"platform": "binance_spot",
"symbol": "ETHUSDT",
"api_key": "replace your api key here",
"api_secret": "replace your api secret here",
"gap_percent": 0.005,
"quantity": 0.01,
"max_orders": 1,
"proxy_host": "",
"proxy_port": 0
platform: 是交易的平台, 填写 binance_spot 或者 binance_future,如果交易的是合约的,就填写binance_future. if you want to trade future,use binance_future, or binance_spot for spot exchange in Binance.
symbol 交易对: BTCUSDT, BNBUSDT等, trading pair like BTCUSDT, ETHUSDT.
api_key : 从交易所获取 api key from Binance
api_secret: 交易所获取 api secret from Binance
gap_percent: 网格交易的价格间隙, the grid step
quantity : 每次下单的数量, the order quantity you want to trade everytime.
max_orders: 单边的下单量: max order count.
proxy_host: 如果需要用代理的话,请填写你的代理 your proxy host, if youwant proxy
proxy_port: 代理端口号 your proxy port for connecting to binance.