
Slack client for your terminal
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Google Go
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 巢烨
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


A Slack client for your terminal.


Binary installation

Download acompatible binary for your system. For convenience, place slack-term in adirectory where you can access it from the command line. Usually this is/usr/local/bin.

$ mv slack-term /usr/local/bin

Via Go

If you want, you can also get slack-term via Go:

$ go get -u
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go install .

Via docker

You can also run it with docker, make sure you have a valid config fileon your host system.

docker run -it -v [config-file]:/config erroneousboat/slack-term


  1. Get a slack token, click here

  2. Running slack-term for the first time, will create a default config file at~/.config/slack-term/config.

$ slack-term
  1. Update the config file and update your slack_token For more configurationoptions of the config file, see the wiki.
    "slack_token": "yourslacktokenhere"


When everything is setup correctly you can run slack-term with the followingcommand:

$ slack-term

Default Key Mapping

Below are the default key-mappings for slack-term, you can change themin your config file.

mode key action
command i insert mode
command / search mode
command k move channel cursor up
command j move channel cursor down
command g move channel cursor top
command G move channel cursor bottom
command K thread up
command J thread down
command G move channel cursor bottom
command pg-up scroll chat pane up
command ctrl-b scroll chat pane up
command ctrl-u scroll chat pane up
command pg-down scroll chat pane down
command ctrl-f scroll chat pane down
command ctrl-d scroll chat pane down
command n next search match
command N previous search match
command , jump to next notification
command q quit
command f1 help
insert left move input cursor left
insert right move input cursor right
insert enter send message
insert esc command mode
search esc command mode
search enter command mode
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