal checks to reduce external api errors
  • Rate limiter to keep from going over call limits
  • Retries failed api calls during connection issues


pip install --upgrade poloniexapi


See the wiki or help(poloniex) for more.

All api calls are done through an instance of poloniex.Poloniex. You can use the instance as follows:

# import this package
from poloniex import Poloniex

# make an instance of poloniex.Poloniex
polo = Poloniex()

# show the ticker

Using the instances __call__ method (shown above) you can pass the command string as the first argument to make an api call. The poloniex.Poloniex class also has 'helper' methods for each command that will help 'sanitize' the commands arguments. For example, Poloniex.returnChartData('USDT_BTC', period=777) will raise PoloniexError("777 invalid candle period").

# using a 'helper' method
print(polo.returnChartData(currencyPair='BTC_LTC', period=900))
# bypassing 'helper'
print(polo(command='returnChartData', args={'currencyPair': 'BTC_LTC',
                                            'period': 900}))

Almost every api command can be called this way. This wrapper also checks that the command you pass to the command arg is a valid command to send to poloniex, this helps reduce api errors due to typos.

Private Commands:

To use the private api commands you first need an api key and secret (supplied by poloniex). When creating the instance of poloniex.Poloniex you can pass your api key and secret to the object like so:

import poloniex
polo = poloniex.Poloniex(key='your-Api-Key-Here-xxxx', secret='yourSecretKeyHere123456789')

# or this works
polo.key = 'your-Api-Key-Here-xxxx'
polo.secret = 'yourSecretKeyHere123456789'

# get your balances
balance = polo.returnBalances()
print("I have %s ETH!" % balance['ETH'])

# or use '__call__'
balance = polo('returnBalances')
print("I have %s BTC!" % balance['BTC'])

Trade History:

Poloniex has two api commands with the same name returnTradeHistory. To work around this without splitting up the commands or having to specify 'public' or 'private' we use the helper method Poloniex.marketTradeHist for public trade history and Poloniex.returnTradeHistory for private trades. If you try to bypass the helper method using Poloniex.__call__, it will call the private command.

Public trade history:


Private trade history:


You can also not use the 'helper' methods at all and use poloniex.PoloniexBase which only has returnMarketHist and __call__ to make rest api calls.

Websocket Usage:

To connect to the websocket api use the PoloniexSocketed class like so:

import poloniex
import logging
from time import sleep

# helps show what is going on

def on_volume(data):
# make instance
sock = poloniex.PoloniexSocketed()
# start the websocket thread and subscribe to '24hvolume' setting the callback to 'on_volume'
sock.startws(subscribe={'24hvolume': on_volume})
# give the socket some time to init
# use the channel name str or id int to subscribe/unsubscribe
sock.subscribe(chan='ticker', callback=print)
# unsub from ticker using id (str name can be use as well)
# stop websocket
INFO:poloniex:Websocket thread started
DEBUG:poloniex:Subscribed to 24hvolume
DEBUG:poloniex:Subscribed to ticker
[241, '86.59997298', '86.68262835', '85.69590501', '0.01882321', '22205.56419338', '258.30264061', 0, '87.31843098', '82.81638725']
[254, '5.89427014', '6.14542299', '5.92000026', '-0.03420118', '9978.11197201', '1649.83975863', 0, '6.19642428', '5.74631502']
DEBUG:poloniex:Unsubscribed to ticker
['2019-06-07 04:16', 2331, {'BTC': '2182.115', 'ETH': '490.635', 'XMR': '368.983', 'USDT': '7751402.061', 'USDC': '5273463.730'}]
DEBUG:poloniex:Websocket Closed
INFO:poloniex:Websocket thread stopped/joined

You can also subscribe and start the websocket thread when creating an instance of PoloniexSocketed by using the subscribe and start args:

sock = poloniex.PoloniexSocketed(subscribe={'24hvolume': print}, start=True)

More examples of how to use websocket push API can be found here.

  • 我对Python比较陌生,使用的是3.6.1版 我希望我可以用HMAC-SHA512为poloniex trading api编写python3.6.1post请求的代码,但是得到了这个错误。 我得到的答案大多来自python2,这不是我想要的。请帮忙。 我的python shell日志首先:{'command': 'returnBalances', 'nonce': 1492523610} co

  • Examples PHP wrapper by compcentral: http://pastebin.com/iuezwGRZ Python wrapper by oipminer: http://pastebin.com/fbkheaRb Node.js example of how to connect to the push API (requires autobahn): http:/

  • I now get the following error: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) in () 1 for ticker in tickers: ----> 2 CryptoDat

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  • 主要内容:Python 3.x print()函数代替了print语句,Python 3.x 默认使用 UTF-8 编码,Python 3.x 除法运算,Python 3.x 异常,Python 3.x 八进制字面量表示,Python 3.x 不等于运算符,Python 3.x 输入差异,Python 3.x 数据类型Python 版本分为两大流派,一个是 Python 2.x 版本,另外一个是 Python 3.x 版本,Python 官方同时提供了对这两个版本的支持和维护。 2020 年 1

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