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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 Web3、 开源货币/比特币
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 桂鑫鹏
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知
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TradingVue.js was a hackable charting lib for traders. You could draw literally ANYTHING on top of candlestick charts. [Not Maintained]


If you create trading software - this lib is probably for you. If you like to make custom indicators and think out of the box - this lib is most likely for you. And if you miss usability of TradingView.com in other open-source libraries and can't stand it - you are definetly in the right place!

White preview


  • Scrolling & zooming as we all like
  • Simple API for making new overlays
  • Custom drawing tools
  • Non-time based charts (e.g. Renko)
  • One overlay === one .vue component
  • Fully reactive
  • Fully responsive
  • Customizable colors and fonts
  • Quite fast (works even with 3 mil candles)
  • Scripts (make your own indicators)

Demo & Docs

Demo | Getting Started | API Book | Built-in Overlays | Examples | 101 Project | llll Gitter | FAQ | FREE Overlay Pack | Free XP Pack | Playground

To run the examples, download the repo & npm run test



npm i trading-vue-js

In browser

<script src="trading-vue.min.js"></script>

How to use

Minimal working example:

<trading-vue :data="this.$data"></trading-vue>

import TradingVue from 'trading-vue-js'

export default {
    name: 'app',
    components: { TradingVue },
    data() {
        return {
            ohlcv: [
                [ 1551128400000, 33,  37.1, 14,  14,  196 ],
                [ 1551132000000, 13.7, 30, 6.6,  30,  206 ],
                [ 1551135600000, 29.9, 33, 21.3, 21.8, 74 ],
                [ 1551139200000, 21.7, 25.9, 18, 24,  140 ],
                [ 1551142800000, 24.1, 24.1, 24, 24.1, 29 ],


Core philosophy

The core philosophy is Data -> Screen Mapping (DSM). The library provides you with functions that map your data (it could be anything) to screen coordinates. The lib does all the dirty work behind the scenes: scrolling, scaling, reactivity, etc.

layout.t2screen(t) // time -> x
layout.$2screen($) // price -> y
layout.t_magnet(t) // time -> nearest candle x
layout.screen2$(y) // y -> price
layout.screen2t(x) // x -> time

Using these functions and the standard js canvas API, you can do magic.

Data structure

PRO TIP: chart is mandatory if you want to see something other than a white screen

IMPORTANT: All data must be sorted by time (in ascending order). The main OHLCV must not contain duplicate timestamps.

Full version of DataStructure

    "chart": {   // Mandatory
        "type": "<Chart Type, e.g. Candles>",
        "data": [
            [timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume],
        "settings": { } // Settings (depending on Chart Type)
    "onchart": [ // Displayed ON the chart
            "name": "<Indicator name>",
            "type": "<e.g. EMA, SMA>",
            "data": [
                [timestamp, ... ], // Arbitrary length
            "settings": { } // Arbitrary settings format
    "offchart": [ // Displayed BELOW the chart
            "name": "<Indicator name>",
            "type": "<e.g. RSI, Stoch>",
            "data": [
                [timestamp, ... ], // Arbitrary length
            "settings": { } // Arbitrary settings format

The process of adding a new indicator is simple: first you define your own data format (should be timestamped though) and display settings. For example, EMA data might look like this:

    "name": "EMA, 25",
    "type": "EMA",
    "data": [
        [ 1551128400000, 3091 ],
        [ 1551132000000, 3112 ],
        [ 1551135600000, 3105 ]
    "settings": {
        "color": "#42b28a"

Example of a simple overlay class

And then you make a new overlay class to display that data on the grid:

import { Overlay } from 'trading-vue-js'

export default {
    name: 'EMA',
    mixins: [Overlay],
    methods: {
        draw(ctx) {
            const layout = this.$props.layout
            ctx.strokeStyle = this.color

            for (var p of this.$props.data) {

                // t2screen & $2screen - special functions that
                // map your data coordinates to grid coordinates
                let x = layout.t2screen(p[0])
                let y = layout.$2screen(p[1])

                ctx.lineTo(x, y)

        use_for() { return ['EMA'] },
        data_colors() { return [this.color] }
    computed: {
        color() {
            return this.$props.settings.color

That's why the title doesn't lie: you can draw ANYTHING.


