FFcast deals with rectangles on screens. Mostly, it selects rectangles. Likemost boring jobs, there are many ways to do it: free selection, selection bywindow, screen number, numeric geometry, or by edge detection. Simplearithmetic operations allow simple combinations and adjustments.
Now FFcast knows all about these rectangles, but what to do with them? Well,like most useless things, there are many ways to use them: in practice,screenshots and screencasts are obviously popular options; in general, thegeometry can be utilized by any application that understands X geometry,including window managers, xorg-apps (xclock, xev),byzanz-record,dunst,dzen2,FFmpeg,gifview,ImageMagick,maim,mousetweaks,mpv,Nautilus,screenkey,sxiv,xdotool,xscast,xsnap,zenity,to randomly name a few.
FFcast provides several short commands for common tasks, just to please itsusers, but hardly ever satisfies anyone. Like most unhelpful tools, itencourages its users to roll their own cigarettes.
Anyway, here’s wonder…fuldemos.
Bash 4.3+,FFmpeg (png
),ImageMagick (trim
),xdpyinfo (-x
),xprop (-f
),xrectsel (-s
),xwininfo (-w
Package available for:Arch Linux,Gentoo,NixOS,openSUSE.And your distro, too!
To build and install from source,
./bootstrap # generates ./configure ./configure --prefix /usr --libexecdir /usr/lib --sysconfdir /etc make make DESTDIR="$dir" install # $dir must be an absolute path
To get xrectsel along with FFcast, pull in the submodule,
git clone --recursive https://github.com/lolilolicon/FFcast.git
Then build and install as described above, but passing an additional--enable-xrectsel
to ./configure