
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 SHELL
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 东郭弘方
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Bash-my-AWS is a simple but powerful set of CLI commands for managingresources on Amazon Web Services.

They harness the power of Amazon's AWSCLI, while abstracting away verbosity.

The project implements some innovative patterns but (arguably) remains simple,beautiful and readable.

Note: Extensive documentation at


Short, Memorable Commands

There are two main types of commands.

1. Resource Listing Commands

These generally consist of the pluralised form of the resource name.

$ buckets
example-assets   2019-12-08  02:35:44.758551
example-logs     2019-12-08  02:35:52.669771
example-backups  2019-12-08  02:35:56.579434
$ stacks
nagios      CREATE_COMPLETE  2011-05-23T15:47:44Z  NEVER_UPDATED  NOT_NESTED
postgres01  CREATE_COMPLETE  2011-05-23T15:47:44Z  NEVER_UPDATED  NOT_NESTED
postgres02  CREATE_COMPLETE  2011-05-23T15:47:44Z  NEVER_UPDATED  NOT_NESTED
prometheus  CREATE_COMPLETE  2011-05-23T15:47:44Z  NEVER_UPDATED  NOT_NESTED
$ keypairs
alice  8f:85:9a:1e:6c:76:29:34:37:45����7f:8d:f9:70:eb
bob    56:73:29:c2����7b:6f:b6:f2:f3:b4����e4:2b:12:d4
carol  29:4e:1c:cb����d4:85:0e:4f:b6:34:4c:d4:79:32:00

2. Resource detail/action commands

These generally consist of a resource name and action separated by a hyphen.This makes discovering them via shell completion simple.

Some retrieve information about resources while others make changes to them.

$ keypair-delete alice bob
You are about to delete the following EC2 SSH KeyPairs:
Are you sure you want to continue? y

See the Command Reference for a full list of commands.

Shell Command Completion

In the example above, shell autocompletion retrieved the existing EC2 Keypairnames (alice, bob) from AWS. This helps avoid the need to rely on humanmemory or terminal copypasta.

Additionally, all of the bash-my-aws commands are available as completionsfor the bma command, so bma[tab][tab] will produce a list of all of theavailable commands.

Unix Pipeline Friendly

The commands themselves are line oriented and work nicely in unix pipelineswith other unix commands (e.g. grep, awk, etc).

$ stacks | grep postgres
postgres01  CREATE_COMPLETE  2011-05-23T15:47:44Z  NEVER_UPDATED  NOT_NESTED
postgres02  CREATE_COMPLETE  2011-05-23T15:47:44Z  NEVER_UPDATED  NOT_NESTED

They also work incredibly well with each other due to the way they treat inputfrom STDIN. The first token from each line of STDIN is taken to be a resourceidentifier (and the rest is discarded).

$ stacks | grep postgres | stack-delete
You are about to delete the following stacks:
Are you sure you want to continue? y

Some users have compared this User Experience to functionality in Windows Powershell.

Convenient Shortcuts

Bash-my-AWS is insanely simple to pick up and start using but contains a lot ofconvenient shortcuts you can make use of.

Example: resource listing commands accept a filter argument, removing the needfor | grep.

In the following example someone has given a CloudFormation stack a really long name:

$ stacks
nagios                             CREATE_COMPLETE  2011-05-23T15:47:44Z  NEVER_UPDATED  NOT_NESTED
postgres01                         DELETE_COMPLETE  2011-05-23T15:47:44Z  NEVER_UPDATED  NOT_NESTED
postgres02                         DELETE_COMPLETE  2011-05-23T15:47:44Z  NEVER_UPDATED  NOT_NESTED
prometheus                         CREATE_COMPLETE  2011-05-23T15:47:44Z  NEVER_UPDATED  NOT_NESTED
stack-with-a-annoyingly-long-name  CREATE_COMPLETE  2011-05-23T15:47:44Z  NEVER_UPDATED  NOT_NESTED

This affects the output when we look at our Postgres stacks:

$ stacks | grep postgres
postgres01                         DELETE_COMPLETE  2011-05-23T15:47:44Z  NEVER_UPDATED  NOT_NESTED
postgres02                         DELETE_COMPLETE  2011-05-23T15:47:44Z  NEVER_UPDATED  NOT_NESTED

The resource listing command can filter output before applying column.

$ stacks postgres
postgres01  DELETE_COMPLETE  2011-05-23T15:47:44Z  NEVER_UPDATED  NOT_NESTED
postgres02  DELETE_COMPLETE  2011-05-23T15:47:44Z  NEVER_UPDATED  NOT_NESTED




As shown below, you may simply clone the GitHub repo and source the files required.(You should probably fork it instead to keep your customisations)

$ git clone ~/.bash-my-aws

Put the following in your shell's startup file:

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.bash-my-aws/bin"
source ~/.bash-my-aws/aliases

# For ZSH users, uncomment the following two lines:
# autoload -U +X compinit && compinit
# autoload -U +X bashcompinit && bashcompinit

source ~/.bash-my-aws/

Why use shell aliases?