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Code | click your ��


  • Docs
  • Tests
  • Solve known issues (marked as 'TODO: IMPORTANT') [PARTIALLY]
  • Performance improvements
  • Data-manipulation helpers
  • Add more built-in overlays
  • Add toolbar (drawing tools)
  • Custom loayout / layout persistence [POST-RELEASE]
  • Fix and improve mobile version
  • Version 1.0.0 here

Progress in details: https://github.com/tvjsx/trading-vue-js/projects/1



Development & Building

Install devDependencies

npm install

Run development enviroment (hot)

npm run dev

Server is running on http://localhost:8080

Run in a CDN-like mode

npm run cdn

Server is running on http://localhost:8080

Build the bundle

npm run build

Visual testing

npm run test

Server is running on http://localhost:8080

Automatic testing

npm run auto-test


  1. Fork ( https://github.com/tvjsx/trading-vue-js/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b cool-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Let's rock smth')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin cool-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

Please read the guidelines in CONTRIBUTING.md

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  • 1、去官方仓库(地址)下载代码到本地 2、进到项目文件夹 => 可用node启动项目 => npm install http-server -g => http-server -p 9090 3、通过index.html文件,知道以下三个文件是必须要引入的文件 和文件库 <script type="text/javascript" src="charting_library/charting_li

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  • tradingview官网:https://cn.tradingview.com/lightweight-charts/ 关于修改工具栏颜色的办法: 引入文件的配置: library_path: "charting_library/",//资源库根路径 custom_css_url: "custom-styles.css",//自定义样式文件 “custom-styles.css”文件必须放在“c

  • Vue导入TradingView(无charting_library.min.js文件的包导入方法) 你申请到的包很可能不是有charting_library.min.js文件的那个版本,而是charting_library和datafeeds两个文件,那么这篇文章可以帮助你成功在Vue项目导入TradingView 这个版本的包有两个文件,charting_library和datafeeds,

  • 当调用构造函数时,您可以定义图表库 widget 的参数。例: new TradingView.widget({ symbol: 'A', interval: 'D', timezone: "America/New_York", container_id: "tv_chart_container", locale: "ru", datafe

  • K线图刷新或重新加载时闪白 首先需要了解的是,闪白是 iframe的机制 所以只要解决掉iframe就可以了 首先找到  charting_library.min.js 搜索 </iframe> 找到配置项   style="display:block" 改为   style="display:none" 然后在 onChartReady() 方法里设置ifram的display为block,自己

  • 去官网下载完文件包之后(详见上一篇),通过index.html文件,知道以下三个文件是必须要引入的文件 和文件库 charting_library /*文件夹*/ polyfills.js /*js文件*/ bundle.js /*js文件*/ 现在要做的就是把html文件转成vue组件 把以上三个js文件与文件库放到vue根目录下的static文件夹下 把Tv中在index.html

  • 本教程比较长,分为2篇发,第一篇为完成图表初始化,第二篇为完成数据接入 第二篇:传送门 先附上tradingview的文档:查看文档 图表本身的文件请向官方发邮件申请(贼麻烦,感觉一部分公司审核通过不了)官方git仓库 推荐一个大神的作品,一开始我也是这样使用的不过后来因为一些原因使用了api的接入方式:https://github.com/webdatavisualdev/vue-trading

  • 上一篇文件链接(关于引入文件的一些说明): vue使用tradingview生成k线图(第一天)_草字的博客-CSDN博客 如果你不幸下载到了旧版,或者是网上的一些其他版本,可能在修改k线图的时候永远都改不动canvas元素的背景色,我当时也差不多处理了一天时间,最后一用官网的项目,直接就行了。 然后这里我将官网的项目和我的vue测试项目都上传了。 资源链接:tradingview的官网项目和我的

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  • 报错:TypeScript emitted no output for 解决方法: ts混入的方法:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhongchao666/p/11207117.html 解决问题的方法:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54413763/trading-view-typescript-emitted-no-output 导入

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