Typer, build great CLIs. Easy to code. Based on Python type hints.
Documentation: https://typer.tiangolo.com
Source Code: https://github.com/tiangolo/typer
Typer is a library for building CLI applications that users will love using and developers will love creating. Based on Python 3.6+ type hints.
The key features are:
Typer is FastAPI's little sibling.
And it's intended to be the FastAPI of CLIs.
Python 3.6+
Typer stands on the shoulders of a giant. Its only internal dependency is Click.
$ pip install typer
---> 100%
Successfully installed typer
with:import typer
def main(name: str):
typer.echo(f"Hello {name}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Run your application:
// Run your application
$ python main.py
// You get a nice error, you are missing NAME
Usage: main.py [OPTIONS] NAME
Try "main.py --help" for help.
Error: Missing argument 'NAME'.
// You get a --help for free
$ python main.py --help
Usage: main.py [OPTIONS] NAME
NAME [required]
--install-completion Install completion for the current shell.
--show-completion Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or customize the installation.
--help Show this message and exit.
// When you create a package you get ✨ auto-completion ✨ for free, installed with --install-completion
// Now pass the NAME argument
$ python main.py Camila
Hello Camila
// It works! ��
Note: auto-completion works when you create a Python package and run it with --install-completion
or when you use Typer CLI.
This was the simplest example possible.
Now let's see one a bit more complex.
Modify the file main.py
Create a typer.Typer()
app, and create two subcommands with their parameters.
import typer
app = typer.Typer()
def hello(name: str):
typer.echo(f"Hello {name}")
def goodbye(name: str, formal: bool = False):
if formal:
typer.echo(f"Goodbye Ms. {name}. Have a good day.")
typer.echo(f"Bye {name}!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
And that will:
actually creates one implicitly for you.@app.command()
itself, as if it was a function (instead of typer.run
).// Check the --help
$ python main.py --help
Usage: main.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--install-completion Install completion for the current shell.
--show-completion Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or customize the installation.
--help Show this message and exit.
// You have 2 subcommands (the 2 functions): goodbye and hello
// Now get the --help for hello
$ python main.py hello --help
Usage: main.py hello [OPTIONS] NAME
NAME [required]
--help Show this message and exit.
// And now get the --help for goodbye
$ python main.py goodbye --help
Usage: main.py goodbye [OPTIONS] NAME
NAME [required]
--formal / --no-formal [default: False]
--help Show this message and exit.
// Automatic --formal and --no-formal for the bool option ��
// And if you use it with the hello command
$ python main.py hello Camila
Hello Camila
// And with the goodbye command
$ python main.py goodbye Camila
Bye Camila!
// And with --formal
$ python main.py goodbye --formal Camila
Goodbye Ms. Camila. Have a good day.
In summary, you declare once the types of parameters (CLI arguments and CLI options) as function parameters.
You do that with standard modern Python types.
You don't have to learn a new syntax, the methods or classes of a specific library, etc.
Just standard Python 3.6+.
For example, for an int
total: int
or for a bool
force: bool
And similarly for files, paths, enums (choices), etc. And there are tools to create groups of subcommands, add metadata, extra validation, etc.
You get: great editor support, including completion and type checks everywhere.
Your users get: automatic --help
, auto-completion in their terminal (Bash, Zsh, Fish, PowerShell) when they install your package or when using Typer CLI.
For a more complete example including more features, see the Tutorial - User Guide.
Typer uses Click internally. That's the only dependency.
But you can also install extras:
: and Click will automatically use it to make sure your terminal's colors always work correctly, even in Windows.
: and Typer will automatically detect the current shell when installing completion.
you can just use --install-completion
, you have to pass the name of the shell to install completion for, e.g. --install-completion bash
.You can install typer
with colorama
and shellingham
with pip install typer[all]
Click has many plug-ins available that you can use. And there are many tools that help with command line applications that you can use as well, even if they are not related to Typer or Click.
For example:
: to show the user that you are loading data. A Click plug-in.
