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授权协议 MIT License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 云计算
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 弓华茂
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


Unofficial mastodon docker image for http:// (NOT https://) scheme federation.This image enables remote follow through http:// scheme.

This is not production ready.Use only for testing or development.For example, use in the following situations:

  • Create a mastodon instance in your home local intra network.
  • Create federatable mastodon instances in docker local networks.


How to install


git clone https://github.com/frost-tb-voo/mastodon-http-local.git

And then,

    1. Do SMTP setup
    1. Create instances. Choose 2-a or 2-b.
    • 2-a. A single instance
    • 2-b. Federatable instances

1. SMTP setup

Create ./template/.env.development from .env.development.example .


Safe Email Testing for Staging & Development

Free plan offer you 500 emails per month.

After registration, open "Demo inbox" and copy generated username to SMTP_LOGIN and password to SMTP_PASSWORD. SMTP_SERVER is smtp.mailtrap.io.


If you are a gmail user and use gmail.com as SMTP server, the values of the following keys are required.

    • for example Mastodon <username@gmail.com>
    • for example username@gmail.com
    • for example 1234567890123456

Look at the following page to generate an app password (SMTP_PASSWORD),


2-a. A single instance

Create a single mastodon instance in your home local intra network.Edit create.sh and execute it.

The values of the following variables are required.

  • USER_NAME, is a user name of initial admin account
  • USER_EMAIL, is a valid e-mail address of initial admin account
    • SMTP server will send a confirming e-mail to this address, this event would be triggered by sidekiq container.

The values of the following variables are customizable.

  • INSTANCE, is a directory name for the creating mastodon instance
    • installation path. The persistent data would be written here.
    • the prefix of container and network names become this value.
  • MSTDN_SUBNET, is a subnet of docker network where the creating instance belongs to
    • the specified value must not be in use by other docker containers
    • for example
  • NGINX_IP, is an IPv4 address in docker network
    • must belongs to MSTDN_SUBNET.
    • for example
  • MSTDN_IPV4_WEB, is an IPv4 address of web container (defined in docker-compose.yml)
    • must belongs to MSTDN_SUBNET.
    • for example
  • MSTDN_IPV4_STREAMING, is an IPv4 address of streaming container (defined in docker-compose.yml)
    • must belongs to MSTDN_SUBNET.
    • for example
  • MSTDN_IPV4_SIDEKIQ, is an IPv4 address of sidekiq container (defined in docker-compose.yml)
    • must belongs to MSTDN_SUBNET.
    • for example

Execute create.sh, then the script creates an INSTANCE directory, configures the instance, and creates containers. After all, the script will show the mastodon URL, an initial user account and password. Open it with your favorites browser.

(Optional) Access from other machines

Set the value into PRIVATE_DOMAIN_OR_IP in create.sh.

    • must be resolvable from other machines.
    • for example,
    • for example, mydomain.example.local

2-b. Federatable instances

Create federatable mastodon instances in docker local networks.Edit create.sh and execute it.

The required values are almost the same with 2-a.


Now, the current implementation of create.sh script creates just 3 instances, and following variables appear 3 times in the script (yet under construction).


And, there are additional variables:

  • INSTANCE1,2,3
    • order insensitive. listup all the INSTANCE values to construct network for nginx
  • NGINX_IP1,2,3
    • order insensitive. listup all the NGINX_IP values to construct network for nginx



Execute uninstall.sh in the instance directory for each instance.

Backup and rollback

See the mastodon official document.


Update to latest version


For developers

To understand the operations for mastodon in the script file create-mstdn.sh, see the mastodon official document.



  • The files in this repository (including image modification programs) is licensed under MIT license.
  • The base image tootsuite/mastodon is licensed under AGPL.
    • You can confirm the modified locations in Dockerfile.
    • You can confirm the image modified date as Created property in the docker inspect result.
  • 翻译:https://github.com/tootsuite/documentation/blob/master/Running-Mastodon/Production-guide.md Mastodon 生产指南 免责声明: 本指南是针对 Ubuntu Server 16.04 编写的, 如果使用其他操作系统,则可能会遇到问题。我们欢迎对其他发行版的指南作出贡献。 此文档希望你有足够高的技术管

  • Mastodon 是开源且免费的社交网络服务器,任何人都可以基于它创建类似推特/微博的产品(可以理解为搭建“私服微博/推特”)。但 Mastodon 与常见的社交网络不一样,其定位是去中心化的社交平台——可作为商业平台的替代方案,避免了单个公司垄断你沟通的风险。 基于 Mastodon 搭建的站点被称为“实例 (instance)”,这些“实例”既相互独立,又彼此关联(因为不同站点的用户可以毫无阻

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