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s3-deploy for vue-cli


If you'd like to participate in the development and maintenance of this plugin, please open a PR or an issue. Help is welcome.Thanks to all who have contributed so far!

NOTE: This branch refers to version 4.0.0 and above. See the 3.0.0 branch for the previous version.


This vue-cli plugin aims to make it easier to deploy a built Vue.js app to an S3 bucket.


  • Custom AWS regions
  • Support for AWS credential profiles and authentication via AWS environment variables
  • Support for S3 static site hosting
  • Concurrent uploads for improved deploy times
  • CloudFront distribution invalidation
  • Correct Cache-Control metadata for use with PWAs and Service Workers
  • GZIP compression
  • Configurable paths for multiple Vue apps in a single bucket


You must have a set of valid AWS credentials set up on your system.


yarn add vue-cli-plugin-s3-deploy@next


After installation, invoke the plugin with vue invoke s3-deploy.

Answer the configuration prompts. This will inject a deploy script command into your package.json file.

Deploy your app with yarn deploy.


Options are set in vue.config.js and overridden on a per-environment basis by .env, .env.staging, .env.production, etc.

module.exports = {
  pluginOptions: {
    s3Deploy: {
      awsProfile: "Specifies the credentials profile to use. For env vars, omit or set to 'default'. (default: default)",
      endpoint: "Override the default AWS endpoint with another e.g. DigitalOcean.",
      region: "AWS region for the specified bucket (default: us-east-1)",
      bucket: "The S3 bucket name (required)",
      createBucket: "Create the bucket if it doesn't exist (default: false)",
      staticHosting: "Enable S3 static site hosting (default: false)",
      staticIndexPage: "Sets the default index file (default: index.html)",
      staticErrorPage: "Sets the default error file (default: error.html)",
      assetPath: "The path to the built assets (default: dist)",
      assetMatch: "Regex matcher for asset to deploy (default: **)",
      deployPath: "Path to deploy the app in the bucket (default: /)",
      acl: "Access control list permissions to apply in S3 (default: public-read)",
      pwa: "Sets max-age=0 for the PWA-related files specified (default: false)",
      pwaFiles: "Comma-separated list of files to treat as PWA files",
      enableCloudfront: "Enables support for Cloudfront distribution invalidation (default: false)",
      cloudfrontId: "The ID of the distribution to invalidate",
      cloudfrontMatchers: "A comma-separated list of paths to invalidate (default: /*)",
      uploadConcurrency: "Number of concurrent uploads (default: 5)",
      cacheControl: "Sets cache-control metadata for all uploads, overridden for individual files by pwa settings",
      gzip: "Enables GZIP compression",
      gzipFilePattern: "Pattern for matching files to be gzipped. (By default: '**/*.{js,css,json,ico,map,xml,txt,svg,eot,ttf,woff,woff2}')"

The pwa option is meant to help make deploying progressive web apps a little easier. Due to the way service workers interact with caching, this option alone will tell the browser to not cache the service-worker.js file by default. This ensures that changes made to the service worker are reflected as quickly as possible.

You can specify which files aren't cached by setting a value for the pwaFiles option:

    pwaFiles: "index.html,dont-cache.css,not-this.js"

The cacheControl option is intended for deployments with lots of static files and relying on browser or CDN caching.

For example, you may want to have files default to being cached for 1 day:

    cacheControl: "max-age=86400"

Per-Environment Overrides

Deployment options can be overridden with .env files to support development, staging, and production deployment environments.

The .env file options are, with examples:







These options OVERRIDE the config options set in vue.config.js and should be used to customize a default set of options. A common use case is only overriding VUE_APP_S3D_BUCKET for production deployment.

Specifying AWS Credentials

The AWS SDK will pick up the specified credentials from your ~/.aws/credentials file and from the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN.

To specify credentials other than default in ~/.aws/credentials, re-run vue invoke s3-deploy and select a different profile.


If your build process appends hashes to the files it generates, you may find that files with old hashes build up in your S3 bucket. Consider using this plugin to tag these old files so that S3 can expire them after a set number of days: https://github.com/euan-forrester/vue-cli-plugin-s3-deploy-cleanup

GitHub Action

@jackdcasey has written a GitHub action to deploy with vue-cli-plugin-s3-deploy! https://github.com/jackdcasey/vue-cli-plugin-s3-deploy-action (In Development)



  • Fixes for deployPath failures. (Thanks @tarasbilohan)


  • Include recent PRs and bug fixes


  • Added support for S3 static site hosting configuration and setup
  • Corrected some Windows related bugs
  • Added pluginVersion to the configuration. This prompts users to re-invoke the vue invoke.
  • Bumped major version due to incompatibilities in the configuration options.


  • Rollback crendential selection via awsProfile. The SDK supports this via the AWS_PROFILE environment variable.


  • Added deployPath option. Allows you to deploy to folder in the bucket, not always to the root. Fixes #15.
  • Added awsProfile for using AWS credentials other than default. Fixes #19.
  • Fixed #12: paths were built naively and broke deployment on Windows platforms.


  • Fixed bug where deployment crashes if you declined Cloudfront on initial invocation.


  • Added support for invalidating Cloudfront distributions on deploy.
  • Refactored how the configuration is stored and brought it more inline with vue cli standards. All config is in vue.config.js now.
  • Updated the dependency on vue-cli to 3.0.0-rc3
  • Squashed a few bugs along the way


  • Added support for .env files and per-environment options


  • Added parallel uploading


  • Initial Release


Clone the repo and install dependencies with yarn install.Run yarn watch-test to start a test runner.Build the dist directory with yarn build.

Contributions welcome.Just open a pull request.

  • 通用指南 如果你用 Vue CLI 处理静态资源并和后端框架一起作为部署的一部分,那么你需要的仅仅是确保 Vue CLI 生成的构建文件在正确的位置,并遵循后端框架的发布方式即可。 如果你独立于后端部署前端应用——也就是说后端暴露一个前端可访问的 API,然后前端实际上是纯静态应用。那么你可以将 dist 目录里构建的内容部署到任何静态文件服务器中,但要确保正确的 publicPath。 本地预览

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