that_is_me_on_github is a Python CLI application used for collect user's github contribution and generate markdown.
$ pip install that_is_me_on_github
$ that_is_me_on_github generate --username hustclf --org_filter apache --repo_filter hustclf/RateLimiter,ing-bank/flink-deployer,edenhill/kafkacat
A markdown file named
will be generated under current folder.
Notice: docker will create a folder automatically when not exist. To aovid it, We should create an empty file manually.
$ docker pull hustclf/that_is_me_on_github
$ touch ~/
$ docker run -it --rm -v ~/ hustclf/that_is_me_on_github generate --username hustclf --org_filter apache --repo_filter hustclf/RateLimiter,ing-bank/flink-deployer,edenhill/kafkacat
and --auth_password
are optional parameters.Without auth info, it is easily to reach the rate limit of github api, you can provide your account to avoid it.
For example:
$ that_is_me_on_github generate --username hustclf --org_filter apache --repo_filter hustclf/RateLimiter,ing-bank/flink-deployer,edenhill/kafkacat \\
--do_auth True --auth_username <github_username> --auth_password <github password>
Replace <github_username> and <github_password> with your own.
that_is_me_on_github use pipenv for local development.
$ pip install pipenv
$ cd path-to-the-project/
$ pipenv shell
Pycharm is the recommended ide.
$ pytest tests/
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