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Cloud provider for Azure
授权协议 Apache-2.0 License
开发语言 Google Go
所属分类 云计算、 云原生
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 公羊曜灿
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知

Cloud provider for Azure


This repository provides Azure implementation of Kubernetes cloud provider interface. The in-tree cloud provider has been deprecated since v1.20 and only the bug fixes were allowed in the Kubernetes repository directory.

Current status

cloud-provider-azure has been GA since v1.0.0 and its releases are maintained on Microsoft Container Registry (MCR).

The latest version of azure-cloud-controller-manager and azure-cloud-node-manager could be found at

  • mcr.microsoft.com/oss/kubernetes/azure-cloud-controller-manager:v1.1.1
  • mcr.microsoft.com/oss/kubernetes/azure-cloud-node-manager:v1.1.1

Version matrix:

Kubernetes version cloud-provider version cloud-provider branch
master N/A master
v1.22.x v1.1.1 release-1.1
v1.21.x v1.0.5 release-1.0
v1.20.x v0.7.8 release-0.7
v1.19.x v0.6.0 release-0.6
v1.18.x v0.5.1 release-0.5
v1.17.x v0.4.1 N/A
v1.16.x v0.3.0 N/A
v1.15.x v0.2.0 N/A


Build binary for azure-cloud-controller-manager:

make all

Build docker image for azure-cloud-controller-manager:

IMAGE_REGISTRY=<registry> make image


Run azure-cloud-controller-manager locally:

azure-cloud-controller-manager \
    --cloud-provider=azure \
    --cluster-name=kubernetes \
    --controllers=*,-cloud-node \
    --cloud-config=/etc/kubernetes/azure.json \
    --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/kubeconfig \
    --allocate-node-cidrs=true \
    --configure-cloud-routes=true \
    --cluster-cidr= \
    --route-reconciliation-period=10s \
    --leader-elect=true \
    --port=10267 \

Run azure-cloud-node-manager locally:

azure-cloud-node-manager \
    --node-name=$(hostname) \

It is recommended to run azure-cloud-controller-manager as Pods on master nodes. See here for the example.

Please checkout more details at Deploy Cloud Controller Manager.

E2E tests

Please check the following documents for e2e tests:


See kubernetes-sigs.github.io/cloud-provider-azure for more documentations.


Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for instructions on how to contribute.

Code of conduct

Participation in the Kubernetes community is governed by the Kubernetes Code of Conduct.


Apache License 2.0.

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