
Manage layouts in bspwm (tall and wide)
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 SHELL
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 薛俊美
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Manage layouts in bspwm (tall and wide)

BSPWM does one thing and it does it well. It is a window manager. But some workflows require layout management to some extent. bsp-layout fills that gap.

Looking for maintainers


  • bash
  • bspc
  • bc
  • man



Arch users can install it from AUR bsp-layout or bsp-layout-git

# If you are using yay
yay -S bsp-layout

# Or for git master
yay -S bsp-layout-git

Install script

Others can install it directly using the install script.

Note: Please read scripts like these before executing it on your machine

curl | bash -;

Clone and make

You can also clone the repo on your machine and run sudo make install in the cloned directory

Supported layouts

  • tall - Master-stack with a tall window.
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|        |____|
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  • rtall - Master-stack with a reversed tall window.
|____|        |
|____|        |
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  • wide - Master-stack with a wide window.
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  • rwide - Master-stack with a reversed wide window.
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  • grid - Horizontal grid layout
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  • rgrid - Vertical grid layout
  • even - Evenly balances all window areas

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  • tiled - Default bspwm's tiled layout
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|        |____|
|        |  | |
  • monocle - Default bspwm's monocle layout
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  • Help menu
bsp-layout help
  • Set a layout in desktop named 6Not specifying the layout will apply the layout on the focused desktop
bsp-layout set tall 6
  • Set tall layout to desktop with a 40% splitSet the master size for layout
// Currently focused workspace
bsp-layout set tall -- --master-size 0.4

// Workspace 6
bsp-layout set tall 6 -- --master-size 0.4
  • Remove layout applied to desktop named 6This will remove any layout applied
bsp-layout remove 6
  • Apply a layout on your focused workspace onceThis will apply the layout on the current set of nodes on that workspace but newer nodes won't conform to the layout.
bsp-layout once tall
  • Cycle through layoutsCycle through all (or a custom list of) layouts.
# Cycle through all layouts
bsp-layout cycle

# Or to cycle through a custom list of layouts
bsp-layout cycle --layouts tall,monocle,wide

# For a specific desktop
bsp-layout cycle --layouts tall,monocle,wide --desktop 4
  • Toggle layout
# Toggle between monocle and tall layouts
bsp-layout cycle tall,monocle


You can configure the size of the master window in percentage in $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/bsp-layout/layoutrc file.An example of that file can be found in example.layoutrc

mkdir ~/.config/bsp-layout && curl > ~/.config/bsp-layout/layoutrc;
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