Install the plugin inside your serverless project with npm.
$ npm i -D serverless-rust
flag adds it to your development dependencies in npm speak
Add the following to your serverless project's serverless.yml
service: demo
name: aws
runtime: rust
# this registers the plugin
# with serverless
- serverless-rust
# creates one artifact for each function
individually: true
# handler value syntax is `{cargo-package-name}.{bin-name}`
# or `{cargo-package-name}` for short when you are building a
# default bin for a given package.
handler: your-cargo-package-name
- http:
path: /test
method: GET
�� The Rust Lambda runtime requires a binary namedbootstrap
. This plugin renames the binary cargo builds tobootstrap
for you. You do not need to do this manually in yourCargo.toml
configuration file.
The default behavior is to build your lambda inside a docker container. Make sure you have a docker daemon running if you are not opting into the dockerless mode.
You can optionally adjust the default settings of the dockerized build env usinga custom section of your serverless.yaml configuration
# this section customizes of the default
# serverless-rust plugin settings
# flags passed to cargo
cargoFlags: '--features enable-awesome'
# custom docker tag
dockerTag: 'some-custom-tag'
# custom docker image
dockerImage: 'dockerUser/dockerRepo'
While it's useful to have a build environment that matches your deploymentenvironment, dockerized builds come with some notable tradeoffs.
The external dependency on docker itself often causes friction as an added dependency to your build.
Depending on a docker image limits which versions of rust you can build with. The default docker image tracks stable rust. Some users might wish to try unstable versions of rust before they stabilize. Local builds enable that.
If you wish to build lambda's locally, use the dockerless
configuration setting.
# this section allows for customization of the default
# serverless-rust plugin settings
# flags passed to cargo
cargoFlags: '--features enable-awesome'
# experimental! when set to true, artifacts are built locally outside of docker
+ dockerless: true
This will build and link your lambda as a static binary outside a container that can be deployed in to the lambda execution environment using MUSL. The aim is that in future releases, this might become the default behavior.
In order to use this mode its expected that you install the x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
target on all platforms locally with
$ rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
On linux platforms, you will need to install musl-tools
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y musl-tools
On Mac OSX, you will need to install a MUSL cross compilation toolchain
$ brew install filosottile/musl-cross/musl-cross
Using MUSL comes with some other notable tradeoffs. One of which is complications that arise when depending on dynamically linked dependencies.
If you find other MUSL specific issues, please report them by opening an issue.
If your serverless project contains multiple functions, you may sometimesneed to customize the options above at the function level. You can do thisby defining a rust
key with the same options inline in your functionspecification.
# function specific flags passed to cargo
cargoFlags: '--features enable-awesome'
# handler value syntax is `{cargo-package-name}.{bin-name}`
# or `{cargo-package-name}` for short when you are building a
# default bin for a given package.
handler: your-cargo-package-name
- http:
path: /test
method: GET
Every serverless workflow command should work out of the box.
$ npx serverless invoke local -f hello -d '{"hello":"world"}'
$ npx serverless deploy
$ npx serverless invoke -f hello -d '{"hello":"world"}'
$ npx serverless logs -f hello
Older versions targeted the python 3.6 AWS Lambda runtime and rust crowbar and lando applications
Doug Tangren (softprops) 2018-2019
Rust 1.40.0 了 新增了一些新特性 不詳細的 #[non_exhaustive] structs, enums, and variants 這表示當前的屬性有缺少,要增加屬性欄位,沒增加是會出現錯誤的。 範例看到 beta 依賴 alhpa // alpha/lib.rs: #[non_exhaustive] struct Foo { pub a: bool, } enum
Rust 1.62.1 pre-release 测试 官网通告: 1.62. pre-release 已经可以测试了, 大家可以提前安装尝鲜测试了. RUSTUP_DIST_SERVER=https://dev-static.rust-lang.org rustup update stable 1.62.1 Release note: https://github.com/rust-lang/ru
Serverless的概念火了,业界已经不再讨论要不要用Serverless的问题了,而是高喊Serverless First的口号力求快速拥抱Serverless,无服务器并不是Serverless的本质,不需要关心服务器的情况就能高效工作,才是Serverless胜出的核心要义。互联网时代流量的大起大落,很多科技巨头在面对流量的冲击时也都败下阵来,针对前几个月B站的崩溃事件,笔者还曾写过《B站
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The Serverless Framework (无服务器架构)允许你自动扩展、按执行付费、将事件驱动的功能部署到任何云。 目前支持 AWS Lambda、Apache OpenWhisk、Microsoft Azure,并且正在扩展以支持其他云提供商。 Serverless 降低了维护应用程序的总成本,能够更快地构建更多逻辑。它是一个命令行工具,提供脚手架、工作流自动化和开发部署无服务器架构的最佳实践。它也可以通过插件完全扩展。
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