
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 高豪
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Archivy is a self-hostable knowledge repository that allows you to preserve content in your own personal, searchable and extensible wiki.


  • If you add bookmarks, their web-pages contents' will be saved to ensure that you will always have access to it, following the idea of digital preservation.
  • Bidirectional links between notes.
  • Authentication for hosting the service on a server
  • Plugin system to publish and write extensions to archivy
  • Git integration
  • Everything is a file! For ease of access and editing, all the content is stored in extended markdown files with yaml front matter. This format supports footnotes, LaTeX math rendering, syntax highlighting and more.
  • Powerful and advanced search.
  • Image upload
  • Backend API for flexibility and user enhancements.

demo video



  • Annotations
  • Multi User System with permission setup.


Install archivy with pip install archivy. Other installations methods are listed here, including Docker.

Run the archivy init command to setup you installation.

Then run this and enter a password to create a new user:

$ archivy create-admin <username>

Finally, execute archivy run to serve the app. You can open it at https://localhost:5000 and login with the credentials you entered before.

You can then use archivy to create notes, bookmarks and then organize and store information.

See the official docs for information on other installation methods.


Archivy is dedicated to building open and quality knowledge base software through collaboration and community discussion.

To get news and updates on Archivy and its development, you can watch the archivy repository or follow @uzpg_ on Twitter.

You can interact with us through the issue board and the more casual discord server.



