What is PHP-Composer-Laravel-Apache-MAMP?


Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you.

laravel is a framework for backend development.

Apache: the full name of it is Apache HTTP server(web server).
what is a web server? it’s an program on our PC, it can send documents to web client(like web browser), or we can store data/documents in web server(so that people all around the world can see it). Apache is not the only web server we can choose, others like nginx and iis. But Apache is the most popular.

MAMP:Macintosh Apache MySQL PHP
MAMP for Windows
it combined Apache, MySQL, and PHP, so we don’t need to do install them one by one. Similar products are: Wampserver, Xampp etc.
