
授权协议 BSD-3-Clause License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 应用工具、 IM/聊天/语音工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 都才俊
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Telegram Bot API PHP SDK

Telegram Bot API - PHP SDK

Telegram Bot PHP SDK lets you develop Telegram Bots in PHP easily! Supports Laravel out of the box.

Telegram Bot API is an HTTP-based interface created for developers keen on building bots for Telegram.

To learn more about the Telegram Bot API, please consult the Introduction to Bots and Bot FAQ on official Telegram site.

To get started writing your bots using this SDK, Please refer the documentation.


Documentation for the SDK can be found on the website.

Are You Using Telegram Bot SDK?

If you're using this SDK to build your Telegram Bots or have a project that's relevant to this SDK, We'd love to know and share it with the world.

Head over to Awesome Telegram Bots to share, discover, and learn more.

Additional information

Any issues, feedback, suggestions or questions please use issue tracker here.


Thank you for considering contributing to the project. Please review the CONTRIBUTING guidelines before submitting any pull requests.



Thanks to these companies for providing access to their products that have been very useful in developing this SDK. Please go check them out!



This project and its author is neither associated, nor affiliated with Telegram in anyway.See License section for more details.


This project is released under the BSD 3-Clause License.

  • 创建机器人 在telegram中我们可以通过和一个名为BotFather的机器人交互来申请我们自己的机器人,具体步骤如下 添加BotFather为好友 打开和botfather的对话框发送 /newbot 输入机器人名称 -> 机器人ID_bot 或 机器人IDBot 这一步过后botfather会提示你输入你要创建的机器人的名字,这个名字可以随意,是我们称呼它的名字 设置自定义机器人的名字(这个

  • 本文内容来自以下官方文档 Bots: An introduction for developers Telegram Bot API Creating a new bot Telegram 添加 BotFather 进入聊天界面 点击输入框中 /start 回复内容中点击 /newbot 阅读提示分别输入 name 和 username 紧接着回复内容中包含了接下来需要使用的 token,看起来像

  • 一、操作Telegram 1. 创建Telegram机器人 与@BotFather交谈,或者点击链接 : 点击Start 点击 /newbot 输入机器人名称 name,设置后可以修改 输入机器人用户名 username,必须以bot结尾,被@和搜索的名字,设置后无法修改 得到API Token 2. 创建command指令 点击/myb

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  • 使用Python进行Telegram机器人开发 创建一个机器人 关注机器人 BotFather 发送 /newbot指令给BotFather 输入昵称 输入用户名 创建成功,获取到Token并记录 安装必要的库 pip install python-telegram-bot # 安装SDK pip install -U requests[socks] # 允许支持socks 参考文档 http

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