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Common tools used by the GCP runtimes.
授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 Java
所属分类 云计算
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 羿宏硕
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


This repository contains common tools and scripts for working with containers.

The primary use is for small tools used to build, test and distribute container images by GCP engineers, although other users might find them useful as well.

If you're looking for the container structure tests, check out our new dedicated repo.


Projects in this repo are mainly organized in sub-directories.

See below for a list of the tools contained here.

  • FTL - A set of tools for building language-runtime focused images "faster-than-light".
  • Integration Tests - A set of tools for testing the functionality of language-based application containers on GCP.
  • reconciletags - A source-based workflow tool for managing the tags on container images in GCR.
  • runtime_builders - A tool for releasing sets of container images.
  • check_if_image_tag_exists - A Cloud Build step to help prevent overwriting images.
  • containerregistry testing - A Python library for testing containerregistry.


You'll most likely need the bazel tool to build the code in this repository.Follow these instructions to install and configure bazel.

We provide a pre-commit git hook for convenience.Please install this before sending any commits via:

ln -s $(pwd)/hack/hooks/* .git/hooks/
  • 升级Asp.net core项目时,使用Visual studio 2017部署出错。 因此部署System.Drawing.Common的时候出错,正确方法如下: 在项目中使用nuget 添加System.Drawing.Common包后,自动添加他的依赖microsoft.win32.systemevents包。 部署时,将下面两个文件夹合并到一个文件夹rumtimes,拷贝到部署文件夹下。

  • 一,错误 错误梗概: clang++: /home/hongleili/ex/llvmProj/llvm-project-llvmorg-13.0.0/llvm/lib/Target/X86/X86FloatingPoint.cpp:1641: void {anonymous}::FPS::handleSpecialFP(llvm::MachineBasicBlock::iterator&): A

  • 官方文档上有一些出入,按照下述步骤是ok的  Home · COVESA/capicxx-core-tools Wiki · GitHub 1. 安装依赖项: sudo apt install wget cmake libexpat-dev expat default-jre gcc g++ sudo apt install asciidoc source-highlight doxygen gr

  • 问题:部署一些net core网站出现图片验证码无法加载 原因:System.Drawing.Common在 Linux 上运行异常 解决 导入 Mono 密钥、更新镜像源 https://www.mono-project.com/download/stable/#download-lin-centos 安装 libgdiplus yum install libgdiplus 确认文件 /usr/



