
授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Python
所属分类 应用工具、 IM/聊天/语音工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 郎伟兆
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


GitHub Action that syncs package.json with the repository metadata.

There are values that are meant to be the same. Why not automatically keep them synchronized?

Example output



Example workflow that runs whenever commits are pushed on branch master.
This will overwrite the package.json file if it differs from the GitHub repository info.

This is the recommended syncing direction, because of the more simple setup (no need to manually add a secret to the repository settings) and the advantages of git commits (better monitoring, revertability).


name: Sync package.json with repository info
    branches: [master]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: actions/checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2.3.4
      - name: Jaid/action-sync-node-meta
        uses: jaid/action-sync-node-meta@v2.0.0
          githubToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


Example workflow that runs whenever commits are pushed on branch master.
This will change the GitHub repository info whenever it differs from the content of package.json.

The secret customGithubToken is forwarded to the input githubToken. It has to be a personal access token with scope "repo" added in your repository's secrets settings.


name: Sync repository info with package.json
    branches: [master]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: actions/checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v2.3.4
      - name: Jaid/action-sync-node-meta
        uses: jaid/action-sync-node-meta@v2.0.0
          direction: overwrite-github
          githubToken: ${{ secrets.customGithubToken }}
Detailed setupGo to your account settings and then to “Developer settings”.

Go to “Personal access tokens”.

Click “Generate new token”.

Give it a good title, so you still know what your token does in one year. Add „repo“ permissions.

Copy the generated token.

Go to the repository that uses action-sync-node-meta. Go to “Settings”, “Secrets”.

Click “New repository secret”.

Add the secret token from your clipboard. Name the token “repoGithubToken” or anything you like.

Now pass the token to action-sync-node-meta in your workflow file.

- name: Jaid/action-sync-node-meta
  uses: jaid/action-sync-node-meta@v2.0.0
    direction: overwrite-github
    githubToken: ${{ secrets.repoGithubToken }}


Default Info
githubToken * Repository token for allowing the action to make commits or change the repository info. If direction is "overwrite-file", this input be set from forwarding secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN in the workflow file. If direction is "overwrite-github", a custom personal access token with "repo" scope has to be created.
approve true If true and direction is "overwrite-file", pull requests created by this action are automatically approved and merged.
branch action-sync-node-meta The name of the branch to make changes on (only for direction "overwrite-file"). Substring “{random}” will be replaced with randomized characters.
commitMessage autofix: Updated package.json[{changes}] Commit message for package.json changes (only for direction "overwrite-file"). Substring “{changes}” will be replaced with a list of changed package.json fields.
direction overwrite-file The syncing direction, can be "overwrite-file" or "overwrite-github". If "overwrite-file", the file package.json will be edited in a pull request according to the GitHub repository info. If "overwrite-github", the GitHub repository info will be changed according to the content of the package.json file.
jsonFinalNewline true If true and direction is "overwrite-file", the updated package.json will have a final newline.
removeBranch true If true and direction is "overwrite-file" and approve is also true, automatically merged pull requests will delete their branch afterwards.
syncDescription true If true, package.json[description] will be synced with GitHub repository description.
syncHomepage true If true, package.json[homepage] will be synced with GitHub repository homepage.
syncKeywords true If true, package.json[keywords] will be synced with GitHub repository topics.


Setting up:

git clone
cd action-sync-node-meta
npm install


MIT License
Copyright © 2021, Jaid <> (

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