a bot that generates emoji magrittes.
this is a
twitter and
mastodon bot written in javascript(typescript, actually) running onnode.js.
you can run it on your computer or remix it into something new! you'll need nodeand yarn (and git) installed. then run:
git clone https://github.com/lostfictions/key-of-dreams
cd key-of-dreams
yarn install
yarn dev
in a server environment, this bot can be run withdocker for an easier time. (i recommenddokku if you're looking for a nice way todevelop and host bots.)
the bot needs environment variables if you want it to do stuff:
: a Mastodon user API token (required)MASTODON_SERVER
: the instance to which API calls should be made (usuallywhere the bot user lives.) (default: https://botsin.space/)RESOURCE_DIR
: the directory in which to search for image data. (default: theimages already checked in to the repo.)CRON_RULE
: the interval between each post, in crontab format. (default:every four hours)this bot uses the envalid package which in turnwraps dotenv, so you can alternately stickany of the above environment variables in a file named .env
in the projectroot. (it's gitignored, so there's no risk of accidentally committing privateAPI tokens you put in there.)
In this lesson you will learn to make comparisons. 课上内容(Lesson) compare n. 比较 vt. 比拟,喻为;[语]构成 vi. 相比,匹敌;比较,区别;比拟(常与to连用)n. (Compare)人名;(意)孔帕雷 comparison n. 比较;对照;比喻;比较关系 comparative n. 比较级;对手
In this lesson you will learn to describe an experience. 本课将会学习描述一次经历 课上内容(Lesson) 词汇(Key Word ) # 常用词汇现在时态(present tense) to 过去形式(past forms) cut -> cut hit -> hit hurt -> hurt lend -> l
Copied from http://seasonofcode.com/posts/how-rooting-works-a-technical-explanation-of-the-android-rooting-process.html. ===============================================================================
what is the power of self-discipline in our life? 班号:研究生口语*班 姓名:***** 学号:S******** Hello, everyone. My name is ***. I am a postgraduate majoring in computer technology in Chongqing university of posts
package com.sf.test; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.security.*; import java.security.spec.PKCS8Encod
Unit 16A - Man of the Moment Man of the Moment Alan Ayckbourn ACT 2 (The scene is set at the Spanish holiday villa of VIC PARKS. He is sitting in the garden with DOUGLAS, waiting for the television in
Key管理设备按键事件 方法: addEventListener: 添加按键事件监听器 hideSoftKeybord: 隐藏软键盘 setAssistantType: 设置辅助输入类型 showSoftKeybord: 显示软键盘 removeEventListener: 移除按键事件监听器 对象: KeyType: 按键类型 KeyEvent: 按键事件 回调方法: KeyEventCallb
keys *user* keys * 有3个通配符 *, ? ,[] *: 通配任意多个字符 ?: 通配单个字符 []: 通配括号内的某1个字符 注:生产已经禁止。更安全的做法是采用scan,原理和操作如下: 针对Keys的改进,支持分页查询Key。在迭代过程中,Keys有增删时不会要锁定写操作,数据集完整度不做任何保证,同一条key可能会被返回多次. 对于其他危险的命令,新版本也进行了替代:
of / just 函数签名: of(...values, scheduler: Scheduler): Observable 按顺序发出任意数量的值。 示例 示例 1: 发出数字序列 ( StackBlitz | jsBin | jsFiddle ) // RxJS v6+ import { of } from 'rxjs'; // 依次发出提供的任意数量的值 const source = of
Removes value associated with an element by given key. If key is not provided, removes all the data of the element. Parameters keystringkey Returns: objectElement
License key is validated in an offline mode. No connection is made to any server. Starting with version 7.0.0, we require you to pass the license key in the Settings object in each instance of Handson
管理服务器,向 git 远程推送代码,做这些事之前都需要先验证你的身份,一般就是使用你的用户名与密码。ssh-key 可以让你不再输入用户名与密码就能做这些事。在你电脑上生成 ssh-key ,它是一对,一个私钥(Private key),一个公钥(Public key)。 然后你去配置一下服务(服务器,git 远程服务 ... ),把你生成的 ssh-key 的公钥告诉这些服务。这样你再使用这些