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开发语言 Java
所属分类 云计算
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 郭建华
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

☂️ Umbrel — a personal server for everyone

⚠️ Umbrel is currently in beta and is not considered secure. Please see SECURITY.md for more details.

This is the master repository of Umbrel and contains the framework for orchestration of all containerized services running on Umbrel OS.

It is platform and architecture-agnostic, thus can be used to directly spin up instances of Umbrel without installing the Umbrel OS since all orchestrated services use multi-architecture Docker images.

We run it on Raspberry Pis (ARMv8) as a part of Umbrel OS, Ubuntu (x64) for testnet.getumbrel.com and macOS (x64) for local development.

�� Getting started

If you're looking to run Umbrel on:

�� Installation

Umbrel OS for Raspberry Pi is the easiest and the recommended way to run Umbrel. If you don't have a Raspberry Pi, you can manually install Umbrel on any hardware running a Linux-based operating system such as Ubuntu, Debian, etc by following the instructions below, but please note it's not the recommended way to run Umbrel as it's still very experimental.

Installation Requirements

Make sure your User ID is 1000 (verify it by running id -u) and ensure that your account is correctly permissioned to use docker.

Step 1. Download Umbrel

Run this in an empty directory where you want to install Umbrel. If using an external storage such as an SSD or HDD, run this inside an empty directory on that drive.

curl -L https://github.com/getumbrel/umbrel/archive/v0.4.4.tar.gz | tar -xz --strip-components=1

Step 2. Run Umbrel

# To use Umbrel on mainnet, run:
sudo ./scripts/start

# The following environment settings can only be set
# during first run of the start script and will be persisted through
# any updates

# For testnet, run:
sudo NETWORK=testnet ./scripts/start

# For regtest, run:
sudo NETWORK=regtest ./scripts/start

# For umbrel to listen on port 12345 instead of 80, run:
sudo NGINX_PORT=12345 ./scripts/start

To stop Umbrel, run:

sudo ./scripts/stop

�� Services orchestrated


                          + -------------------- +
                          |   umbrel-dashboard   |
                          + -------------------- +
                              + ------------- +
                              |     nginx     |
                              + ------------- +
              + - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - +
              |                                               |
              |                                               |
   + ------------------ +                         + --------------------- +
   |   umbrel-manager   | < - - - jwt auth - - -  |   umbrel-middleware   |
   + ------------------ +                         + --------------------- +
                                            + - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - +
                                            |                                   |
                                            |                                   |
                                    + ------------- +                   + ------------- +
                                    |    bitcoind   | < - - - - - - - - |      lnd      |
                                    + ------------- +                   + ------------- +

⚡️ Don't be too reckless

Umbrel is still in beta development and should not be considered secure. Read our writeup of security tradeoffs that exist today.

It's recommended that you note down your 24 secret words (seed phrase) with a pen and paper, and secure it safely. If you forget your dashboard's password, or in case something goes wrong with your Umbrel, you will need these 24 words to recover your funds in the Bitcoin wallet of your Umbrel.

You're also recommended to download a backup of your payment channels regularly as it'll be required to recover your funds in the Lightning wallet of your Umbrel in case something goes wrong. You should also always download the latest backup file before installing an update.

❤️ Contributing

We welcome and appreciate new contributions.

If you're a developer looking to help but not sure where to begin, check out these issues that have specifically been marked as being friendly to new contributors.

If you're looking for a bigger challenge, before opening a pull request please create an issue or join our community chat to get feedback, discuss the best way to tackle the challenge, and to ensure that there's no duplication of work.

�� License

Umbrel is licensed under the PolyForm Noncommercial 1.0.0 license. TL;DR — You're free to use, fork, modify, and redestribute Umbrel for personal and nonprofit use under the same license. If you're interested in using Umbrel for commercial purposes, such as selling plug-and-play home servers with Umbrel, etc — please reach out to us at partner@getumbrel.com.


  • ☂️ OS Umbrel OS is the operating system of Umbrel Bitcoin and Lightning node. It's based on Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Raspbian) and uses pi-gen for customization. �� Getting started To run Umbrel on:

  • API Umbrella 是一个开源 API 管理平台,用于公开 Web 服务 API。API Umbrella 的基本目标是让 API 创建者和 API 消费者的使用更轻松。 让 API 创建者的生活更轻松:允许 API 创建者专注于构建 API。 将无聊的东西标准化:如果 API 被访问,API 可以假设无聊的东西(访问控制、速率限制、分析等)已经得到处理,不需要在 API 代码中实现通用功能



