Buildkite is a platform for running fast, secure, and scalable continuous integration pipelines on your own infrastructure.
The Buildkite Elastic CI Stack for AWS gives you a private, autoscalingBuildkite Agent cluster. Use it to parallelizelarge test suites across thousands of nodes, run tests and deployments for Linux or Windowsbased services and apps, or run AWS ops tasks.
See the Elastic CI Stack for AWS tutorial for a step-by-step guide, the Elastic CI Stack for AWS documentation, or the full list of recommended resources for detailed information.
Or jump straight in:
The current release is . See Releases for older releases.
Although the stack creates its own VPC by default, we highly recommend following best practice by setting up a separate development AWS account and using role switching and consolidated billing — see the Delegate Access Across AWS Accounts tutorial for more information.
If you want to use the AWS CLI, download config.json.example
, rename it to config.json
, and then run the below command:
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--output text \
--stack-name buildkite \
--template-url "" \
--parameters "$(cat config.json)"
Most features are supported across both Linux and Windows. See below for detailsof per-operating system support:
Feature | Linux | Windows |
Docker |
Docker Compose |
S3 Secrets Bucket |
ECR Login |
Docker Login |
CloudWatch Logs Agent |
Per-Instance Bootstrap Script |
SSM Access |
Instance Storage (NVMe) |
SSH Access |
Periodic authorized_keys Refresh |
Periodic Instance Health Check |
git lfs |
Additional sudo Permissions |
RDP Access |
This repository hasn't been reviewed by security researchers so exercise caution and careful thought with what credentials you make available to your builds.
Anyone with commit access to your codebase (including third-party pull-requests if you've enabled them in Buildkite) will have access to your secrets bucket files.
Also keep in mind the EC2 HTTP metadata server is available from within builds, which means builds act with the same IAM permissions as the instance.
By default, CloudFormation will operate using the permissions granted to theidentity of the credentials used to initiate a stack deployment or update.
If you want to explicitly specify which actions CloudFormation can perform onyour behalf, you can either create your stack using credentials for an IAMidentity with limited permissions, or provide an AWS CloudFormation service role.
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file templates/service-role.yml --stack-name buildkite-elastic-ci-stack-service-role --region us-east-1 --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
To get started with customizing your own stack, or contributing fixes and features:
# Checkout all submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
# Build all AMIs and render a cloud formation template - this requires AWS credentials (in the ENV)
# to build an AMI with packer
make build
# To create a new stack on AWS using the local template
make create-stack
# You can use any of the AWS* environment variables that the aws-cli supports
AWS_PROFILE="some-profile" make create-stack
# You can also use aws-vault or similar
aws-vault exec some-profile -- make create-stack
If you need to build your own AMI (because you've changed something in thepacker
directory), run packer with AWS credentials in your shell environment:
make packer
This will boot and image three AWS EC2 instances in your account’s us-east-1
default VPC:
We provide support for security and bug fixes on the current major release only.
If there are any changes in the master branch since the last tagged release, weaim to publish a new tagged release of this template at the end of each month.
We support all AWS Regions, except China and US GovCloud.
We aim to support new regions within one month of general availability.
We build and deploy the following AMIs to all our supported regions:
The Elastic CI Stack template published from the master branchtracks the latest Buildkite Agent release.
You may wish to preview any updates to your stack from this templateusing a CloudFormation Stack Change Setto decide whether to apply it.
To gain a better understanding of how Elastic CI Stack works and how to use it most effectively and securely, see the following resources:
Feel free to drop an email to with questions. It helps us if you can provide the following details:
# List your stack parameters
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name MY_STACK_NAME \
--query 'Stacks[].Parameters[].[ParameterKey,ParameterValue]' --output table
Provide us with logs from CloudWatch Logs:
You can also drop by #aws-stack
and #aws
channels in Buildkite Community Slack and ask your question!
See (MIT)
CloudFormation CloudFormation归类在Management & Governance下,它有很多模板可以直接使用,模板实际上是包含配置的文本文件,使用模板可以用很简单的操作可以创建,重复创建和设置很复杂的应用。 这里做一个简单的测试,点Create stack,取名: XiongStack,再使用Use a sample template,使用已有的模板,创建一个Word
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Min Stack 描述 Design a stack that supports push, pop, top, and retrieving the minimum element in constant time. push(x) -- Push element x onto stack. pop() -- Removes the element on top of the stack. t
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它代表了一个后进先出的对象集合。 当您需要后进先出的项目访问时使用它。 当你在列表中添加一个项目时,它被称为推送项目,当你删除它时,它被称为弹出项目。 堆栈类的属性和方法 下表列出了Stack类的一些常用properties - Sr.No 财产和描述 1 Count 获取Stack中包含的元素数。 下表列出了Stack类的一些常用methods - Sr.No. 方法名称和目的 1 Public