: to automatically display tabular data nicely. Independent of Click or Typer.tqdm
: a fast, extensible progress bar, alternative to Typer's own typer.progressbar()
.This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
Typer, build great CLIs. Easy to code. Based on Python type hints. 今天偶然看到GitHub上一个python开源项目——Typer,可以帮助简单快速地构建命令行应用。正如介绍所说,“users will love using and developers will love creating”。 The key features
在Win10下安装Docker的时候,需要打开Typer-V服务,但是需要win10专业版以上的版本,为此我上网搜了方法 1.首先新建txt文本 2.输入以下代码 pushd "%~dp0" dir /b %SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\*Hyper-V*.mum >hyper-v.txt for /f %%i in ('findstr /i . hyper-v.t
在低于SDK1.5版的项目时,有时会在Eclipse下面的Problems中看到"The Type R is already defined"的提示,表示R被重复定义了,通常是由于旧版SDK与新版SDK生成R.java的文件夹不同所致。 这时只要打开"src"目录,把该目录中最下层由旧SDK生成的"R.java"文件删除,只留下"gen"目录下的"R.java"文档即可。
type 也叫base type。R语言中每个object都有base type,通过typeof()函数获取。 一个object只有一种type。type有如下几种分类: Vectors NULL (NILSXP) logical (LGLSXP) integer (INTSXP) double (REALSXP) complex (CPLXSXP) character (STRSXP) lis
本节书摘来自异步社区《R语言初学指南》一书中的第2章,第2.3节,作者【美】Brian Dennis(布莱恩·丹尼斯),更多章节内容可以访问云栖社区“异步社区”公众号查看 2.3 找到R脚本中的错误 R语言初学指南 复杂项目中的R脚本会非常长。即使是R专家,也很少能一次性将其编写正确。脚本中的所有错误都是通过调试来修改的。 在脚本中称追踪错误或“bug”为“调试”。调试包括一些适用性检测工作。 下
R语言R原生plot函数和lines函数的主要参数说明、解析(type、pch、cex、lty、lwd、col、xlab、ylab) 目录
http://f.dataguru.cn/thread-121937-1-1.html 我运行> lines(density(r),col="blue") 命令 得到下面这个错误 Error in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, ...) : plot.new has not been called yet 请问怎么解决啊? 要先用 plot 函数
一、问题描述 在使用R语言时,想对一个矩阵matrix使用order函数按照某一列排序,结果报错 > print(rep_motion) [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] NaN NaN NaN [2,] 0.0434575 0.01098376 0.9512894 [3,
理论介绍 线性模型情形 R-squared(值范围 0-1)描述的 输入变量对输出变量的解释程度。在单变量线性回归中R-squared 越大,说明拟合程度越好。 数学表达式: R 2 = S S R / T S S = 1 − R S S / T S S R^2=SSR/TSS=1-RSS/TSS R2=SSR/TSS=1−RSS/TSS 其中: TSS 是执行回归分析前,响应变量固有的方差 RS
oracle constraint_type 问题 select distinct constraint_type from dba_constraints; 结果: CONSTRAINT_TYPE ? C --check O P --primary key R --forgien key U --unique V 其他三个是什么? constraint的类型: 1、primary
对于不经常使用R语言进行编程的人来说,一接触R语言可能会遇到各种各样的问题。今天在使用R语言读取数据的时候遇到了如下的错误: Error in is.data.frame(x) : (list) object cannot be coerced to type 'double' 读取数据的代码如下:(其中interval_estimated()是自己定义的一个方法) df <- read.c
关于sklearn.svm.SVC中raise ValueError(“Unknown label type: %r” % y_type)ValueError: Unknown label type: 'unknown’报错的处理,标签列除了整型数据还可以是字符型 报错内容如下: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/python/Des
其实就是最开始有package没载入,或者这一段codes中的 variable/ dataframe/ data table/ 名称有误,检查一下拼写/大小写/特殊字符/括号这些,或者重新手打一遍,基本能解决。
问题内容: 类型1(docs链接): 类型2(docs链接): 尽管以上两种类型都能完成任务,但这些实现之间有什么区别? 问题答案: 构造之后,两者都调用相同的反序列化功能,因此唯一的区别是泛型类型的处理方式。 第二个是完全静态的,因此类型必须在编译类型中是已知的,并且不能改变。因此,它类似于使用基本Class文字。 第一个是动态的,因此可以用于构造因其参数设置而变化的事物。 就我个人而言,我更喜
问题内容: 以下摘录是不言而喻的。您可以看到类型信息没有被擦除,但是映射器没有得到类型信息。我的猜测是杰克逊不允许这样做,对吧?如果我直接传递TypeReference,它将正确反序列化。 如果这样做,它也将不起作用: 我正在使用2.1.5版。 编辑:供将来参考,在解决问题时不要低估TypeReference构造函数。在这里,您可以直接查看它是否能够检索类型信息。答案是否定的,您不能扩展TypeR
我正在尝试使用HTML、CSS和Javascript制作一个简单的哑巴井字游戏。 在下面的播放器移动函数中,由于JSON对象中存在Typeerror,因此无法调用ComputerMove函数。 下面是JSON对象:- 检查功能始终有效,控制台响应如下 调试时,我发现在此错误之后,计算机移动()函数永远不会被调用。所以请帮忙。
TypeError:单个数组数组(<__Main__.Azhu_EmailClassifier_2对象位于0x000001D6E7A680D0>,DType=object)不能视为有效集合。 当我试图在自定义的AZHU_EmailClassifier_2类中运行train_test_split函数时,我遇到了这个错误。 我的班级: ~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\skl
我试图用web3j编写一个Java应用程序,它可以读取任意的abi文件,向用户显示AbiDefinitions列表,并让用户调用自己选择的常量函数。我如何计算下面的输出类型? TypeReference 类对泛型类型使用技巧,当泛型类型在源代码中硬编码时,这些技巧可以正常工作,如下所示: 这就是生成的合约包装器要做的。 对于简单类型,我可以这样做: 对于“int256[2]”这样的数组类型,该怎么
假设我的Solity智能合约中有以下事件: 我正在尝试在web3j Java库中构造相应的事件。这就是我所做的: 但是,这给了我一个错误: 我应该使用哪种类型来代替< code>String?