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One Line Wonders

A collection of one-line programs in various languages, performing various tasks."One-Line" is for those languages that support it; the aim is to create a runnable file the shortest a language can allow (i.e. no using ; instead of a new line and "minifying" it to be one line).


Have some fun with coding every once in a while, and see how you can abuse the semantics of a language.


Anyone can contribute to this repo by opening a PR, your contribution will be open-source on Github. Don't know what to make? Try coding something that logs "Hello, world!" to the console!

Hacktoberfest 2021

Celebrate Hacktoberfest together with a diverse community of developers from around the world!

PRs not marked as spam will be counted towards 4 PRs in the month of October for your free Hacktoberfest T-Shirt!

Let's Get Started

  1. Fork this repository
  • Click the Fork button in the top right of this page, then click on your profile image.
  1. Clone to desktop git clone
  2. Checkout a branch git checkout -b feature/branch-name
  3. Make yourself known
  • Add your bio to the file

    Name: [YOUR NAME](Github Link)
    Place: Where are you from?
    Coding Experience: Which programming languages do you know? What projects have you/do you worked on?

  1. Add your one-line program's files of the form [username]_[filename], i.e., If a folder for your code's language does not exist, feel free to create it.
  2. Commit and push git add .; git commit -m "commit message"; git push origin branch-name;
  3. Create a new Pull Request from your fork
  • Click on the New Pull Request button located near the top of your repository.
  1. Wait for your PR to be reviewed!

Star this repository if you had fun ��

  • E. Field of Wonders time limit per test 3 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Polycarpus takes part in the "Field of Wonders" TV show. The participa

  • Polycarpus takes part in the “Field of Wonders” TV show. The participants of the show have to guess a hidden word as fast as possible. Initially all the letters of the word are hidden. The game consis

  • E. Field of Wonders time limit per test3 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output Polycarpus takes part in the “Field of Wonders” TV show. The participants

  • Description: Vasya the Great Magician and Conjurer loves all kinds of miracles and wizardry. In one wave of a magic wand he can turn an object into something else. But, as you all know, there is no be

  • E. Monopoly 题目描述 time limit per test3 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output Little Rabbit loves playing a tabletop game called Monopoly. In the game, pla

  • B. Magic, Wizardry and Wonders time limit per test:2 seconds memory limit per test:256 megabytes input:standard input output:standard output Vasya the Great Magician and Conjurer loves all kinds of mi

  • 原题链接 B. Magic, Wizardry and Wonders time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Vasya the Great Magician and Conjurer loves all kinds

  • output standard output Vasya the Great Magician and Conjurer loves all kinds of miracles and wizardry. In one wave of a magic wand he can turn an object into something else. But, as you all know, ther

  • Master Di plans to take his girlfriend for a travel by bike. Their journey, which can be seen as a line segment of length L, is a road of swamps and flats. In the swamp, it  takes A point strengths pe

  • Command line one-liners After my article about command line one-liners, many people want tocontribute with their own commands. This is the place to do it, pull requestsare welcome! Table of Contents H

  • one-to-one关联类似于many-to-one关联,不同之处在于该列将被设置为唯一。 例如,地址对象可以与单个员工对象相关联。 定义RDBMS表 (Define RDBMS Tables) 考虑一种情况,我们需要将员工记录存储在EMPLOYEE表中,该表具有以下结构 - create table EMPLOYEE ( id INT NOT NULL auto_increment,

  • Line is used to visualize the data flow between two countries. For Selected country, the line with data flow into it is called in line and the line with data flow out of it is called out line. The def

  • LINE LINE(Large-scale Information Network Embedding)算法,是Network Embedding领域著名的算法之一,将图数据嵌入到向量空间,从达到用针对向量类型数据的机器学习算法来处理图数据的目的 1. 算法介绍 LINE算法是一个网络表示学习算法,也可以认为是针对图数据的预处理算法。算法的输入是一个网络拓扑,输出每个节点的向量表示。LINE算法本

  • 通常,线是几何结构,其连接XY平面上的两个点。 在JavaFX中,一行由一个名为Line的类表示。 该类属于包javafx.scene.shape 。 通过实例化此类,您可以在JavaFX中创建一个行节点。 该类具有double数据类型的4个属性,即 - startX - 行起点的x坐标。 startY - 行起点的y坐标。 endX - 行结束点的x坐标。 endY - 行结束点的y坐标。 要绘

  • One

    One-Hot 编码,又称一位有效编码,其方法是使用N位状态寄存器来对N个状态进行编码,每个状态都由他独立的寄存器位,并且在任意时候,其中只有一位有效。 例如: 自然状态码为:000,001,010,011,100,101 独热编码为:000001,000010,000100,001000,010000,100000 可以这样理解,对于每一个特征,如果它有m个可能值,那么经过独热编码后,就变成了m