这是 PHP 代码的重构工具,通过生成 diffs 来描述重构的步骤。为了避免重构过程中的简单错误,该工具非常棒。
<?php /** * File: Browser.php * Author: Chris Schuld (http://chrisschuld.com/) * Last Modified: August 20th, 2010 * @version 1.9 * @package PegasusPHP * * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Chris Schuld
Well, I found it was really handful if you want more flexibility when designing interchanges among some pages within a site. I output $_SERVER array under my Apache server: Array ( [MIBDIRS] => C:
我刚刚尝试启用php_browscap.ini,以便我可以使用get_browser功能. 但是,它似乎显示一个空数组? $user_agent = get_browser(null, true); print_r($user_agent); 在我的php.ini文件中,我有以下内容: [browscap] ; http://php.net/browscap browscap = C:/wamp/
本文转载自 How To: Solve PHP-FPM server reached max_children | Webcore Community | Webcore Cloud There are many possible reasons why your PHP-FPM would reach the max_children. Most common ones are: A lot o
<?PHP class OS_BR{ private $agent = ""; private $info = array(); function __construct(){ $this->agent = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : NULL;
When you serialize an object of a class from a particular namespace, the namespace is recorded as part of the serialization. If you decide to change this namespace's name, it can be hard to read in ol
php so I'm working on CentOs 7 and I have been attempting to create a working Drupal Composer template (https://github.com/drupal-composer/drupal-project) that includes a site-local Drush install (htt
Mac 10.11下phpize报以下错误: grep: /usr/include/php/main/php.h: No such file or directory grep: /usr/include/php/Zend/zend_modules.h: No such file or directory grep: /usr/include/php/Zend/zend_extensions.h:
How do I convert my HTML website to PHP? This is a question that I have seen many times in forums and I've decided to sit down and actually explain the process but first we'll examine why someone m
Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you. laravel is a framework for backend
当在使用很多依赖包的时候,会有最低php版本要求 如果在安装的时候遇到需要php > 7.4 那么就需要升级一下php版本 windows下如果使用的集成环境,那么就可以直接通过集成环境里面安装php 7.4以上版本 linux下可以使用包安装命令通过设置新的仓库源来升级php,或者也是使用宝塔等类似集成环境升级php 然后注意更新下环境变量里面的php路径 关掉命令行,重新打开,查看版本 php