
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 SHELL
所属分类 应用工具、 终端/远程登录
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 太叔京
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


module loader for bash scripts with node require("module") style


xeon tiny node.js based tool

that simplify the process of creation modular and reusable bash scripts,

large or small, for personal usage or sysadmin tasks


install node first then with npm do

$ npm i -g xeon

note it may require sudo mode to install global node package

check availability with xeon --help

if you see help message you are ready to go


Lets simply create one module that we'd like to use in future

For example here is one that have function in it that print your name to console

Pretty simple


log_hello() {
  local name=$1
  echo "Hello, $name"

and lets add one more module that say bye to u


log_bye() {
  local name=$1
  echo "Bye, $name"

some fancy module as well


unicorn() {
  echo "meow"

and also some module that use other modules as well



# and use functions from your modules
unicorn # will echo meow
log_bye "Oleh" # will echo Bye, Oleh

then create entry, for example, app.sh and require some modules too



 log_bye "Oleh"

then type at cmd xeon --input ./app.sh --output ./build/build.sh

it will read your requires, build dependency graph, resolve it and generate ./build/build.sh file,

that you can run with bash cmd

there is an file watching option as well, just add --watch flag to previous command

Okay moving next...

Imagine that we create some useful badass script, and want to share it with someone or just save for future usage.

In typical workflow u just create snippet or put it somewhere on remote machine .eg and then seaching it for hours or days, when u really need it.

With xeon you can use your shell script as npm modules as u used to (if you have node.js background).

So i have script that i upload to npm with own dependencies as well

in your app folder just install an npm module

$ npm i --save my_module_name

Then use it in our entry app.sh



 log_bye "Oleh"

Xeon understand that u want to load file from node modules and will generate proper bundle file.

Here is sample module that use could play with and use as reference


Next imagine you find some great script on internet, that do what u actually need and want to use it with your script

just add require("http://some.external.domain/awesome_script.sh");



 log_bye "Oleh"

Thats all, xeon will download and include that file as well

Note! for security reasons downloading external files not allowed by default

You should use flag --external with previous command. Just be sure that u load good stuffs.

plans for future

Right now, xeon just analyze your dependencies and merge files in correct order.

It's a pretty straightforward way of doing bundling.

However, I am currently working on AST generator/stringifier for bash scripts,

that will allow xeon to build things faster, analyze code you are going to bundle and also transform scripts in a way

you want it to be (.eg fish shell scripts could be transformed to bash scripts while build process)



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