Do you know that situation, you really really need an XMPP echo bot, but you don’t have access to high-level tools like Python to write one? All you have is openssl, bash, dig, stdbuf and sed? Then this tool is for you.
This is an XMPP echo bot written in (mostly) sed. Bash is used to do the pre-authentication setup (look up DNS records, establish TLS via openssl s_client
). sed processes the XML stream and handles all interaction with the server on the XMPP level. Yes, this kinda parses XML in sed.
Tested to work against Prosody 0.9.
./ user@domain password
to convert >
to \n
-- since sed is line (or NUL) based, there’s not really another way to parse XMPP XML (which generally never contains newlines) with sed.Design Considerations
to convert the XML stream into events; however, it turns out that 2xm[
doesn’t like stream resets. Also, using the tr
approach also allows us to detect the end of elements, which is useful for various purposes.go-xmpp 是另外一个 XMPP 协议的 GO 语言实现。
MatriX 是 eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP, 也叫 Jabber) 的开发包,采用 C# 编写,可用于 .NET 平台和 Sliverlight 技术。MatriX 提供完全的 .NET、.NET Compact 框架和 Sliverlight 支持。 示例代码: // basic send message examplev
cl-xmpp 是 Common Lisp 实现的一个 XMPP 协议支持的开发包。
xmpp-go 是 Go 语言实现的兼容 XMPP 协议的客户端和服务器端。
问题内容: 我将要开发一个具有近实时聊天功能的网站。我知道可以使用xmpp或websocket协议来实现。我也知道xmpp协议是在1999年开发的,我想它应该已经很成熟了。另一方面,websocket协议是在2011年开发的。 如果xmpp能够很好地处理实时对话,那么对websocket的需求是什么? 两种协议之间的主要区别是什么? 我什么时候应该选择其中一个呢? 问题答案: 简短的答案是“两者”
nativescript-xmpp-client Installation tns install nativescript-xmpp-client Usage import {Client, IQ} from "nativescript-xmpp-client";.... const client = new Client({ websocket: {url: 'ws://127.0