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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 Web3、 开源货币/比特币
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 梁鸿风
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Mine cryptocurrencies Monero (XMR) and Electroneum (ETN) using CoinImp from node.js

This Project is a fork of CoinHive, which uses CoinImp instead of CoinHive to mine cryptocurrencies

New: Now you can run this miner on any stratum based pool.

New: Now you can mine Electroneum (ETN).

Need a proxy? check web-socket-proxy.


npm install -g coin-imp


const CoinImp = require('coin-imp');

(async () => {
  // Create miner
  const miner = await CoinImp('7591494ad1e56601bc8358580d567b319753bc773de35ce1f0d53bb8e4b97186'); // CoinImp's Site Key

  // Start miner
  await miner.start();

  // Listen on events
  miner.on('found', () => console.log('Found!'));
  miner.on('accepted', () => console.log('Accepted!'));
  miner.on('update', data =>
    Hashes per second: ${data.hashesPerSecond}
    Total hashes: ${data.totalHashes}
    Accepted hashes: ${data.acceptedHashes}

  // Stop miner
  setTimeout(async () => await miner.stop(), 60000);



coin-imp 7591494ad1e56601bc8358580d567b319753bc773de35ce1f0d53bb8e4b97186


  --interval        Interval between updates (logs)
  --port            Port for the miner server
  --host            Host for the miner server
  --threads         Number of threads for the miner
  --throttle        The fraction of time that threads should be idle
  --proxy           Proxy socket 5/4, for example: socks5://
  --puppeteer-url   URL where puppeteer will point to, by default is miner server (host:port)
  --dev-fee         A donation to the developer, the default is 0.001 (0.1%)
  --pool-host       A custom stratum pool host, it must be used in combination with --pool-port
  --pool-port       A custom stratum pool port, it must be used in combination with --pool-host
  --pool-pass       A custom stratum pool password, if not provided the default one is 'x'


  • CoinImp(siteKey[, options]): Returns a promise of a Miner instance. It requires a CoinImp Site Key. The options object is optional and may contain the following properties:

    • interval: Interval between update events in ms. Default is 1000.

    • port: Port for the miner server. Default is 3002.

    • host: Host for the miner server. Default is localhost.

    • threads: Number of threads. Default is navigator.hardwareConcurrency (number of CPU cores).

    • throttle: The fraction of time that threads should be idle. Default is 0.

    • proxy: Puppeteer's proxy socket 5/4 (ie: socks5://cryptominer.now.sh).

    • launch: The options that will be passed to puppeteer.launch(options). See Puppeteer Docs.

    • pool: This allows you to use a different pool. It has to be an Stratum based pool. This object must contain the following properties:

      • host: The pool's host.

      • port: The pool's port.

      • pass: The pool's password. If not provided the default one is "x".

    • devFee: A donation to send to the developer. Default is 0.001 (0.1%).

  • miner.start(): Connect to the pool and start mining. Returns a promise that will resolve once the miner is started.

  • miner.stop(): Stop mining and disconnect from the pool. Returns a promise that will resolve once the miner is stopped.

  • miner.kill(): Stop mining, disconnect from the pool, shutdown the server and close the headless browser. Returns a promise that will resolve once the miner is dead.

  • miner.on(event, callback): Specify a callback for an event. The event types are:

    • update: Informs hashesPerSecond, totalHashes and acceptedHashes.

    • open: The connection to our mining pool was opened. Usually happens shortly after miner.start() was called.

    • authed: The miner successfully authed with the mining pool and the siteKey was verified. Usually happens right after open.

    • close: The connection to the pool was closed. Usually happens when miner.stop() was called.

    • error: An error occured. In case of a connection error, the miner will automatically try to reconnect to the pool.

    • job: A new mining job was received from the pool.

    • found: A hash meeting the pool's difficulty (currently 256) was found and will be send to the pool.

    • accepted: A hash that was sent to the pool was accepted.

