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开发语言 JavaScript
所属分类 其他开源、 物联网
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 丌官信厚
操作系统 跨平台
适用人群 未知


This is a plugin for homebridge to control an LED strip connected to an ESP8266 chip. It allows adding the ESP8266 as a lightbulb to HomeKit and controlling it with Siri or the Home App on iOS.


  • An ESP8266 setup with my URL/UDP API
  • working wifi network for the ESP to receive commands
  • server to run homebridge on
  • iOS device with HomeKit


  1. Connect your LED strip to the ESP8266 and flash the device. Have a look here for more information.

  2. Check that the ESP connects to your Wifi.

  3. Install homebridge on your server. A guide can be found on the project homepage

  4. Download this repository and copy the files to a separate folder homebridge-ESP-LED in your node_modules directory. For me that's /usr/lib/node_modules

  5. Run npm install in the node_modules directory to download the dependencies.

  6. Add your configuration to the config.json. An example is included as config-sample.json. Make sure that the id and ip of the device you want to control matches your ESP8266-LED configuration.

  7. Optionally: Configure homebridge to run on system startup for convenience

  8. Set up the HomeKit device on your iOS device. It should be automatically discovered if you are on the same network.

  9. Control your light with Siri or the Home app.

  • 前言 继上篇树莓派养成之路 ——siri 控制LED灯后一直想着怎么将线路接入真实生活中。由于测试都是使用导线将灯或继电器和树莓派连接,如果家里有多个设备就会出现如下问题: GPIO口数量不够 实体线部线(PS:在树莓派养成之路 ——siri 控制LED灯中至少要将GPIO口和灯或继电器连接),设备一多,线路满天飞。 基于上述两个问题,自然而然的就想到使用wifi控制设备。随后看到esp-01经济

  • ESP

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