Bash-my-AWS began as a collection of bash functions, sourced into your shell.More recently, the default suggestion has been to load aliases that execute asmall wrapper script that loads the functions and executes the desired function.

After years of zsh users asking for support, one stepped up and identifieda changes that would eliminate any shell compatibility problems without compromisingthe functionaility, simplicity and discoverability of the project. Massive thanksto @ninth-dev for this.

# bash users may source the functions instead of loading the aliases
if [ -d ${HOME}/.bash-my-aws ]; then
  for f in ~/.bash-my-aws/lib/*-functions; do source $f; done


Running Commands

The default way to run the commands is using the aliases:

$ instances
i-e6f097f6ea4457757  ami-123456789012  t3.nano  running  example-ec2-ap-southeast-2  2019-12-07T08:12:00.000Z  ap-southeast-2a  None
i-b983805b4b254f749  ami-123456789012  t3.nano  running  postfix-prod                2019-12-07T08:26:30.000Z  ap-southeast-2a  None
i-fed39ebe7204dfd37  ami-123456789012  t3.nano  running  postfix-prod                2019-12-07T08:26:34.000Z  ap-southeast-2a  None
i-47955eb46d98b4dd8  ami-123456789012  t3.nano  running  prometheus                  2019-12-07T08:27:02.000Z  ap-southeast-2a  None
i-8d25b78d40d17f38a  ami-123456789012  t3.nano  running  plex-server                 2019-12-07T08:27:38.000Z  ap-southeast-2a  None

It's also possible to run them using the bma wrapper.(This is sometimes required when using a restrictive auth tool.)

$ bma instances
i-e6f097f6ea4457757  ami-123456789012  t3.nano  running  example-ec2-ap-southeast-2  2019-12-07T08:12:00.000Z  ap-southeast-2a  None
i-b983805b4b254f749  ami-123456789012  t3.nano  running  postfix-prod                2019-12-07T08:26:30.000Z  ap-southeast-2a  None
i-fed39ebe7204dfd37  ami-123456789012  t3.nano  running  postfix-prod                2019-12-07T08:26:34.000Z  ap-southeast-2a  None
i-47955eb46d98b4dd8  ami-123456789012  t3.nano  running  prometheus                  2019-12-07T08:27:02.000Z  ap-southeast-2a  None
i-8d25b78d40d17f38a  ami-123456789012  t3.nano  running  plex-server                 2019-12-07T08:27:38.000Z  ap-southeast-2a  None

Discovering Commands

For each resource type, there is a command to list them:

$ instances
i-e6f097f6ea4457757  ami-123456789012  t3.nano  running  example-ec2-ap-southeast-2  2019-12-07T08:12:00.000Z  ap-southeast-2a  None
i-b983805b4b254f749  ami-123456789012  t3.nano  running  postfix-prod                2019-12-07T08:26:30.000Z  ap-southeast-2a  None
i-fed39ebe7204dfd37  ami-123456789012  t3.nano  running  postfix-prod                2019-12-07T08:26:34.000Z  ap-southeast-2a  None
i-47955eb46d98b4dd8  ami-123456789012  t3.nano  running  prometheus                  2019-12-07T08:27:02.000Z  ap-southeast-2a  None
i-8d25b78d40d17f38a  ami-123456789012  t3.nano  running  plex-server                 2019-12-07T08:27:38.000Z  ap-southeast-2a  None

and a number of commands to act on these resources:

$ instance-[TAB][TAB]
instance-asg          instance-ssh-details  instance-termination-protection
instance-az           instance-stack        instance-termination-protection-disable
instance-console      instance-start        instance-termination-protection-enable
instance-dns          instance-state        instance-type
instance-iam-profile  instance-stop         instance-userdata
instance-ip           instance-tags         instance-volumes
instance-ssh          instance-terminate    instance-vpc

Whether you're new to the tools or just have a bad memory, bash completionmakes discovering these commands simple.

See the Command Reference for a full list of commands and usage examples.

Piping Between Commands

This is where the magic happens!

The first token on each line is almost always a resource identifier. When you pipe outputbetween the commands they just take the first token from each line.

$ instances | grep postfix | instance-ip

!!! NoteMost commands that list resources (stacks, instances , etc) acceptfilter term as first arg. As well as reducing keystrokes, it can alsoimprove output as columnisation is done after filtering.

    $ instances postfix | instance-ip

Inspecting Commands

For those interested in how it works:

  • Each command is a bash function.
  • Most are very simple and wrap an AWSCLI command.

