Docker image for the xmrig
Monero CPU miner. xmrig
is built directly from master branch on its public Github repository with all defaults, except devfee which will now default to 0%. You can still opt-in to the devfee from the configuration file.
This image is built expecting a JSON configuration file to be available at $XMRIG_JSON_CONFIG_PATH
. For example, you can mount a volume at /app/etc
that contains a configuration file named config.json
with the following command:
docker run -t -i -d -v /path/to/config/directory:/app/etc -e XMRIG_JSON_CONFIG_PATH=/app/etc/config.json khell/xmrig-docker:latest
If this image helped you mine Monero, please feel free to send a donation my way!
IDEA花里胡哨地安全连接到Docker(CA认证方式防止挖矿程序xmrig入侵) 在使用以上方式操作之后,还是不能远程构建镜像。 还要在项目的pom文件中将原先 <!--指定远程 docker api地址--> <dockerHost>http://docker所在服务器公网ip:端口</dockerHost> 改为: <!--指定远程 docker api地址--> <dockerHost>
XMRig container XMRig is a high performance Monero (XMR) CPU miner originally based oncpuminer-multi with heavy optimizations/rewrites and removing a lot of legacycode, since version 1.0.0 completely
xmrig-docker-compose Credits: Docker-compose files for the xmrig Monero CPU miner. xmrig is built directly from master branch on its public Github repository with
xmrig-cpu-docker A docker container to easily deploy xmrig. Tags latest - Uses known, tested, Alpine image and xmrig versions. alpine-latest - Uses the latest Alpine image. xmrig-latest - Uses the lat
alpine-xmrig XMRig miner in an Alpine Linux Docker image. The goal of this project is to quickly enable you to mine Monero without the hassle of knowing how to install or secure your mining software.
XMRig K8s Mine Monero using leftover resources in a Kubernetes cluster. # clonegit clone --recursive xmrig-k8s# edit the Kubernetes manifest so that you ar
问题内容: 宣布Java 11是最新的LTS版本。因此,我们正在尝试基于此Java版本启动新服务。 但是,Java 11的基本Docker映像比Java 8的等效映像大得多: (我只考虑官方的OpenJDK和每个Java版本的最轻量的映像。) 更深入的挖掘发现了以下“事物”: 该openjdk:11-jre-slim图像使用基本图像debian:sid-slim。这带来了两个问题: 比60 MB大