Environment Variables

All the following environment variables can be used to configure the miner from the outside:

  • COINIMP_SITE_KEY: CoinImp's Site Key

  • COINIMP_INTERVAL: The interval on which the miner reports an update

  • COINIMP_THREADS: Number of threads

  • COINIMP_THROTTLE: The fraction of time that threads should be idle

  • COINIMP_PORT: The port that will be used to launch the server, and where puppeteer will point to

  • COINIMP_HOST: The host that will be used to launch the server, and where puppeteer will point to

  • COINIMP_PUPPETEER_URL: In case you don't want to point puppeteer to the local server, you can use this to make it point somewhere else where the miner is served (ie: COINIMP_PUPPETEER_URL=https://cryptominer.now.sh)

  • COINIMP_PROXY: Puppeteer's proxy socket 5/4 (ie: COINIMP_PROXY=socks5://cryptominer.now.sh)

  • COINIMP_DEV_FEE: A donation to the developer, the default is 0.001 (0.1%).

  • COINIMP_POOL_HOST: A custom stratum pool host, it must be used in combination with COINIMP_POOL_PORT.

  • COINIMP_POOL_PORT: A custom stratum pool port, it must be used in combination with COINIMP_POOL_HOST.

  • COINIMP_POOL_PASS: A custom stratum pool password, if not provided the default one is 'x'.


Can I run this on a different pool than CoinImp's?

Yes, you can run this on any pool based on the Stratum Mining Protocol.

const CoinImp = require('coin-imp');
(async () => {
  const miner = await CoinImp('<YOUR-MONERO-ADDRESS>', {
    pool: {
      host: 'la01.supportxmr.com',
      port: 3333,
      pass: '<YOUR-PASSWORD-FOR-POOL>' // default 'x' if not provided
  await miner.start();
  miner.on('found', () => console.log('Found!'));
  miner.on('accepted', () => console.log('Accepted!'));
  miner.on('update', data =>
    Hashes per second: ${data.hashesPerSecond}
    Total hashes: ${data.totalHashes}
    Accepted hashes: ${data.acceptedHashes}

Now your CoinImp miner would be mining on supportXMR.com pool, using your monero address.

You can also do this using the CLI:

coin-imp <YOUR-MONERO-ADDRESS> --pool-host=la01.supportxmr.com --pool-port=3333 --pool-pass=<YOUR-PASSWORD-FOR-POOL>

Can I mine other cryptocurrency than Monero (XMR)?

Yes, you can also mine Electroneum (ETN), you can actually mine on any pool based on the Stratum Mining Protocol and any coin based on CryptoNight.

You can go get you ETN wallet from electroneum.com if you don't have one.

const CoinImp = require('coin-imp');
const miner = await CoinImp('<YOUR-ELECTRONEUM-ADDRESS>', {
  pool: {
    host: 'etn-pool.proxpool.com',
    port: 3333

Now your CoinImp miner would be mining on etn.proxpool.com pool, using your electroneum address.

You can also do this using the CLI:

coin-imp <YOUR-ELECTRONEUM-ADDRESS> --pool-host=etn-pool.proxpool.com --pool-port=3333

Which version of Node.js do I need?

Node v8+


I'm having errors on Ubuntu/Debian

Install these dependencies:

sudo apt-get -y install gconf-service libasound2 libatk1.0-0 libc6 libcairo2 libcups2 libdbus-1-3 libexpat1 libfontconfig1 libgcc1 libgconf-2-4 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 libglib2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 libnspr4 libpango-1.0-0 libpangocairo-1.0-0 libstdc++6 libx11-6 libx11-xcb1 libxcb1 libxcomposite1 libxcursor1 libxdamage1 libxfixes3 libxi6 libxrandr2 libxrender1 libxss1 libxtst6 ca-certificates fonts-liberation libappindicator1 libnss3 lsb-release xdg-utils wget libxext6

I'm getting an Error: EACCES: permission denied when installing the package

Try installing the package using this:

sudo npm i -g coin-imp --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root

An error occured Failed to launch chrome!

Try changing chromium's executable path to /usr/bin/chromium-browser, like this:

const miner = await CoinImp('site-key', {
  launch: {
    executablePath: '/usr/bin/chromium-browser',
    args: ['--disable-setuid-sandbox', '--no-sandbox']

This project is not endorsed by or affiliated with coinimp.com in any way.


This project is pre-configured for a 0.1% donation. This can be easily toggled off programatically, from the CLI, or via environment variables.


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  • 问题内容: 8 最初Coin项目已增强了对集合的支持,例如代替和代替的,但他们不是在JDK7。他们会在jdk8中吗?对于“是”或“否”,我找不到确切的答案。 问题答案: 自5月30日起,Brian Goetz在Project Lambda邮件列表中的帖子中简要提到了列表,集合,地图(以及其他可能的)文字: http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/lambda-

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