Cloud-Native Java Applications without a hassle
This project is not an effort from scratch. It was earlier calledFabric8 Maven Plugin.It is just refactored and rebranded version of the project targeted towards Java developers who are working on top ofKubernetes. For more information about history, please see
Eclipse JKube is a collection of plugins and libraries that are used for building container images using Docker, JIB orS2I build strategies. Eclipse JKube generates and deploys Kubernetes/OpenShift manifests at compile time too.
It brings your Java applications on to Kubernetes and OpenShift by leveraging the tasks required to make yourapplication cloud-native.
Eclipse JKube also provides a set of tools such as watch, debug, log, etc. to improve your developer experience.This project contains various building blocks for the Kubernetes Java developer toolbox.
JKube Kit is the core engine powering our Maven plugins.
The main difference between Fabric8 Maven Plugin and JKube is the extraction and decoupling of the core components fromMaven. This enables other projects and frameworks to reuse all of JKube's functionality by exposing it through a public API.
Some thin adapter Maven specific modules like jkube-kit-enricher-maven andjkube-kit-generator-maven are provided as glue to get to the Maven specific build informationlike the project's coordinates.
Want to test drive JKube? check our getting started Katacoda courseto see what JKube can do for you and your project directly from your browser.
Check out our Maven quickstarts to see how JKube fitswith the Java framework of your choice.
# 1. Clone repository and move to Hello World Quickstart
$ git clone && cd jkube/quickstarts/maven/hello-world
# 2. Build Project and run JKube goals
$ mvn clean install \
k8s:build `# Build Docker Image` \
k8s:resource `# Generate Kubernetes Manifests` \
k8s:apply `# Apply generated Kubernetes Manifests onto Kubernetes`
# Using Kubectl
$ kubectl get pods
helloworld-7c4665f464-xwskj 0/1 Completed 2 27s
$ kubectl logs jkube-sample-helloworld-7c4665f464-xwskj
Hello World!
# Using JKube
$ mvn k8s:log
[INFO] k8s: [NEW] helloworld-7c4665f464-xwskj status: Running
[INFO] k8s: [NEW] Tailing log of pod: helloworld-587dfff745-2kdpq
[INFO] k8s: [NEW] Press Ctrl-C to stop tailing the log
[INFO] k8s: [NEW]
[INFO] k8s: Hello World!
[INFO] k8s: [NEW] helloworld-7c4665f464-xwskj status: Running
If you experience problems using minikube that pod's status shows 'ImagePullBackOff' and not 'Completed' you must share the minikube's docker deamon environment with your shell with:
$ eval $(minikube docker-env)
You can remove this from your shell again with:
$ eval $(minikube docker-env -u)
If you don't want to type the command for every new terminal you open, you can add the command to your .bash_profile
on mac or .zshrc
JKube 的作用 JKube 省去了配置 Dockerfile, k8s manifest 的过程。自动化了 docker 镜像的构建。极大提高了 Java 应用云原生环境集成的效率。 使用 JKube 来构建 Java 应用的镜像, 只需要引入 kubernetes-maven-plugin 就可以了。 JKube 的工作原理 这个 插件在执行 build, push 命令的时候,会使用自动