PSP 固件管理工具
授权协议 GPLv3
开发语言 Python
所属分类 其他开源、 硬件驱动/工具
软件类型 开源软件
地区 不详
投 递 者 况嘉运
操作系统 Linux
适用人群 未知

PSPTool 是一个用来显示、提取和操作 UEFI 映像中的 PSP 固件的开源工具。





git clone
cd psptool
sudo python3 install


usage: psptool [-h] [-E | -X | -R | -U] file

Display, extract, and manipulate PSP firmware inside UEFI images

positional arguments:
  file                  Binary file to be parsed for PSP firmware

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.

  -E, --entries         Default: Parse and display PSP firmware entries.
                        [-d idx] [-n] [-i] [-v]

                        -d idx:     specifies directory_index (default: all directories)
                        -n:         hide duplicate entries from listings
                        -i:         display additional entry header info
                        -v:         display even more info (AGESA Version, Entropy, MD5)
                        -t csvfile: only display entries found in the given SPI trace
                                    (see psptrace for details)
  -X, --extract-entry   Extract one or more PSP firmware entries.
                        [-d idx [-e idx]] [-n] [-u] [-k] [-v] [-o outfile]

                        -d idx:  specifies directory_index (default: all directories)
                        -e idx:  specifies entry_index (default: all entries)
                        -n:      skip duplicate entries
                        -u:      uncompress compressed entries
                        -k:      convert _pubkeys into PEM format
                        -v:      increase output verbosity
                        -o file: specifies outfile/outdir (default: stdout/$PWD)
  -R, --replace-directory-entry
                        Copy a new entry body into the ROM file and update metadata accordingly.
                        Note: The given address is assumed to be overwritable (e.g. padding).
                        -d idx -e idx -b addr [-y] [-s subfile] [-o outfile]

                        -d idx:  specifies directory_index
                        -e idx:  specifies entry_index
                        -b addr: specifies destination address of the new entry
                        -s file: specifies subfile (i.e. the new entry) (default: stdin)
                        -o file: specifies outfile (default: stdout)
  -U, --update-signatures
                        Re-sign all signatures in the ROM file with a given private key and export
                        a new ROM file.
                        -p private_key [-o outfile]

                        -p file:   specifies a path to the private_key in PEM format for re-signing
                        -o file:   specifies outfile (default: stdout)


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