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授权协议 Unlicense License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 Web3、 开源货币/比特币
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 江礼骞
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Free Currency Rates API


In the name of God, who have guided me to do this work


  • Free & Blazing Fast response
  • No Rate limits
  • 150+ Currencies, Including Common Cryptocurrencies
  • Daily Updated

URL Structure:




The date should either be latest or in YYYY-MM-DD format
Note: Historical rates before 2020-11-22 are not available

The Endpoints Supports HTTP GET Method and returns the data in two formats:



The above formats also work for fallback i.e if .min.json link fails, you can use .json link and vice versa


  • /currencies

Lists all the available currencies in prettified json format:

Get a minified version of it:

  • /currencies/{currencyCode}

Get the currency list with EUR as base currency:

Get the currency list with EUR as base currency on date 2020-11-24:

Get the currency list with BTC as base currency:

Get the currency list with BTC as base currency in minified format:

  • /currencies/{currencyCode}/{currencyCode}

Get the currency value for EUR to JPY:

Any Issues: Raise here

Supporters �� :

I would like to thank all the Supporters who have helped in supporting this tool:

  • Shaheen Alhumaydhi
  • Kaushal Parashar
  • Lury Williams
  • Fernando Toribio


You can help support this Service by as little as $3, because this Service needs regular maintenance to keep it running.
Support Link

Also Please Star this repo by clicking on button above ↗️

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