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PHP Development Environment

授权协议 未知
开发语言 PHP
所属分类 开发工具、 PHP开发工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 田镜
操作系统 Windows
适用人群 未知

这是一个可视化的 PHP 开发环境,如下图所示:

  • Eclipse PHP Integrated Development Environment    Win32版本的下载地址:   http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/technology/epp/downloads/release/helios/R/eclipse-php-helios-win32.zip   中国科学技术大学源

  • Zend Development Environment - Tab Size PHP程序常常层次较多,所以可以把Tab Size设置为2,便于查看源代码。 [Zend Development Environment关键词] zend [Zend Development Environment相关论坛] http://php.board.newsmth.net/ http://groups.goo

  • Zend Development Environment - Tab as Space 由于不同开发人员的习惯不同,所以设置Tab as Space可能会造成不同的效果,取消选中该项,用Tab控制代码缩进,而不是Space。 [Zend Development Environment关键词] zend [Zend Development Environment相关论坛] http://php.bo

  • Eclipse PHP Integrated Development Environment Win32版本的下载地址: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/technology/epp/downloads/release/helios/R/eclipse-php-helios-win32.zip 中国科学技术大学源:Univer

  • Zend Development Environment - Show Completion List Zend Development Environment中默认的快捷键是按照Visual_Studio设置的,其中Show Completion List的默认快捷键是Ctrl Space,在简体中文Windows操作系统中,Ctrl Space快捷键是切换输入法的默认快捷键,为便于使用,可以修

  • Magento Development Environment Learning Magento can range from frustrating to infuriating for the first time user. Here’s a few tips to ease the burden of assimilating an entirely new system. Turn on

  • You can find online document on: http://wiki.maemo.org/Documentation/Maemo_5_Final_SDK_Installation (1) At first you should install Xephyr : apt-get install xserver-xephyr (2) Installing Maemo 5 SDK:

  • 1. Install ELDK (VMware guest: Ubuntu 11.4)     http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/ELDK_usage   2. Setup shared folder (host & guest) -------------------------------------------------------------

  • Zend Development Environment - Automatically Reload Externally Modified Files php程序常常是用php程序生成php程序,因此选中Automatically Reload Externally Modified Files可以自动获得所生成程序的当前代码。 [Zend Development Environment关键词

  • Development in the ext environment From LiferayPedia Jump to: navigation, search Categories Development Introduction to Liferay development This guide explains how to do usual development tasks in the

  • Zend Development Environment - Case Sensitive Completion for Constants PHP中的常量一般使用全部大写,而Zend Development Environment的自动补全功能在默认的情况下是区分大小写的,为了方便,可以取消选择Case Sensitive Completion for Constants,这样在输入小写时,也能

  • http://mwop.net/blog/206-Zend-Framework-1.7.5-Released-Important-Note-Regarding-Zend_View.html Executive Summary     The default error handling view script generated using     Zend_Tool failed to esca

  • [PHP] ; 声明:ini文件来源phpstudy,翻译主学习参考。未完待续,所有翻译完了后将会把译文做高亮处理。 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; About php.ini ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; PHP’s initialization file, generally called php.ini, is responsible for ; configu