For a quick look at how a command works, you can use bma type:

$ bma type instances
instances is a function
instances () 
    local instance_ids=$(__bma_read_inputs);
    local filters=$(__bma_read_filters $@);
    aws ec2 describe-instances $([[ -n ${instance_ids} ]] && echo --instance-ids ${instance_ids}) --query "
      ]" --output text | grep -E -- "$filters" | LC_ALL=C sort -b -k 6 | column -s'	' -t

A prettier version can be found in the source code:

# ~/.bash-my-aws/lib/instance-functions
instances() {
  local instance_ids=$(__bma_read_inputs)
  local filters=$(__bma_read_filters $@)

  aws ec2 describe-instances                                            \
    $([[ -n ${instance_ids} ]] && echo --instance-ids ${instance_ids})  \
    --query "
      ]"                                                               \
    --output text       |
  grep -E -- "$filters" |
  LC_ALL=C sort -b -k 6 |
  column -s$'\t' -t

For more info on AWSCLI query syntax, check out

  • AWS官方文档: 管理存储桶   创建桶; $ aws s3 mb s3://bucket-name   删除桶: $ aws s3 rb s3://bucket-name 删除非空桶: $ aws s3 rb s3://bucket-name --force

  • 您可能会用到的AWS CLI Shell脚本。主要功能有根据名字/类别管理EC2、RDS资源,创建资源时自动添加标签,创建EC2实例时可附加卷、定义用户数据文件。可用-h或--help查看支持的命令和参数,GitHub源码。 支持的命令: EC2 Usage: ./ [command] [args ...] Commands: create-image [instance_name

  •   aws s3 ls aws s3 mb s3://nidaye aws s3 rm s3://nidaye   aws s3 cp d:/test/av.file s3://nidaye   S3权限: 为某个object开权限 在该object页面,打开Permission tab,在Public access section,选择Everyone 弹出右手边pane,选中Read obje

  • 从EC2拷贝整个文件夹到S3:  aws s3 cp local_path s3://bucket_name --recursive 拷贝单个文件: aws s3 cp localpath s3://bucket/path

  • 要查看AWS S3存储桶(Bucket)的目录,您可以通过AWS管理控制台或AWS CLI(命令行界面)来实现。 在AWS管理控制台中查看: 登录AWS管理控制台。 选择S3服务。 在S3存储桶列表中选择要查看的存储桶。 在对象列表中,您可以查看所有对象以及它们的大小、最后修改时间等详细信息。 在AWS CLI中查看: 首先,打开命令行终端(Windows上可以使用CMD或PowerShell,M

  • 假设aws命令行已经安装 可以使用aws –version来确认。如果没有安装,可以参考官方文档: 在aws的网站后台定义一个IAM用户和密钥 该账号必须有访问s3的权限。 先执行aws configure $ aws configure AWS Access Key ID

  • 在CentOS下安装s3cmd命令 s3cmd命令是可以操作AWS S3的非常强大的工具,不仅可以下载和上传文件,还有创建目录等功能。 s3cmd的使用场景是非常丰富的,比如把本地的日志文件备份到S3时,就可以使用s3cmd和cron的组合,进行定期的备份。 比如日志文件的保存期间是365天时,使用s3cmd从S3删除指定的目录等等。 在这里介绍一下CentOS下安装s3cmd命令的步骤。 安装步

  • 备注:如果Python -V和pip -V无法查看版本时,可尝试加软链 ln -s /usr/local/python3/bin/python3 /usr/b

  • $ aws s3 mb s3://bucket-name 删除桶: $ aws s3 rb s3://bucket-name 删除非空桶: $ aws s3 rb s3://bucket-name --force 列出存储桶 $ aws s3 ls 列出存储桶中所有的对象和文件夹 $ aws s3 ls s3://bucket-name 列出桶中 bucket-name/My

  • ## AWS S3 # 查看S3文件/文件夹 aws ls s3://<bucket>/<folder>/...   [--summary --human-readable] # 删除S3文件 aws s3 rm <s3 path> # 本地文件上传到S3 aws s3 cp <local path> <s3 path>  # S3文件下载到本地 aws s3 cp <s3 path> <loca

  • 官方安装文档: 在 macOS 上安装、更新和卸载 Amazon CLI 版本 1 - Amazon Command Line Interface 主要命令行 // 将s3 文件同步到本地文件夹,注意最后本地文件夹要带/ aws s3 sync s3://marvin /Users/marvin/files/s3/ // 将本地文件同步到s3某个路径,注意s3最后路径要带/ aws s3 sync

  • my

    描述 (Description) 此函数声明LIST中的变量在封闭块中具有词法范围。 如果指定了多个变量,则所有变量都必须括在括号中。 语法 (Syntax) 以下是此函数的简单语法 - my LIST 返回值 (Return Value) 此函数不返回任何值。 例子 (Example) 以下是显示其基本用法的示例代码 - #!/usr/bin/perl -w my $string = "We

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