
授权协议 View license
开发语言 Python
所属分类 应用工具、 IM/聊天/语音工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 洪弘毅
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知



  • OpenKore is a custom client and intelligent automated assistant for Ragnarok Online.
  • It is a free, open source and cross-platform program (Linux, Windows and MacOS are supported).


To run OpenKore you will need:


  1. Download OpenKore and extract it. Alternatively, you could press the Windows Key + R, type in cmd & enter. Run the following command in the cmd to clone.Note: Git required.
git clone
  1. Configure OpenKore: documentation.
  2. Run (You can run start.exe or wxstart.exe if you use Windows).

F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Have a problem?
    • Update your openkore or download a new one.
  2. Still having problems?
  3. Cant find what you need? / Do not understand?
  4. Is it a problem in Openkore?

Things to know

  • Make sure you've read FAQ especially to run latest commit on master branch & checking existed issue for your request.
  • Please post in English.
  • Please use the issue template.
  • Please include informations about your server & any changes you did in your configuration.
  • Briefly explain what happened, take a screenhot & include the error message (If available).
  • Please be advised any developers here are doing this on their free time. Please give some time for anyone to respond.

Status of botting on Official Servers

Server Description Protection Status Supporter
iRO International(US) RO EAC Not working N/A
iRO-TR International(US) RO Transcendence EAC Not working N/A
bRO Brazil RO EAC Not working N/A
cRO China RO nProtect Botable, Weekly Update N/A
euRO Europe RO Frost Security Not working N/A
euRO-Prime Europe RO (Prime) Frost Security Not working N/A
idRO Indonesia RO EAC Not Working N/A
jRO Japan RO HShield Need Verification N/A
kRO Korea RO nProtect Need Verification N/A
kRO-Zero Korea RO Zero nProtect Need Verification N/A
phRO Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore RO EAC Not Working N/A
ruRO Russia RO Frost Security Not Working ya4ept
ruRO-Prime Russia RO (Prime) Frost Security Not Working ya4ept
tRO Thailand RO EAC Not Working N/A
twRO Taiwan RO nProtect Need Verification N/A
vRO Vietnam RO nProtect Botable ya4ept


OpenKore is developed by a team located around the world. Check out the documentation and if necessary, submit a pull request.



Other communities or websites are not affiliated to

Other Links

  1. Openkore History
  2. Legacy Changelog
  3. Openkore RoadMap
  4. Feature Requests and TODO Wiki and Feature Requests GitHub


This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.Basically, this means that you're free to use and allowed to modify and distribute this software.However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST also distribute the source code.

See for the full license.

  • 节省内存,主要靠……最小化,呵呵,降低物理内存占用,提高虚拟内存占用 消耗cpu主要在4个地方: 1、主循环 2、macro插件 3、debug、benchmark 4、屏蔽没用的输出   1、主循环 openkore的config.txt里面有一项: sleepTime,这个参数控制了主流程每秒的循环次数。 默认的是10000,也就是说,每10毫秒做一次循环,检测怪物、npc、血量等等的事情。这

  • sudo apt-get install build-essential sudo apt-get install libreadline5-dev 下载最新的curl: 解压: 进到目录 ./configure make make install OVER perl 就可以



